【26nbsp;】As soon as the "domain name please be familiar with it" appeared in the game world, Liu Tian staggered because of the shaking of the ship

"What's going on? What's going on outside?" Liu Tian frowned. Although the huge wave was rolling, the hull was not shaking as violently as it is now. He almost knocked against the wall.

After getting used to the shaking of the ship for a while, Liu Tian walked outside. As soon as he got on the deck, he was drenched into soup by a large pool of seawater falling from the sky.

"Oh grass..." Liu Tian cursed, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of dark eyes on the sea staring at the slightly embarrassed Xiang Yin on the deck. It was obvious that Xiang Yin had just fought this beast that looked a bit like a western dragon. one

With a slight movement of the beast's body, the intensity of the sea làng immediately increased several times. Liu Tian was almost thrown out, so he could only hold on to the hull depressedly.

"Bastard, looking for death" Xiang Yin's face turned cold, and he kicked his steps, his body was like a sharp arrow and rushed straight towards the evil dragon At the same time, a water dragon suddenly jumped out of the sea, and as soon as it appeared, it immediately entangled the evil dragon

"Roar" the evil dragon devoured the water dragon's head in one gulp, and the water dragon collapsed completely as its body stretched and retracted, but at this time it had to face the Yin sharp spear light

Xiang Yin's expressionless face, the spear in his hand moves like a spirit snake, tricky and unpredictable like a spirit snake, coupled with Xiang Yin's erratic figure, the scars on the dragon's body gradually increased

After Liu Tian stabilized his figure, he turned his eyes to the sea. Because the battle between the evil dragon and Xiang Yin made the waves turbulent. If there was no mysterious formation, in the current bumpy state, the warship would have overturned by the evil dragon or roared. The whistling or movement caused a strong chain reaction, the sea surface seemed to be violently touched by a pair of invisible big hands, and the waves became more and more intense

Finally, at a certain moment, when Liu Tian was pitching with the ship, Xiang Yin pierced the head of the evil dragon with a shot, and hit a damage value of more than [-], causing the evil dragon to die

The sea làng gradually calmed down, and under the skilled control of the navigator, the warship once again advanced at an unpleasant speed

"Uncle Xiang, are you okay?" Liu Tian stepped forward to greet

"It's okay." Xiang Yin shook his head, but a smile appeared on Lu's face: "It's been a long time since I did anything, and it really made me addicted to my hands recently haha..."

"Hehe, Uncle Xiang, where are we now?" Liu Tian asked

"Sea of ​​Ghosts"

The Ghost Sea is just a small place on this safe waterway. This nautical map is very detailed and comprehensive. Every place name is marked out. In addition, what kind of beasts often appear in each place is also introduced in a few words.

I don't know if these place names have existed for a long time, or they were chosen by the person who drew this nautical chart. Liu Tian thought to himself

"Oh, we've reached the ghost sea." Liu Tian thought in his heart, "Oh grass, there's at least seven or eight voyages left."

Liu Tian desperately hopes that this task will be completed as soon as possible. He hasn't fought monsters for a long time, and his level has also been caught up by Dou Zhan Cangtian and Huansha Assassin. Although it's not a big deal, Liu Tian is still a little depressed. He still has to stay at sea. Seven or eight days, I don't know how much time it will take

"Uncle Xiang, I'll go back to my room if it's okay." Liu Tian said, instead of wasting time here, it's better to go back to practice skills and feel the true energy in your body


Back in the room, Liu Tian began to release the skills that can be used in this environment...

Two days later in real time, Liu Tian's family and Lan Menger's family officially moved. Seeing things being loaded onto trucks one after another, Liu's mother was a little sad.

"Tian'er..." There was a trace of sadness and reluctance on Liu's mother's face. Although the house is a bit old, after all, she lived for half her life and moved away all at once. It's really a bit sad.

"Mom, if I don't make money, our old house will be rebuilt, and you can come back and live there if you want," Liu Tian said.

"No, no, don't waste so much, one house is enough." Mother Liu shook her head when she heard Liu Tian's proposal

"It's up to you." Liu Tian turned around and said to the porter, "Okay, now go to another place to move things."

Mother Liu went forward and locked the big door of the house, then turned her head three times, and was finally pulled into the car by Liu Tian

The truck stopped outside Lan Menger's house. Lan Menger and Zhang Yunlan had already hired a few people to help move the things downstairs. When the truck came, Lan Menger was standing beside the pile of things, with her face There is a charming smile on the face

Seeing Liu Tian and Liu Mu getting off the truck, Lan Menger's face was full of smiles, and she quickly walked up to Liu Tian and Liu Mu

"Auntie, Liu Tian, ​​you are here..." Lan Menger laughed

"Hehe, we will be a family from now on." Mother Liu smiled, the ambiguous words made Lan Menger blush, she lowered her head and secretly glanced at Liu Tian

"Please move those things to the truck," Liu Tian said to the workers

It didn't take long, everything was on the truck. The two families didn't have much stuff. They loaded everything on the truck. It wasn't full and there was still a lot of space left on the truck.

After about half an hour, the truck arrived at the destination. With the help of the porters, everything was unloaded into the whole house.

After receiving the moving fee, the porter drove the truck and left here, and the rest of the time belonged to the two families

After more than an hour, all the moved things have been placed, and the clean and tidy house has a touch of warmth and a sense of home

After tidying up his room, Liu Tian threw himself on the soft bed all at once, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, not because he lived in the room, but because he didn't let his family suffer any more.

"Dong dong..." There was a knock on the door

"The door is not locked." Liu Tian sat by the bed and said

As Liu Tian expected, it was Lan Menger who came in. Under the arrangement of Liu Mu and Zhang Yunlan, the room directly opposite Liu Tian became Lan Menger's boudoir, and the room next to Liu Tian became Liu Ruoxi's. bedroom

Lan Meng'er walked to the bed, her pretty face was reddish, this was the first time she had entered a boy's room, and she was the one who entered the room on her own initiative, which made her a little unbearable, her head was lowered, her face was hot

"Liu Tian, ​​thank you." Lan Menger's voice sounded like a mosquito

Liu Tian was stunned for a while before he heard what Lan Menger said: "Meng'er, don't say thank you in the future, my mother is right, we will be a family from now on."

Liu Tian didn't notice that after he said this, Lan Meng'er's face turned red from the bottom of her ears. She was a little embarrassed, and looked at her clothes and feet awkwardly. Just when she was at a loss, Mother Liu walked in.

"My God, someone is looking for you below"


"It's a delivery person, and I sent two big lumps over," Mother Liu said.

"Oh, let's go down and have a look"

Saying that, he got up and went down with Mother Liu


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