The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 500 Target Pterosaur Island

[26nbsp;] 4∴15 Liu Tian went downstairs to take a look, only to realize that the big bump in Mother Liu's mouth turned out to be the game warehouse. He was amused, but at the same time he was a little suspicious. He didn't seem to have ordered the game warehouse?Moreover, one of the two game compartments is complete, and although the other is packed, it has obviously been dismantled.

"Uh, hello, I'm Liu Tian." Liu Tian walked up to the delivery man and said politely

"Hi Mr. Liu, please sign that you have received the goods," said the delivery man

"I want to ask, who asked you to send these two game warehouses?" Liu Tian asked

"Oh, Mr. Su asked us to send it over. He also said that one is the game compartment you used, and the other is for a lady named Lan Menger."

"Ah?" Liu Tian and Lan Menger exclaimed in unison

"Is Mr. Su Su Sheng?" Liu Tian asked

"Oh, yes"

"Oh." Liu Tian nodded, took the pen from the delivery man, and signed his name in a swish.

"Tian'er, who is that Su Sheng you're talking about?" Mother Liu was slightly suspicious.

"Oh, she is Su Yan's father"

"Ah? It's him." Mother Liu couldn't help showing a trace of emotion on her face. If Su Yan hadn't stepped forward, the one who got hit would have been Liu Ruoxi. They don't believe that Liu Ruoxi can be as lucky as Su Yan.

"Well, Mom, I'll call first to thank him"

"Well, go quickly." Mother Liu nodded

Liu Tian walked aside, found Su Sheng's phone and dialed it, the ring on the other end stopped after a few rings, and at the same time, Su Sheng's kind voice came

"Xiaotian, did you receive the game warehouse?" Su Sheng said with a smile

"Well, Uncle Su, thank you for letting you spend money"

"it's okay no problem"

Chatting with Su Sheng, Liu Tian didn't expect Su Sheng to bring the topic to the game

"Holy shit, how's your game going?"

Liu Tian was slightly taken aback: "Uncle Su also cares about games?"

"Hehe, boy, this game is not an ordinary game. The country attaches great importance to it. I also recently received news that you are so fun. Maybe the country will use you in the future."

Did Su Sheng's words make Liu Tian confused?No matter how good he plays the game, it's only in the game?What can the country use him for?National War in the game?Oh grass, winning or losing in the game has nothing to do with reality?Could it be that the countries have signed a secret agreement, and the victory or defeat of the game China War has a very important role?

"Uncle Su, what do you mean?" Liu Tian asked

"It's not easy for me to reveal it to you now, but you should know soon." Su Sheng said, "Anyway, you just let go and play, don't worry about anything."

Su Sheng's words made Liu Tianjia suspicious, but since Su Sheng said so, he had no choice but to suppress his doubts.

"Well, Uncle Su, then I'll hang up first, and I'll visit you during the Chinese New Year," Liu Tian said


Hanging up the phone, Liu Tian's suspicion couldn't be further increased. Su Sheng, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, shouldn't be lying. It's possible that he received some news. What made Liu Tian puzzled was that the game was just a game after all. No matter how powerful you are in the game, in reality you are still just an ordinary person. What does the country want an ordinary person to do?

"Country, game..." Liu Tian shook his head, expelling these suspicions

"Tian'er, thank you? Sigh, because we hurt Yan'er like that, I didn't expect them not to blame at all, and..." Mother Liu sighed

"Thanks." Liu Tian nodded, and immediately came to the side of the game room, picked up one in each hand

"Wow..." Lan Meng'er covered her mouth in surprise, each of the game compartments weighed at least a hundred kilograms, yet Liu Tian lifted them up with ease

"You know the pressure-changing body training set? Sister Lan gave me a set." Liu Tian laughed.

"Ah? Why haven't I heard that you can be so perverted with the pressure-changing body training set? Others just have better physiques."

"Ahem, varies from person to person...maybe I'm special"

After moving the entire game compartment into Lan Menger's room, Liu Tian took his game compartment back to the room, stripped off his clothes, and opened the game compartment.

Playing games with a game compartment is much better than a gaming helmet. Every time I use a gaming helmet, my body always feels a little uncomfortable. Using a game compartment can completely avoid this problem, and it can also make the human body relaxed and comfortable

Liu Tian couldn't wait to lie down in the game room, closed his eyes, and logged into the game

Entering the game again, I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. Liu Tian feels that the game world is clear and real. He has heard that the game warehouse will have a little increase in virtuality, but he doesn’t know if it’s true or not. He didn’t notice it when he used it before. What, but after the degree of virtuality is getting higher and higher, a little change is obvious

The hull was still shaking endlessly. Liu Tian stayed in the cabin after replenishing his hunger points, practicing skill levels. Although skill level is important, technology is the most important. The running-in and upgrading of skills can definitely improve a player's strength. few

As time passed day by day, Liu Tian and the others finally arrived at the safe channel near Wing Dragon Island

"Uncle Xiang, goodbye." Liu Tian said with a smile, looking at a small boat on the sea that was heaving with the huge waves

"Are you really planning to use this small boat to go to Pterosaur Island?" Xiang Yin frowned slightly. After leaving the safe channel, the boat would probably be swallowed up by a giant làng in a short time.

"Well, don't worry, Uncle Xiang, I have a sense of proportion, you just need to tell me the direction of Wing Dragon Island," Liu Tian said

"Hey, whatever you want" pointed to Yin in a direction: "If you keep going in this direction, you will see an island in a short time, that is Pterosaur Island"

"Oh, thank you uncle." Liu Tianxie said, "Then I'll go first."

Liu Tian jumped out of the boat, and the boat heaved up and down with the giant wave. Since he was in a small boat, Liu Tian could feel the fury of the giant wave. It took him a lot of effort to stabilize his body and free his hands to control the oars.

Liu Tian raised his head and bid farewell to Yin: "Uncle Xiang, goodbye."

Nodding to Yin, without saying anything, the warship started to move forward again, and its speed was much faster than Liu Tian's. After the warship advanced more than ten meters, Liu Tian was completely ashamed. làng pushed back more than one meter

"Fortunately, I don't really intend to use this boat to go to Pterosaur Island, otherwise I don't know that the year of the monkey will arrive at the destination." Liu Tian sighed. He didn't plan to use boats to go to Pterosaur Island once he arrived in the violent sea area. He didn't at all. With sailing experience, he doesn't know how to steer a ship, and he still doesn't know how to tell the direction in the sea. If he uses a ship, he won't know when he gets lost

Looking at the battlefield that was gradually going away, a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, his left hand gradually became hot, and curse marks poured out from Xiangyin's mark, quickly occupying Liu Tian's left arm.

[Unseal ●Left hand] After the left hand, there is [Life and Death] sharing the dragon clan's [Royal Kongshu]

Liu Tian shot from the small boat like a sharp arrow, and crossed the sea in the air. He stepped out of the safe waterway step by step, and as soon as he stepped out of the safe waterway, a ferocity several times more violent and aggressive attacked him. Fear If he didn't have flying skills, he might have little hope of entering here

Even other powerhouses dare not go deep into the violent sea at will. They can fly when their strength reaches a certain level, but after a very short flight time, there is nothing they can do

"Pterosaur Island, here I come" Liu Tian cheered in his heart, his figure shot out like a shooting star.


Only three or four minutes into the flight, Liu Tian was blocked by a ferocious bird. This bird was a bit like a flying dinosaur, with a powerful attack power. Liu Tian, ​​the same kind of evil dragon who had fought, originally wanted to sneak away, but he didn't expect to be discovered by it

With one wing of the flying dragon, two tornadoes swirl the sea water and hit Liutian directly, like two bright pillars between heaven and earth

"Drink..." Liu Tian saw the flying dragon rushing towards him in a light and shadow. He no longer thought about how to dodge it. His figure flickered, and he clenched his fist with his left hand. Energy even more violent than the violent sea area overflowed.

The speed of the flying dragon was extremely fast, but Liu Tiankui blinked. Liu Tianyi collided with the flying dragon head-on, and punched out violently.


The left and right hands squeezed a sword aura, and after a burst of slashing, the two tornadoes disappeared, and a column of sea water returned to the sea with a bang.

The flying dragon roared angrily, and its figure shot back again. The sharp dragon claws slashed across the void, and the terrifying space blade turned into a stream of light and rushed to Liu Tian.

It was another unremarkable heavy punch, the void trembled, invisible fluctuations scattered, and the blade of space annihilated into nothingness


Liu Tian appeared above the flying dragon, clenched a fist with his left hand, and blasted downwards, the world trembled. His left hand seemed to turn into a meteor flame, and his fist hit the back of the flying dragon, almost piercing through the flying dragon's body


"Drink" Liu Tian caught up with its cannonball-like body, reached out and grabbed its two wings, and with a hiss, blood rained down over the violent sea area, and in the rain, a pair of wings fell off

Grabbing the flying dragon in his hands, Liu Tian violently attacked the flying dragon. After the flying dragon died, Liu Tian was upgraded, more than two levels, almost three levels

"I've worked so hard for so long"

Liu Tian didn't expect that killing a monster could win so many levels. In fact, it all comes down to the fact that the flying dragon is a boss, and the reward for killing monsters beyond the level

After collecting the flying dragons, Liu Tian shot out again. With his current strength, he might not be able to run rampant in the violent sea area, but it is absolutely no problem to protect himself

This time, the half hour of [Unblocking Left Hand] felt good to Liu Tian. In just over ten minutes, he killed three more ferocious beasts, and his level was raised by two levels, reaching level 48.

In the violent sea area, the giant làng rolled, roared and roared, and an afterimage flashed across the sky above it


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