The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 501 Arriving at Pterosaur Island

【26nbsp;】Shu m, a figure soared into the sky from the berserk giant làng. The place where he was originally was filled with scarlet blood, and an extremely huge corpse slowly floated to the surface of the sea.

This is the fifth beast that Liu Tian killed. The level of this beast is not very high, so it didn't take long for Liu Tian to kill it.

"Twelve minutes left..."

There are more than [-] minutes left for the flight, but the effect of [Unblock Left Hand] is only [-] minutes left and there is no time for level [-], so he dare not run rampant over the violent sea area recklessly

The cloth on his body fluttered in the extreme flight, at this time Liu Tian's whole body glowed with a faint red light, like a flaming meteor passing across the violent sea

"Oh grass, why is there no shadow of Pterosaur Island yet?" Liu Tian was already at a high altitude, but at a glance, there was still no sign of Pterosaur Island

He originally wanted to fly a little higher, but after seeing the electric snake appearing and disappearing in the black clouds, he dispelled the idea that he was here to complete the mission, not to suffer

Two or three minutes later, a huge black shadow finally appeared in front of Liu Tian. It floated quietly on the sea surface, letting the stormy waves beat the shore.

"Winged Dragon Island?" Liu Tian's expression was slightly happy, and his speed increased again, but after he traveled for a while, he fled the black shadow in front of him without hesitation. Where is Winged Dragon Island? It was found that it was clearly a living and vicious beast. Liu Tian's heart trembled with his aggressive aura.

Liu Tian looked at the island-like body with lingering fear, seeing that it was still floating on the sea surface without moving, he breathed a sigh of relief and made a big circle, and Liu Tian returned to the original channel

"8 minutes left..." Liu Tian frowned to see the effect time of the skill

The violent sound of piercing the air increased again, and finally at the 5th minute, Liu Tian saw a black shadow, the closer it got, the bigger the black shadow became! an island

"There is nothing wrong with this." Liu Tian smiled lightly, and his body sank suddenly, directly leveling with the sea surface


Boom, boom...

Liu Tian's figure is like a cannonball, quickly breaking through layers of huge waves and heading towards the pterosaur island. The reason why he did this is to avoid being discovered by the pterosaurs that the pterosaurs are flying raptors. , it is inevitable that the pterosaur will find out that he is here to steal things this time, so keep a low profile

The sound of explosions soon stopped, and Liu Tian appeared wetly on Pterosaur Island. Pterosaur Island is a continuous dense forest. In the dense forest grows a towering tree that is astonishing. From time to time, there will be pterosaurs The call came from the depths of the forest

"This is the island where pterosaurs have lived for generations? It's really unusual." Liu Tian was a little surprised. This island has existed for an unknown number of years. The towering giant trees on the island can only be hugged by five or six people.

"The pterodactyl ring is so powerful? Can it hold this large island?"

Liu Tian was looking forward to the pterosaur ring, but he didn't dare to fly high in the sky to find the existence of the pterosaur ring

In the dim environment, a black shadow swept into the dense forest

"Hey, the Dragon Soul Ring still needs 45 copies of pterosaur essence blood. Now that the [Unseal Left Hand] skill effect is still there, let's hunt down the level [-] pterosaurs first to unseal the Dragon Soul Ring."

Not long after entering the dense forest, Liu Tian saw a pterosaur flying over the dense forest. Its two wings spread five or six meters long.

"Heh, it's really lucky to meet a pterosaur so quickly."

Liu Tian smiled slightly, and kept up with the pterosaur, [All-in-one view] After scanning the pterosaur, its information immediately appeared in Liu Tian's mind

45 level

Liu Tian suddenly appeared beside the pterosaur, stretched out his hand and twisted it, before the pterosaur could scream, its head had already been twisted off by Liu Tian

"Real Grab"

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who eternally collected the pterosaur's blood x1"

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who collected the pterosaur's blood roux3 forever"


"Ji..." After a slight chirp, another pterosaur passed away

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who eternally collected the pterosaur's blood x1"

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who collected the pterosaur's blood roux4 forever"


A figure shuttled through the dense forest like a ghost. In just one minute, Liu Tian used the same technique to break the necks of eight pterosaurs and obtained seven copies of pterosaur blood.

"There are 23 copies left..." Liu Tian murmured, his figure disappeared in a flash, and the next moment he appeared beside a pterosaur, with a cruel twist, a vibrant body turned into a cold corpse

Throwing down [True Grab] casually, Liu Tian once again obtained a piece of pterosaur essence blood

swoosh swish...

Afterimages flashed, and Liu Tian appeared beside the pterosaurs from time to time. With the mighty level 30 strength, would it be easy to deal with the lowest-level pterosaurs on the periphery?After twisting the necks of the No.[-] five pterosaurs, the blood was finally enough for [-] copies

Thirty copies of pterosaur blood turned into a blood pterosaur, the whole body is blood red, and the powder carved yu pecks, very similar to a lifelike piece of blood jade dragon soul excitedly rushing out of the dragon soul ring, hovering above the pterosaur , There was an extremely thin thread of blood between the two, and strands of blood of the blood pterosaur entered the body of the dragon soul through the blood thread

In the end, the blood pterosaur disappeared, and the body of the dragon soul solidified again for a few minutes.

Dragon Soul screamed several times excitedly, and finally got back into the Dragon Soul Ring reluctantly.

【Dragon Soul Ring】〖Superior Level〗:

[Equipment Durability]: Never wear out

[Equipment Category]: Ring

[Wearing Requirements]: Immortal Origin Race

[wearing level]: no

【Accompanied effect】:

Strength +5

Constitution +5

lucky +6

Charm +6

Spirituality +4

The storage space is [-] grids, and the items stored in the ring cannot be dropped or stolen

[Included skills]:

[Dragon Soul Possession]:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Dragon Soul Possession, triggers the dragon soul in the dragon soul ring, possesses the dragon soul ring holder, increases attack by 30%, defense by 30%, speed by 15%, lasts for 2 minutes

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 3 hours

[Skill consumption]: 250 points of true energy

〖Dragon Soul Protector〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Dragon Soul Protection, the protection of the dragon soul, forms a light shield around the caster, lasts for 1 minute, avoids 88% of damage, and has a 22% probability of completely reflecting the opponent's attack back to the opponent

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 2 hours

[Skill Consumption]: (0 points of True Qi

〖Dragon Soul Shock Bo〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

With the help of the dragon soul, hit three shock waves in a row, the attack power of the shock waves is equivalent to a normal attack, and all creatures attacked by the shock waves have a 40% probability of being bounced into the sky by the shock waves

[Casting distance]: within three meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: minutes

[Skill consumption]: 250 points of true energy

[Dragon Soul Triple Kill]:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

With the help of the Dragon Soul, three attacks in a row, combined with the Dragon Soul Shock Bo, the damage of the skill attack will increase to a certain extent, and at the same time, the effect of the Dragon Soul Shock Bo knock will increase by [-]%

[Casting distance]: within three meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: minutes

[Skill consumption]: 250 points of true energy

[Equipment Status]: Double seal


Do not discard, do not drop, do not trade, do not steal

"Dragon Soul Triple Kill combined with Dragon Soul Shock Bo?" Liu Tian was secretly startled.

[Hidden] [Dragon Soul Awakening Ice Water Dragon] [Mid-Grade Phase]:

【Task Content】:

Due to an accident, the original owner of the Dragon Soul Ring collected the blood of four living beings and sealed the Dragon Soul Ring with the secret technique of sealing. The seals are divided into four layers, and each seal requires the blood of a living being. The first seal has been lifted. The second seal The seal has been lifted. The third seal requires the blood of the ice water dragon. The ice water dragon lives in the sea east of Qinglong City. The fourth unseal task will be displayed after the third seal unseal task is completed.

[mission time]: unlimited

[Task Status]: 0 copies 30 copies

[Failure condition]: None

[Failure penalty]: none

After unsealing the Dragon Soul Ring, [Unseal ●Left Hand] had only 2 minutes left to kill more than 30 pterosaurs quietly within a few minutes. Records played under the effect of skills

"Oh shit... let's find a good place to hide for a while, a week, a week"

When Liu Tian's low voice was still echoing in the air, Liu Tian's figure had already disappeared. He wanted to find a good place to hide first. The dragon has no chance at all. Even if he is moving forward in the dense forest, the possibility of being discovered by the pterosaur is not high given his size, but there are other creatures on the pterosaur island, and they are not vegetarian...

Just looking for a good place, the skill time of [Unblock Left Hand] is up, and a strong sense of exhaustion hits his heart

Sitting on the ground with one buttocks, Liu Tian panted slightly. The sickness came and went like a mountain, and Liu Tian felt this way. When he was in [Unblocking Left Hand], his whole body was full of energy, and the surging power was like an angry dragon. As soon as the effect of the roaring skill in the body ends, all the power disappears without a trace, and by the way, 97% of Liu Tian's power is sealed.

Lying on the ground, Liu Tian wondered how [Unseal Left Hand] came from. He didn't know, but he believed that it wasn't a reward after combining with Liu Ruoxi. He once asked Wufeng how he got the evil dragon library kerry beat

Wufeng told him that a fiery red light beam flew from afar and sank into his left arm, after which the evil dragon Kukri was tortured to death

In fact, for Liu Tian, ​​it doesn't matter where the skill comes from. What's important is that the skill cannot be upgraded. If it cannot be upgraded, it means that the skill has always been like this. Every time it is used, it will fall into a weak period for a week.

His idea is very simple, it is to upgrade the skills, and the weak period can be reduced a little in the future, otherwise this will be too painful

After a short rest, Liu Tian went offline. After crawling out of the game room, he went into the bathroom to take a shower, then threw himself on the bed, and fell asleep comfortably.


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