3c/br3e Liu Zihun followed Liu Tian and Lan Meng'er in the crowd. His task was to find out the addresses of Liu Tian and Lan Meng'er so that they could carry out their revenge plan. 【26nbsp;】Extracurricular books

When Liu Tian and Liu Ruoxi entered the brand new house, the six sons threw the cigarette butts in their hands on the ground fiercely, cursing in their mouths: "Damn, you still know how to enjoy it, damn it, this time there are not only beauties enjoying it, but also will make a fortune."

The six sons laughed a few times and left here.

"This man is one of the three hunhuns who tried to rape the girl next to him last time."


"Should I tell him?"

"Let's let him handle this trivial matter. Anyway, we can keep him and his family safe. If other things are not necessary, let him handle it himself. We are not here to wipe his ass."


In front of the window sill of a tall building and one facing Liu Tian's house, two men were talking softly.

Back home, under the ambiguous eyes of the two parents, Liu Tian fled back to his room, took off his clothes, and got into the game room.

At this time, the game world is different from the sunshine in the real world, and the game world is at night.The dark night in the violent sea area is even more terrifying, and all kinds of sounds are like howling ghosts and wolves.


Liu Tian turned on the daytime, and it might be better for him to act at night in his current state.Although Pterosaur Island also has creatures adapted to move in the dark, they still don't have Liu Tian's ability to turn night into day, right?

Since he is still in a weak state, his every move is extremely cautious.With the help of the cover of the giant tree, move forward slowly.Every step he takes is extremely careful, and now is the critical time, he can only succeed.If it fails, the only option is to wait for the Purple Gold Demon Flood Dragon King to unseal himself.

A pair of green eyes twinkled in the dark night, it belonged to a green banded snake, and the green banded snake was located on the upper left of Liu Tian.Green striped snakes are nocturnal creatures on Pterosaur Island.During the day they hide deeply in the dense woods to prevent being hunted by pterosaurs.

They are one of the favorite foods of pterosaurs. During the day, pterosaurs come out of their nests. For their own safety, green banded snakes changed their habits and became nocturnal creatures.

When Liu Tian walked out of his secret hiding place, the green-striped snake had its eyes on him.It has been waiting for the best opportunity to attack, and it is best to get rid of Liu Tian at once.The giant tree not only brought convenience to Liu Tian, ​​but also brought convenience to the green banded snake.Book mi group 2

The branches between the two giant trees are closely connected, and the green-striped snake can climb directly to another giant tree. As for the chuffing sound when climbing the tree, it is also covered by the làngcháo sound.

Sharp birdsong resounded in the forest, and a black shadow flitted across the forest.Startled, Liu Tian hurriedly dodged behind the giant tree.That shadow was a pterosaur.

Not only Liu Tian was panicked, but also the green-striped snake on the giant tree.The sudden appearance of the pterosaur made it hide in the leaves in a hurry.

The pterosaur gradually went away under the eyes of one person and one snake, Liu Tian let out a long breath, and crawled forward again, but he didn't know that the green banded snake on his head also got out from the leaves.

"Fuck..." Liu Tian couldn't help cursing as he looked at a black figure running towards him that suddenly appeared in front of him.

He leaned close behind the giant tree, not daring to move rashly, and focused his attention on his ears, listening to the rapidly approaching sound, and earnestly calculated something.

When the black shadow rushed to the left of Liu Tian, ​​Liu Tian shot out from the right of the giant tree without hesitation, and hid behind another giant tree with the help of the giant tree to block the shadow's sight for a short time.

Cautiously poked his head out, and immediately saw the creature looking around, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he squatted down, picked up a stone, threw it violently, and hit another giant tree, while he quickly circled around to the other side of the giant tree.When the unknown creature ran towards the giant tree hit by the stone, his figure shot out again.

After several clever maneuvers, Liu Tian finally escaped from that creature's pursuit.He leaned against the giant tree and panted violently, but he didn't know that a greater danger had come quietly.Above his head, a giant snake covered in green stripes was hanging on a branch, slowly approaching him.

The green eyes stared at Liu Tian, ​​and the bloodthirsty light flashed away. Looking at Liu Tian who was about to enter his belly, the green banded snake couldn't help speeding up its descent, and its mouth slowly opened...

"What smell? So smelly?" Liu Tian frowned slightly, and an extremely unpleasant smell entered his nostrils.


A drop of water dripped onto Liu Tian's forehead, and Liu Tian looked up depressed.


The body of the green-striped snake twitched suddenly, and quickly bit Liu Tian with its huge mouth.That pair of green eyeballs made people tremble.

"No Heaven!"

Between the lightning and the flint, Liu Tian's figure moved mysteriously, his shoulder brushed against the mouth of the snake, and a strong stench poured into Liu Tian's mouth, almost causing him to vomit it out.


At this time, Liu Tian also stepped out

, quickly circled behind the giant tree, and then rushed to other giant trees.

The green-striped snake didn't give up on Liu Tian, ​​its prey, because of a miss, and the jet-black venom was gradually released.

With the combination of body and footwork, Liu Tian gradually got rid of the green-striped snake.Looking at the green-striped snake that was already very far away from him, Liu Tian secretly rejoiced that if there wasn't that drop of saliva, he might have been buried in the snake's belly at this time, returned to the city and revived.

"Damn it, it's really dangerous..." After a while, Liu Tian finally got rid of the green-striped snake completely.

Looking at the top of his head with lingering fear in his heart, Liu Tian knew that he had to pay more attention to one place, otherwise he would not know how to die.

"One week, one week..."

Thinking of the weak state for a week, Liu Tian became depressed.If it wasn't for being weak, the level 46 Green Banded Snake wouldn't be enough for him to abuse him, so why would he have to run away no matter what monsters he encountered like now.

Be careful, be careful, be careful.Cautious, cautious, and cautious.Liu Tian didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and if he was a little careless, his previous efforts would be wasted.He pulled himself together, the kind of good luck just now does not happen often, everything can only be done by being cautious and relying on one's own strength.

Time passed slowly, and Liu Tian didn't know how far he had advanced.However, he has daytime skills, and he is uniquely blessed at night, and he encounters fewer monsters, and his forward speed is not bad.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.Liu Tian was very pleasantly surprised, the sky in the violent sea area cleared up, the dull dark clouds dispersed, and beams of warm sunshine bathed Liu Tian.The dense forest is no longer so gloomy, under the sunlight, all living things appear to be full of vitality.

However, it was daytime, and Liu Tian had more troubles.Almost all the creatures on Pterosaur Island were dispatched. Even walking in the forest, Liu Tian encountered many creatures.Fortunately, he is smart, plus

agility and

, There were no dangers along the way.

In the sky, the chirping of pterosaurs can be heard endlessly, and Liu Tian often sees the figure of pterosaurs flying past the dense forest.

He became more careful, he didn't dare to wander around casually, he met when he met, he no longer wandered around like at night.Running around during the day is courting death!I don't know how many hidden dangers there are in this dense forest.

Carefully turning around, Liu Tian used the terrain of the dense forest to break through one creature after another.At this moment, he no longer knew the exact location he was in, but he knew that if he wanted to obtain the pterosaur ring, the first thing he had to do was to get out of the dense forest.

Now Liu Tian will be in a weak state for six days, and he doesn't know what his best ending is.Whether to break through successfully, or stop here.

In the forest, figures of many creatures appeared from time to time. Liu Tian kept his eyes on these creatures. If there was any abnormal movement in them, Liu Tian would simply run away.

bang bang...

Screams spread loudly, and Liu Tian cautiously poked his head out and looked ahead.Three meters in front of him, two ferocious beasts were attacking each other, and the muffled sound of their bodies colliding clearly entered Liu Tian's ears.

The violent roar caused many creatures living in the dense forest to stay away temporarily.If you accidentally hurt yourself, that would be a thankless task.

"Hey, let's go..."

Liu Tian's figure quickly shuttled between the giant trees, took advantage of their fighting, and quickly moved away from the area that was still fighting.

The sun is setting in the western mountains, and night is coming.After late at night, Liu Tian's forward speed doubled, but he was also more careful.After a day of running around, the creatures in his environment were generally level 48 or 49, and most of them were pterosaurs.

Now in the dark night, Liu Tian couldn't help but miss his peak strength again, he really wanted to use the fastest speed to cross the dense forest without any scruples.This tortoise-like speed and mouse-like survival made him a little depressed.

Not knowing how long he had been running around, Liu Tian looked at the real time, it was already eleven o'clock at night, so he chose to log off.

Shower, sleep.Tired in the game, Liu Tian fell asleep quickly, and slept deeply.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Liu Tian opened his eyes, and after a carp woke up, he put on the pressure-changing body suit and started exercising.Just after exercising, there was a knock on the door in the room, and Lan Menger's voice came in at this time.

"Liu Tian, ​​it's time to eat."

"Oh, come right now."

After taking a short rest and recovering some physical strength, Liu Tian simply washed up and went downstairs.

Mother Liu looked at Liu Tian kindly: "Tian'er, come and eat."

After taking his seat, he greeted everyone and began to gobble it up.Because the body that has just exercised consumes a lot of energy, the stomach is already empty.

After the meal, Liu Tian and Lan Meng'er went out for another stroll.After returning home, Liu Tian went straight back to the room, got into the game room, and logged into the game.

With a flash of white light, Liu Tian appeared in the dark forest.At this time, it was raining heavily in the dense forest, and the dense forest was much quieter than the calm, and the constant loud sound became smaller as it gradually penetrated into the dense forest. It made Liu Tian a lot more convenient.


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