The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 504 Infiltrating Winged Dragon Mountain

With the help of the torrential rain, Liu Tian's figure turned into a ghost in the rainy night. 【26nbsp;】"Please familiarize yourself with the domain name" extracurricular book

This night he drove a lot of distance because of the heavy rain.

After a rain, the violent sea area unexpectedly cleared up again.With some sore eyes, Liu Tian sat under a giant tree and gnawed on food.

"Let's go." Once the hunger bar was filled, Liu Tian casually threw the food in his hand aside.The figure moved again, walking through the dense forest again.Ever since Liu Ruoxi put down the burden of that matter, Liu Tian put all his energy on resurrecting Jin'er.

With a thought, an oval-shaped stone appeared in his hand. The surface of the stone was extremely smooth, and there were faintly colorful brilliance flowing.

"Soon, very soon, you will be resurrected, I promise." Liu Tian looked firm, took back the gold, clenched his fists, and strengthened the belief in his heart that he must succeed this time.

Day after day, four days passed in the blink of an eye, Liu Tian avoided crisis after crisis by relying on [Wu Tian] and [Sword Demon Walking Alone].On the fourth day, he took advantage of the [Royal Sky Technique] to fly up to the sky for observation, and the Winged Dragon Mountain was already in sight, although the distance was still a bit far away.

On the fifth day, under the cover of night, he arrived and finally walked out of the dense forest.Thousands of meters in front of him, there is a stretch of mountains. Among the mountains, there is an unusually prominent peak. It stands out like a group of mountains, and other peaks are easily compared by it.No matter who walks out of the dense forest, the first thing they notice must be the peak - Wing Dragon Mountain.

From the dense forest to the 1000-meter open area of ​​Winglong Mountain, this section of the road is the most dangerous section.There is no bunker, and once discovered, it may be attacked by pterosaurs. "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name"

After gazing at Wing Dragon Mountain for a long time, Liu Tian sat down where he was, and decided to wait until his weakness passed and his strength recovered.Otherwise, with a light blow from the pterosaur, he would have to fall down.If you regain your strength, you can resist a few more times.

With the Pterosaur Mountain as the center, the 6000-meter radius is the absolute territory of the Pterosaur.Within these 6000 meters, there are no other races, only the pterosaurs.In this area with a radius of 6000 meters, the most powerful group of pterosaurs lived, with strength reaching level [-].

The daylight began unknowingly, and Liu Tian also returned to the dense forest at dawn. He used the [Space Control Art] to hide in the dense leaves, observing and hiding at the same time.

"so much…"

During the day, all the pterosaurs flying around in this area are level [-] pterosaurs. It is difficult to pass through this area during the day.It is also difficult to access at night, because there are pterosaurs patrolling at night.But from Liu Tian's point of view, it's easier at night.After all, pterosaurs don't have the ability to see night as day, at most they just have better night vision.

When night falls, Liu Tian always has a feeling of cheating.

The first day passed without incident.The next day was a day of adventure and joy.A pterosaur landed on the giant tree where Liu Tian was hiding to rest, almost scaring Liu Tian to death.But once this day is over, Liu Tian's strength can be restored.

When Liu Tian went online again, he left him weak and powerless, and surging power flowed in his body again.He swept away his physical and mental exhaustion, and looked at Wing Dragon Mountain in high spirits, with a charming smile on the corner of his mouth.

Strength recovery is not the most important thing, what is important is that [Unblock Left Hand] can be used, this time all Liu Tian's chips are on this skill.If the activation of this skill is not successful, then there is only one way to fail.

Liu Tian waited patiently for a long time.The night fell slowly, and in the past two days, he observed and deduced many people who reached Wing Dragon Mountain.

When night fell, a figure jumped down from the giant tree.

After two days of observation, he discovered some living habits of pterosaurs, and discovered the loopholes of pterosaurs patrolling this area.It turned out that it was not difficult to get there. Thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are ten teams of five pterosaurs patrolling the area.They are all patrolling everything on the ground at a distance of 100 meters.There is a long distance between each team. Because of the mountain, this distance has formed a blind spot. If you want to enter Wing Dragon Mountain, you have to start from this distance.

For two teams of adjacent pterosaurs, only one team of pterosaurs can see this blind spot.After discovering this loophole, Liu Tian discovered an even more cheating place.

The pterosaurs patrol in a clockwise direction, one team before the other, patrolling around the pterosaur mountain.And the blind spot that Liu Tian discovered can only be seen by the pterosaurs in front, but only if the pterosaurs in front turn around.

However, the probability of pterosaurs turning around is basically zero. After two days of observation, Liu Tian did not find a pterosaur turning around to look behind him.They all "stick to their posts" and "duty".

Liu Tian's method of entering Winged Dragon Mountain is very simple. First, he enters the blind spot, and then follows the pterosaur to patrol around the mountain, keeping himself in the blind spot.A little more progress in the patrol around the mountain.

There is, however, an obvious danger to this approach.The place where the blind spot is located is almost 600 meters away from Wing Dragon Mountain.In other words, Liu Tian was completely exposed to the sight of the pterosaur at a distance of 500 meters.


As soon as a group of pterosaurs flew over Liu Tian's head, Liu Tian rushed out with his booster skills, turning into lightning bolts, moving left along with the pterosaur patrol team as he moved forward.

Liu Tian kept himself in the shadow of the body of the pterosaurs in front of the group reflected on the ground. He didn't know if he could avoid the patrol of the pterosaurs in the rear, but he had no other way.

He once thought about flying. The pterosaur patrols only fly at a height of 100 meters. He should be able to fly over their heads and enter the pterosaur mountain after flying three to 400 meters.But he found that there were still many hidden whistles on the towering pterosaur mountain, and many pterosaurs were hiding in the dark. It would be useless for him to fly another 400 meters, let alone 700 meters.

And the landing is also a problem, the landing is too obvious, the probability of no exposure is 1%, and the possibility of exposure is 99%.

In a word, flying is courting death.

Liu Tian ran with all his strength, and rushed from the shadow formed by this pterosaur into the shadow formed by another pterosaur.

The whistling wind blew past Liu Tian's ears, and Liu Tian felt uneasy. Maybe it was because of environmental problems, or maybe Liu Tian was lucky. Anyway, Liu Tian miraculously entered the blind spot.

Accompanied by the pterosaur around half of the mountains, Liu Tiancai entered the mountains.Looking back at the pterosaur in the air, he breathed a sigh of relief, moved his body, and rushed into the mountain. After more than half an hour, he finally came to the bottom of the pterosaur mountain.

He looked up at the peak, and when he was thinking about how to go up, a black object fell from the sky and hit him on the forehead.

"I'll wipe..." Liu Tian rubbed his forehead, looked at the black object that fell to the ground, and a look of surprise floated on his cheeks.

That jet-black object turned out to be a small dragon, whose body was no longer than fifty centimeters, with a pair of pitiful little wings on its body.


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