【】4∴ The first starter Liu Tian didn't expect that it was a little dragon that fell from the sky and hit his forehead

This little dragon looks a bit like a pterosaur, but it is different. The reason why pterosaurs can fly is because of their wide wings, but the wings on this little dragon's back are pitifully small. There are two wings, and Liu Tian has one. Hand can grasp it all

Moreover, its body shape is not like that of a pterosaur or a bird. Instead, it looks a bit like a real dragon's body, but not completely. It doesn't have dragon scales on its body, but it does have a pair of small meat protruding from its dragon head. Bao that pair of rou bags is likely to be dragon horns, but pterosaurs do not have dragon horns

The little dragon lay lifeless on the ground, motionless. The breath of life on his body was very weak, and his body was covered with shocking scars. Because of the impact just now, some of the scabbed wounds on his body split open again, and strands of fresh blood overflowed from the wound.

"Unobstructed view"

【Pterodactyl】〖Scholar Grade Mid-Rank〗:

Level: 25

Health: 4585000

True Chi value: 185000

"Wing dragon?"

After investigating this result, Liu Tian was a little suspicious that this little dragon had very little resemblance to a pterosaur. How could it be a pterosaur?And this is the territory of pterosaurs, why is this pterosaur injured so badly?

Suddenly, a few cries came from the sky, Liu Tian hurriedly dodged into the bushes aside, secretly looked up at the sky, and a few black shadows landed next to the little dragon. Dragons are not big in size, but their wings are stretched out, a full sixty centimeters long

those few

Those little pterosaurs surrounded the little dragon, chirping and shouting for some reason. Just when Liu Tian thought they were the little dragon who came and left, he was stunned.

Those pterosaurs grabbed the little dragon on the ground cruelly, and then flew away with a slightly excited cry

"Cannibalism? Or cannibalism?" Liu Tian was a little confused. He didn't expect that it was the pterosaur that hurt the little dragon.

After the little pterosaurs flew away, Liu Tian got out from the grass, looked at the little dragon who looked like a corpse, he hesitated for a while, and finally took out the healing blood from the dragon soul ring and sprinkled it on the little dragon, and then took out A few red yào and blue yào were fed to the little dragon. After finishing these, he quietly went to the mountain and headed for Wing Dragon Mountain.

He didn't know that the little dragon struggled to open half of its eyes, staring at his back. Not long after Liu Tian disappeared, it also fainted

I don't know the reason, this winged dragon mountain is extremely high, and the mountain road is steep. Not long after entering the winged dragon mountain, Liu Tian no longer used to walk, but started to climb with hands and feet

Climbing the Winged Dragon Mountain, Liu Tian was also more careful. In the distance, he could barely confirm that there were pterosaurs hidden in the mountain. Now that he was on the mountain, he was finally sure that there were pterosaurs on the mountain, but it was not hiding, but living.

Many caves have been opened up in the mountain, and pterosaurs live in them. When Liu Tian climbed to the caves for the first time, he wanted to enter to rest for a while, but he didn't expect a [-]-level pterosaur to rest inside.

Afterwards, he encountered several caves one after another, in which there were also level [-] pterosaurs living

Liu Tian took advantage of the darkness and climbed for an hour. The mountain became steeper and steeper, and the vegetation on the mountain changed from dense to sparse to finally bare so that he had no place to climb at all. Finally, he resorted to [ Yu Kongshu] just passed this difficult journey

Unknowingly, the steep mountain has eased, and the smooth surface has gradually appeared edges and corners. Liu Tian has been stepping on the edges and corners like flying, flying up, but at this moment, there is a white belly in the sky, and the sky is about to dawn.

Liu Tian hurriedly looked for a hiding place on the pterosaur mountain. During the day, pterosaurs would come out of the mountain to hunt for food.

Suddenly, a bird song came from the dongxue on Liu Tian's head. Liu Tian looked up and immediately found the existence of dongxue, and hurriedly clung to the mountain, not moving anymore

A pterodactyl rushed out of the dongxue and flew into the distance. Liu Tian secretly heaved a sigh of relief, just about to climb to other places, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, and his brows were beaming with joy

"Hey..." Liu Tian chuckled a few times, and immediately climbed to the dongxue where the pterosaur was resting just now.

The most dangerous place is often the safest place, hiding in Dongxue where the pterosaurs are resting, it is absolutely impossible for other pterosaurs to find him

The only danger is that he doesn't know how long it will take for the pterosaur to return to Dongxue. Unfortunately, he didn't pay much attention to the situation of the mountain a few days ago, and has been thinking about how to safely pass that kilometer distance.

"As soon as you come, you will be safe. Anyway, you can't move during the day, just observe the situation of other pterosaurs, just wait and see what happens." Liu Tian thought

In the end, he sat in the dongxue, looking at the violent sea in the distance. In his thoughts, he thought of the natural enemy of the pterosaurs - the black peng eagle

How powerful is Heipengying, that it can bring pterosaurs close to this dangerous environment for refuge?

Hei Pengying, Hei Peng, Peng, does Hei Pengying have the blood of the Great Peng in his body?That's right, the pterosaur has the blood of the dragon clan, and its strength is definitely at the upper level among its peers. Only the Heipengying, who has the blood of the roc bird, is qualified to ignore the majesty of the dragon clan and launch an attack on the pterosaur

Liu Tian thought to himself, the Zijin Demon Flood Dragon King told him that once the pterosaur ring is taken away from the pterosaur island, it will definitely be blown out of the violent sea area within three months, and then the black peng ying will attack the pterosaur clan with his family. Thinking about it, He couldn't help feeling a little irritable


Shaking his head, Liu Tian chose to go offline. Anyway, the pterosaur that was preying won't come back for the time being. He can't do anything there, so he might as well go offline.

Liu Tian opened the notebook, browsed the forum, and looked for some information about the most recent games.

During the days when he went to sea, many guilds successfully built cities, and many guilds fought endlessly. During the days when he was away, two large-scale guilds were completely destroyed.

Liu Tian searched for information about the Eternal Alliance, but he didn't see the information that the Eternal Alliance was attacked by other guilds, but he saw the post that the Eternal Alliance assisted other guilds in defending the city

Liu Tian does not object to Wufeng and the others. A successful person not only has friends but also enemies. A person who has neither friends nor enemies is definitely a useless person.

The same is true for a guild. If the guild wants to develop, it will inevitably make enemies. Of course, making enemies must be worthwhile

During the time he left, the Eternal Alliance has been developing steadily. Other guilds are fighting endlessly, but the Eternal Alliance is recuperating. Before they have the strength to move the evil dragon Kukri, those guilds dare not attack the evil dragon library in Sky City. Kerry's strength has been well reflected in the battle of Fenghuangxuan's defense of the city

The Eternal Alliance seized this opportunity and quickly took advantage of the opportunity of defending the city. The prestige of the Eternal Alliance in the Huaxia District became more and more prosperous.

Liu Tian smiled, and searched for the recent achievements of the Eternal Alliance, assisted one guild to defend the city, and helped two guilds to build the city

Players are still idle and bored to make a guild leaderboard. A total of ten guilds were selected, and the Eternal Alliance was included

Heidong ranked first, not only because it was the top ten guilds in the past, but also because it was the guild of Huā Xiaoyu, one of the seven god-killing people.

No.2 is Youlongtian Youlongtianxia may not have the second strength, but he was the second to create a guild, and it turned out to be one of the top ten guilds. It is widely known and has a high reputation. Being elected as the second has won the support of most people.

No.3 is the Eternal League. If it wasn't for the fact that the Eternal League was a guild that came out of nowhere, he would be able to hit No.1 just because he was the first to create a guild, a sub-city-level city, and a guardian beast of nearly seventy levels.

No.4 is the pinnacle, a guild that used to be at the pinnacle, with many masters, and one of their members on the ranking list

No.5 is Ziyuan Realm, the reason for being on the list is very simple, the president of Ziyuan Realm is also the only female among the seven members of the Zhushen Realm who is selected for Ziyuan Realm, as long as you have a little understanding of the once giant Zhushen Guild players, there is no objection in their hearts

Because these first established guilds did not have many battles, starting from No.6, the ranking of guilds will be based on the order in which guilds were created

No.6 is the royal palace

No.7 The Bipolar Meeting of the Bipolar Universe

No.8 Boundless without self and others

No.9 Fenghuangxuan, the class leader of the American girl

No.10 originally belonged to Ji Hao's luàn world, but they failed even to attack Fenghuangxuan, and were directly eliminated by the players, so No.10 belonged to Fenglong of Fenghai

After reading the guild rankings, what lingered in Liu Tian's mind was the data of Zhushen Guild Zhushen Guild. You Long Tianxia gave him a copy. Although the information is not much, the content is shocking.

The Zhushen Guild was founded by seven people. According to rumors, those seven people have extraordinary identities in reality, but no one knows their real identities. Identity, tsk tsk, is really unusual

Zhushen seven, each of them has extremely high game talent and first-class strength. The most surprising thing is that they have never switched to hidden professions, and have always used ordinary professions. Under the leadership of these mysterious seven people, Zhushen has become The most peak and most powerful guild in that game era

At that time, the Zhushen Guild uttered wild words to unify the game world and formulate rules, but they also followed suit. The guilds were destroyed one by one by them, and the strength of the Zhushen Guild became stronger and stronger in the battle. Many guilds did not even have the strength to resist.

In the end, many top guilds joined forces to deal with the Zhushen Guild. Unfortunately, although the Zhushen Guild was strong, it was outnumbered. After World War I, the guild was disbanded, and the seven Zhushen disappeared from the game.

At that time, Liu Tian read the materials of Zhushen Guild, and couldn't stop admiring the seven Zhushens.

The Zhushen Guild is also a nascent guild, just like the Eternal League, but under the leadership of the seven Zhushen, it has become the most powerful guild so far, which has to be admired. is their family


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