The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 506 Mountain Climbing 2

【】Book Mi Group 2 Liu Tian wandered around the forum for a while and looked at the time. Although only an hour has passed in reality, three hours have passed in the game world. Going back at this time, it should be almost the same

If the pterosaur went back after predating, it should be back soon. If not, it might come back in the evening

Drilling into the game cabin, Liu Tian landed in the game landing space, and the next moment, a figure appeared in the cave of the pterosaur with flashing white light

Liu Tian looked at the bottom of the hole the moment Dongxue appeared. When he saw the empty bottom of the hole, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Looking at the scene outside of Dongxue, there was not much change. The pterosaurs still entered and exited. , hovering over this area

He walked carefully to the entrance of the cave and poked his head out. He is still not sure when the pterosaur will come back. Although it is safer for him to stay inside, there are too many uncertainties because he wants to find another hidden place to hide. get up and move at night

A head was turning around outside the dongxue. Because of the terrain, everything around him was under Liu Tian's nose, but he scanned for a long time, but he didn't see any place to hide. In the end, he had no choice but to sit back in the dongxue and call out Han Xian

"What is this place?" After Hanxian appeared, he glanced at the surrounding environment casually

"Pterodactyl Island in the violent sea area" Liu Tian said lightly

"you arrived?"

"Well, it's halfway up the Winged Dragon Mountain now. I guess we'll be able to reach the top of the Winged Dragon Mountain in one or two nights." Liu Tian couldn't help showing a faint smile. After one or two nights, he believed that the Winged Dragon Ring would arrive. on his hand

"Hey, by the way, Hanxian, do you know the habits of pterosaurs?" Liu Tian asked

"know a little"

"When the pterosaurs leave the resting Dongxue early in the morning, when do they usually come back?"

Hanxian didn't answer and asked instead: "Is this the dongxue of the pterosaur?"

"Well, I got into this dongxue for safety in the morning"

"You are lucky, pterosaurs usually come back in the evening, of course the possibility of coming back at other times is not ruled out," said Han Xian

Liu Tian asked: "That is to say, we are generally safe as long as we don't go out until the evening?"

"you can say it this way"

"That's good"

Liu Tian nodded slightly. It seems that he still has time to find a safe hiding place. Once again, he came outside Dongxue, and Liu Tian scanned the outside of Dongxue again.

"Don't you look up? You keep looking around, it's just a waste of time." Han Xian pouted and said

Liu Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that what Han Xian said to him was always looking for the area under his nose, and didn't look up

"Hanxian, thank you so much..." Liu Tian just looked at the area above his head for a long time, and immediately found an excellent place to hide

That place is a crack, and at the mouth of the crack, there are two plants that look like vegetation, and its appearance just blocks the crack's exposure.

After visual inspection and calculation, Liu Tian determined that the crack could just accommodate a person, and with the help of those two plants, as long as the pterosaurs were not very close, it was impossible to find Liu Tian hiding in the crack.

"Hanxian, thank you"


While the two waited, the invisible sun slowly moved towards the west

"It's almost time." Liu Tian looked at the sky and pterosaurs in the distance

Han Xian didn't say anything, his body turned into fairy light, and disappeared in Liu Tian's left hand.

Liu Tian quietly observed the surrounding environment, and found that the number of pterosaurs in the distant sky had unknowingly increased a lot

"Royal Sky Technique" Liu Tian didn't dare to neglect, the rock crevice is still a little distance away from him, if he used direct climbing, he probably would have been discovered before climbing too far

Liu Tian looked out of Dongxue seriously, and finally rushed out for two or three seconds at a certain moment. He entered the crack and leaned against the inside of the crack. His eyes locked on Dongxue through two plants.

The light gradually dimmed, and not long after, all the pterosaurs returned to their nests, and even the dongxue where he was originally was lying down.

The pterosaur patrol team started to patrol around the pterosaur mountain again. Liu Tian checked the time, and when he felt that it was almost the same, he squeezed out the crack and continued to climb the mountain

When we got here, the road to Wing Dragon Mountain suddenly became much easier. Gradually, we could easily climb up without holding vines and other plants with our hands.

This night Liu Tian climbed a considerable distance. Before dawn, he found a secret hiding place. After hiding in, he went offline, waiting for the night to come.

"Brother Fu, we almost know their details, when will we do it?" The six sons looked at Brother Fu, the light in their eyes flashed away

For the past two days, they have been collecting information about Liu Tian and Lan Meng'er. This time, they must be safe, so as not to repeat the same mistakes. This time, they not only want to complete what they failed last time, but also want to take revenge on Liu Tian.

"Hmph, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Last time we were rescued by that boy because we didn't have any preparations. Let's prepare well and see how they escape this time." Brother Fu said coldly: "Go up." The humiliation he gave me once, I will pay him back a hundredfold"

"Brother Fu, I've already done a lot of research. That girl goes to the nearby vegetable market to buy vegetables every day for a while. I have observed the terrain near the vegetable market. There is a place where there are not many people. We can do it there." Six sons said

"Brother Fu, should we notify the other brothers?" Hunhun, who was knocked unconscious by Liu Tian last time, suggested in a low voice

"Are you an idiot? Call them? Call them what do we enjoy? It's enough for the three of us to enjoy this beautiful woman, and everyone else just go away." Fu Ge gave the hunhun a dissatisfied look: " ***, last time I was laughed at by them gloating for a while, I feel bad when I think of this."

"Brother Fu is right, we three brothers can just enjoy that kind of beauty by ourselves, hehe, we will take pictures and videos when the time comes..." Six sons smiled sinisterly.

Brother Fu's eyes lit up: "That's right, doesn't that kid have some money? By taking photos and videos, we can not only control that beautiful girl, but also blackmail some money huāhuā"

"Fu Ge is wise"

"Brother Fu's idea"

"I've decided to prepare some tools in the next few days, and the action must be successful this time," said Brother Fu.

"Yes" the faces of the two hunhunji were flushed

On the night of the game, a white light flashed, and Liu Tian appeared in the hiding place. His eyes flickered with a few jitters. During the day, he had seen it visually, and tonight he would be able to reach the top of Wing Dragon Mountain.


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