The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 507: Got the Pterosaur Ring

Quietly crawling out of the hiding place, Liu Tian started climbing the mountain again. 【26nbsp;】

He estimated that his current position should be only 200 meters away from the top of the mountain. As long as everything goes well, he will be able to reach the top of the mountain today.Just make it to the top of the mountain?Can you successfully get the pterosaur ring at the top of the mountain?But this is not what Liu Tian wants to think about now, he just needs to keep going up, up...

An hour later, Liu Tian leaned against the mountain and panted slightly.He has a panoramic view of everything under the Winged Dragon Mountain here, and there are ten teams of Winged Dragons patrolling under the Winged Dragon Mountain every night.Fortunately, only the bottom of Wing Dragon Mountain is patrolled by pterosaurs. If there are also pterosaurs on the top, Liu Tian thinks he will be in a tragedy.

Time always passed by inadvertently, two hours later, Liu Tian was only 100 meters away from the top of the mountain.It's just that the 100 meters made Liu Tian feel powerless.

It's not that the 100 meters are so difficult to climb, the main reason is that there are many sixty-level pterosaurs squatting on the 100 meters of the mountain.They stand on the raised rocks of the mountain, presumably guarding the top of the mountain.

When Liu Tian first saw these pterosaurs, he almost fell down in fright.Because he didn't look closely at the time, he didn't find the existence of the pterosaur until he climbed seven or eight meters below the pterosaur.Immediately afterwards, he discovered that there were pterosaurs guarding all the way to the top of the mountain, and there were quite a few of them.

"That's right. The pterosaur ring is extremely important to the safety of the pterosaur family. How can the defense that protects it be so weak?"

Liu Tian smiled wryly, he was too relaxed this journey, he thought his task was just to climb to the top of Wing Dragon Mountain.Now it seems that the only seventy-level pterosaur king is probably at the top of the mountain.

"What should we do now?" Liu Tian frowned as he looked at the pterosaur that was only seven or eight meters away from him.It is impossible to make him give up, if it is not possible, the left hand should also rush forward to open and unblock!

He stepped back a few meters slowly, and decided to observe the distribution of the pterosaurs before making any plans.

He starts to move sideways, when coming back from sideways to his original position.He already has a rough idea of ​​the distribution of pterosaurs.He carefully observed and calculated for a period of time, and found that it was not impossible to climb up. Before that, he had the confidence to climb another 20 meters!

The distribution of pterosaurs is actually not dense, but if you climb in a straight line, there is no suspense to be found.However, if it takes a curved route, turning here and there, it is possible to climb to the top.Of course, this is just speculation, at most he can only be sure that there is no problem with climbing 20 meters.As for higher places, you have to climb up and then make observations.

He wanted to move five meters laterally, looked at a small ravine in front of him, and smiled. 15 This small ravine is a full 13 meters long, and the mountain on the right side of the ravine is relatively raised. As long as the body sticks into the small ravine, it is impossible to see him from the angle of the pterosaur in the upper right corner.

And because a pterosaur can see a total of ten meters in the left and right directions, and within this visible range, there are no other pterosaurs.After climbing over the pterosaur, he had a new route to avoid the new guardian pterosaur.In short, as long as you are careful, there is not much difficulty in going up another 20 meters.

"Hey, it would be great if there was an invisibility skill? Why bother so much?"

While climbing the ravine, Liu Tian thought depressingly.When passing the pterosaur in the upper right corner, he poked his head out secretly, and after seeing that there was nothing unusual about it, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After adjusting his mood, Liu Tian stepped out with his right foot nervously.This time he was going to run across the head of the pterosaur in the upper right corner just now.He can't move forward anymore, if he moves forward, he will be exposed to the eyes of a pterosaur above.The rocks under the pterosaur's feet created a blind spot for them. The area above the head of the pterosaur in the upper right corner was the blind spot of the pterosaur above.

Liu Tian took a step cautiously. He had rehearsed this step in his heart for a long time, and he had already simulated it dozens of times in his mind where this step should fall.He can make mistakes in every step, if he accidentally makes a noise or drops a small stone on the pterosaur's head, it will be a tragedy.

When Liu Tian took the third step, he heaved a sigh of relief.Now he is directly above the pterosaur below him, it wants to find Liu Tian, ​​it has to look up like an idiot...

He quietly climbed up two meters.Then it ran across to the edge of the blind spot of the pterosaur above it.His target was actually the upper right side of the pterosaur below him, but he didn't step on the middle part of the journey, he just made a detour.He started moving diagonally down, and eventually he came to the right side of the pterosaur.

Beside Liu Tian, ​​there is a depression.Liu Tian wants to use this depression to go to the other side of the mountain...

After spending more than half an hour back and forth, Liu Tian finally climbed above 20 meters.During the climbing process, he carefully observed the distribution of the pterosaurs above and the surrounding environment.

Staying in a safe place, Liu Tian closed his eyes and recalled the situation above him, and slowly deduced a feasible route.

In 15 minutes, Liu Tian finally launched a relatively safe route.But he wants to re-observe this route.

He opened his eyes and slowly returned by the same route, carefully observing the route he was about to climb during the process of returning.

"It should be feasible, but the risk factor is not small..." Liu Tian frowned. Although he was a little worried, he didn't flinch.After mentally rehearsing how the route should be done, he began his dangerous work again.Every step he takes is very light, and every step is very small. If you don't look carefully, you will definitely think it's just a dead thing.

Huang Tian paid off, and after 45 minutes, Liu Tian rose another 15 meters.

This time, he had observed the situation above clearly while on the road.Moreover, he also has experience in deriving routes, and soon formed a route in his mind.

Three hours passed unknowingly at the fingertips.Three hours later, Liu Tian was only 30 meters away from the top of the mountain.He looked down, then looked up, and shook his head secretly. The defense power of the 30 meters above his head was no match for the 70 meters below him.

30 meters above, the pterosaurs stood neatly on the rocks in a row. There were many of them, and none of them was safe for him to climb.

Liu Tian pressed his body against the mountain and began to think of a way.Forcibly breaking in is a method that cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Once forcibly breaking in, it will definitely alarm other pterosaurs.Then there will be big trouble.

It's a pity that Liu Tiansi didn't think of any good way after thinking about it.It seems that other than breaking through hard, there is only breaking through hard.

He observed the distribution of the pterosaurs again, and carefully planned a battle plan in his mind before preparing to do it.

Silently, a clone separated from Liu Tian's body.Under Liu Tian's control, the avatar used the air defense technique, and then just casually blasted a blow at the pterosaur above, and at the same time, its body was shot out like a cannon.

All of a sudden, his avatar attracted many pterosaurs.One by one, the pterosaurs left their posts and chased after the clone.Liu Tian controlled the clone to fly towards the top of the mountain, he didn't dare to let the clone flee down the mountain, to attract some worthless firepower to the clone.

More and more pterosaurs in the area 30 meters above flew out to chase the clone.

"To live and die together, to share the art of controlling the sky." When the pterosaur was chasing Liu Tian's avatar, Liu Tian, ​​who was hiding on the mountain, also moved, his body clinging to the mountain like a sharp arrow and flying upwards.Because the avatar attracted the attention of the pterosaurs, no pterosaurs noticed when Liu Tian jumped more than ten meters.


The avatar was directly strangled by many blade winds.Liu Tian's heart froze, the avatar was gone, and now his attention was about to shift to him.

"Unblock left hand!"

Surging power appeared in Liu Tian's body, Liu Tian smiled slightly, burst out at the fastest speed, and rushed to the top of the mountain in an instant.

The top of the mountain was very flat, and the first thing that caught Liu Tian's eyes was not the sea blue pterosaur ring, but a huge pterosaur standing on the top of the mountain.Liu Tian reckoned that it was the Pterosaur King, and it must have been woken up by the movement just now. At this time, it was staring at Liu Tian coldly, with murderous intent in its eyes.

Beside the pterosaur king, there is a sea blue ring with a diameter of [-] centimeters. It floats in the air without any external force, which is really unbelievable.

Liu Tian secretly used the light of trial to eliminate the cooldown of the clone technique.Then he rushed towards the pterosaur like a cheetah, a hint of disappointment flashed in his icy eyes.The light of trial can make a skill that has just been used immediately available. Liu Tian once wanted to use this skill to eliminate the cooldown time of the unblocking left hand, but he didn't expect it to be impossible.

The pterosaur king seemed to feel the strength of the comer, without any slight negligence, and the wind blades overwhelming the sky as soon as he made a move.In order to make a quick decision, Liu Tian not only didn't dodge, but rushed into the blade wind in a circle, and punched out without any whistle.

With just one punch, Liu Tian immediately destroyed all the blade winds, and with one punch he beat the Pterosaur King who was nearly level [-].

The pterosaur king's eyes breathed fire, and Liu Tian's strength exceeded its expectations.Seeing Liu Tianfei rushing towards him, it rushed forward without even thinking about it.

boom!The pterosaur king and Liu Tian collided fiercely, the pterosaur king didn't see that at the moment it touched Liu Tian's fist, a clone came out from Liu Tian's body, came to the side of the pterosaur ring, and threw it catch.

One dragon and one person separated immediately after one blow.Liu Tian raised his brows, in order to successfully get the pterosaur ring for the avatar, he once again met the pterosaur king, and the fierce offensive swept out, leaving him no chance to look back at the situation of the pterosaur ring.Every move of Liu Tian was like a murderous weapon, forcing the Pterosaur King to deal with it with all his strength.

The clone behind the pterosaur king grabbed the pterosaur ring, and under Liu Tian's control, abruptly returned the pterosaur ring to Liu Tian.

Liu Tian Kuanggong's figure suddenly stepped back and caught the pterosaur ring.At this time, seeing the pterosaur king in Liu Tian's hand, he completely lost his temper.

The pterosaur king screamed wildly, and the pterosaurs on the entire island woke up at this moment.They knew what was going on through the pterosaur king's call.They responded to the pterosaur king by singing, and the earth-shattering chirps filled the pterosaur island, making Liu Tian a little annoyed and helpless.

"It's really the whole family chasing and killing." Liu Tian smiled wryly, and after manipulating his clone to attack the Winged Dragon King, his body rushed backwards, he was about to escape.


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