Chapter five hundred and eighth family hunting

The whole family chased and killed Liu Tian, ​​thinking of this word gave him a headache. 【26nbsp;】But now that the pterosaur ring is in his hands, he will not return it to the pterosaur family no matter what.He just needs to find a place to hide, and when the battle time is over, use the city return talisman to go home, and everything will be fine.

The pterosaurs on the entire island woke up in the sound of the pterosaur king, waking up full of anger!They raised their heads to the sky to vent their inner anger, and flew towards Winged Dragon Mountain non-stop.

The pterosaur ring is the most important thing of their clan, the pterosaur ring was robbed, and the pterosaur clan was on the verge of berserk.

As soon as Liu Tian rushed down the Winged Dragon Mountain, he was stopped by several sixty-level pterosaurs.Looking at their burning eyes, Liu Tian knew that he was angry.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned his palms into knives, and in an instant, the pterosaurs on the road turned into several corpses, with blood dripping down for a long time.

Liu Tian didn't look at the corpse of Winged Dragon Mountain, but just stared at the front, flying at top speed.

At this moment on the high mountain, he saw countless black shadows rushing from the foot of Wing Dragon Mountain to the top of the mountain.The whole pterosaur island became lively at this time, not only the pterosaur family woke up, but other races living on the pterosaur island also moved.

"Roar!" The pterodactyl king also chased up at this time, his huge body covered a piece of the world, looking at the little Liu Tian not far away, the anger in his heart grew stronger.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who has become the target of the pterosaur clan's hatred forever. You will be hunted down by the pterosaur clan in the next 24 hours. During this period, you will not be able to release the combat status. Please pay attention to e5e players, The hunt begins. Once you die, the wyvern ring will drop."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who has become the target of the pterosaur clan's hatred forever. You will be hunted down by the pterosaur clan in the next 24 hours. Start. Once you die, the wyvern ring will drop."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who has become the target of the pterosaur clan's hatred forever. You will be hunted down by the pterosaur clan in the next 24 hours. Start. Once you die, the wyvern ring will drop."

The system took care of the prompt three times.Its reminder almost caused Liu Tian to collapse. He was in a state of fighting for 24 hours, and was hunted down by pterosaurs for 24 hours. Once the pterosaur died, the ring would drop.This time Liu Tian knew that he was going to be doomed. Things were not as simple as he thought. Now he knew that there were so many variables in this world.

But let's say 24 hours, he won't be able to last half an hour. If there is no effect of unblocking his left hand, he will die in an ugly, ugly way.Being dismembered is probably a relatively good result.Now that the pterosaurs have a deep hatred against themselves, it seems that this time it is more ominous than ominous.

In the blink of an eye, although Liu Tian thought a lot, it was just a thought.He wanted to return to the image in his heart, but he didn't dare to slow down. The pterodactyl king kept following him, and his speed even surpassed him.It's all off to a bad start.

Liu Tian glanced at the ever-growing chasing team, shook his head and smiled wryly, this time he probably was really going to be doomed.Liu Tian didn't know how strong the power of the clan was, but when he thought of the level [-] pterosaurs on the pterosaur ring mountain, his scalp became numb.

The pterosaur king was faster than him, and finally when he was in a daze, the pterosaur king chased after him, and the violent air blade luàn enveloped Liu Tian in an instant.

Liu Tian's attack was very simple, just using fists.Every time a blow is released, a large swath of luàn will be annihilated.Although the pterosaur king is very powerful at level [-], but Liu Tian is also at level [-] now, so his strength is not inferior.

The pterosaur king summoned other pterosaurs while attacking.Liu Tian couldn't tell what he was suffering now, and his strength was almost the same, so he was suppressed by the Pterosaur King and a few pterosaur kings who had caught up.

He has nowhere to escape now, and the hunting army behind him is approaching again.

Liu Tian was once again forced back by the pterosaur king, and with the support of several other level [-] pterosaurs, he didn't even have a chance to escape now.To be honest, the pterosaur king is actually a bit stronger than him. Without the unlimited seventy-level energy support, Liu Tian would have died under the siege of the pterosaur king and pterosaurs.


After another big impact, Liu Tian returned to his original place in a state of embarrassment.He looked around coldly, he knew he couldn't die, once he died, the mission this time would fail.Inadvertently, he swept to the dense forest below him, and suddenly thought of it.

The aura on Liu Tian's body rose slowly, but the energy in his whole body was still transferred.The pterosaur king and other pterosaurs guarded Liu Tian carefully. Suddenly, Liu Tian moved. Just when they thought Liu Tian was going to attack, the pterosaur suddenly disappeared. They were stunned for a while, and then they saw Liu Tian rushing towards the forest. sky.

The pterodactyl king roared angrily, and followed Liu Tian to kill.Liu Tian's speed has exploded in full force now, in order to survive, the dense forest is his only choice now.In a blink of an eye, one person and one dragon arrived in the dense forest.Liu Tian rushed into the dense forest without the slightest hesitation, but the Winged Dragon King was too big to enter.

Seeing this scene, Liu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, moved his body, and flashed directly to other places in the forest.

The pterosaur king kept screaming, and those sixty-level pterosaurs flew into the dense forest.And it hovered over the dense forest, its eyes fixed on Liu Tian.


A level [-] pterosaur is just a piece of cake for Liu Tian now.Those pterosaurs just flew in, and Liu Tian immediately wiped out two of them.I saw the Pterosaur King screaming in the sky above the dense forest.

Liu Tian made a quick move, and after annihilating the other level [-] pterosaurs that rushed into the dense forest together, he fled into other places in the dense forest.His first priority now is to escape.He didn't have much time left, he had to get rid of the pterosaur before his strength at level [-] disappeared.

It's just that the pterosaur king is like a dog's skin ointment. Although Liu Tian flashed quickly in the dense forest, he just couldn't get rid of the pterosaur king.No matter where he went, the Pterosaur King followed him.

"Fuck!" Liu Tian was a little anxious.

At this time, more pterosaurs caught up, and they all rushed into the forest under the command of the pterosaur king!

Liu Tian couldn't dodge even if he wanted to, more and more pterosaurs were coming up, even if the pterosaur king wasn't around, he couldn't hide himself anymore.

Liu Tian's body turned into electricity, and he walked quickly through the dense forest. He would not give up until the end.


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