[26nbsp;] When the 3rd word rang, it was as if an invisible hand grabbed Liu Tian's heart. He had an intuition that this call had something to do with Lan Menger's disappearance.

He made a gesture to calm Zhang Yunlan and Mother Liu, and then answered the phone pretending to ask for leave


"The person you are looking for is in Nancheng District, Erhu Alley, house NO.13"

A cold voice came into Liu Tian's ears, and Liu Tian was stunned

"you are?"

"If you don't go there quickly, something will change," the voice said again


Liu Tian wanted to say a few more words, but the phone had already turned into a blind tone

Liu Tian clenched his phone tightly, a stern light flashed in his eyes, Nancheng District?Nancheng District is a relatively hunluàn city in ND City, where there are not so many high-rise buildings and most of them are former private houses.

From the tone of the caller, Liu Tian speculated that the caller had nothing to do with Lan Menger's disappearance, but he didn't know why the caller wanted to help him, but the most important thing now is to rescue Lan Menger, and nothing else is important

"Auntie, Mom, I know Menger's whereabouts. You wait for me at home, and I will bring Menger back later." Liu Tian put away the phone and said

"Really? Where is Meng'er now?" Zhang Yunlan asked nervously, her face full of tension.

"Well, auntie, you and my mother are waiting at home, I'll pick her up." After finishing speaking, Liu Tian walked outside the house

"Master, Nancheng District" Liu Tian stopped a taxi, opened the door, and got in

"Master, I'm in a hurry, can you hurry up?" Then Liu Tian took out 300 yuan from his wallet: "Master, if you can reach Nancheng District within 15 minutes, the money will be yours."

The driver's eyes lit up, he nodded with a smile, and the speed of the car suddenly increased.

Sitting in the car, Liu Tian's thoughts turned wildly, who tied Lan Meng'er?He didn't seem to offend anyone, and who was the one who told him where Lan Menger was?

Nancheng District, NO.13 private house

Looking at Lan Menger who was struggling in the sack, Brother Fu showed a hint of obscenity: "Six, take the sack off her head and let her see who we are."

"Hey..." Liu Zi laughed, and took off the sack that was on Lan Menger's body

"Yes, it's you..." Lan Menger looked at the three people in front of her, and her face turned pale. She remembered these three people, and when she thought of what they did last time, Lan Menger's heart fell into a trough

"Smelly bitch, I didn't expect you to remember us, hehe, this time you fall into our hands, I'll see who will save you." Brother Fu said, "Hmph, there's that brat last time, son, let us The monkey called the brat to go to the alley and told him that if he didn’t come or call the police, this beauty would be finished.”

"Brother Fu, when shall we start?" Looking at Lan Menger's pear huā in the rain, the six sons swallowed wildly, wishing they could pounce on it now

"Liu Zi, are you promising? What's the point of wanting her now? When that brat comes later, it's good enough to play with her in front of him." Brother Fu chuckled: "And let him see His girlfriend begged us to look like her, haha"

"Fu Ge is wise"

The six sons were also a little excited by Brother Fu's words.

"Brother Fu, should I go get that?"


Soon, Liu Zi came back from the side room with a glass of water, and in front of Lan Menger, took out a pack of yào powder and poured it into the glass

"Brother Fu, when will you give her a drink?"

"No..." Lan Menger screamed in horror, her face was full of panic, she knew what Liu Zi was holding in her hand without guessing.

"When the monkey comes back, let's see when that brat arrives. This chunyào will take 8 minutes to work. We have to time it well. When the kid comes, let him see his girlfriend begging us to fuck her with his own eyes. "Brother Fu's face was full of viciousness: "Last time, he dared to break our hands and feet. This time, I will taste the feeling of being raped by a female friend. This bitch still looks good. We eat meat, and we will let that girl later boy drink some soup"

"Brother Fu, I think they should both be drugged," said Liu Zi

"That's a good idea." Brother Fu nodded.

At this time, the monkey finished the call and came in from outside the house

"Brother Fu, that kid is here, and he will be here in about 10 minutes. I told him that if he dares to call the police, he will prepare to collect the body."

"Well, you'll pick that brat up later, remember to confiscate his phone"

"Brother Fu, I'm excited to see her like this." Hou Zi looked at the pale and trembling Lan Meng'er wretchedly, and swallowed hard

After being silent for a while, the six sons asked anxiously: "Brother Fu, do you think that kid will call the police?"

"It's okay, I lied to that kid that he was under surveillance by me, and if he dared to call the police, he would wait to collect his girlfriend's body." The monkey said, "I also told him to turn off his phone within 10 minutes. If I call If the phone is not turned off, then the corpse of his girlfriend will also be collected."

"Monkey, you did a good job." Brother Fu nodded: "Liu Zi, go and get that guy, that kid's skill is still amazing, but later we'll see if it's his hand or my gun."

"Brother Fu, rats are really not human, they charge us 1000 yuan a day for lending us a gun," said the six sons angrily.

"Don't complain, have you forgotten that stinky boy? That stinky boy can afford a house, and he probably has some money. This time we not only want to occupy his people, but also get some money from him huāhuā"

"Well, Brother Fu, I'm going to get the guy now"

Brother Fu and the monkey stared at Lan Menger, and smiled fiercely. Lan Menger was like a frightened rabbit, looking at the two of them in horror...

Hanging up the phone, Liu Tian reluctantly turned off the phone

"It's a good thing they didn't know that I had left long ago, and the 10-minute journey was shortened to 10 minutes. I hope these 10 minutes can save Meng'er from danger, but the key is that the mysterious person's information must be correct, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

A cold light flashed in Liu Tian's eyes, he regretted not calling Su Sheng, now if the news is a little wrong, then he will be completely passive

10 minutes later, Liu Xia got off the bus and he quickly walked towards the surrounding residential halls. Where is the No. 13 house in the Erhu alley?

After knowing the location, Liu Tian couldn't wait to rush over. No. 13 house is located in the deepest part of the Erhu alley, and it is also the most dilapidated house. According to the residents, there are three hunhuns living in the house.

"Three hunhuns?" Liu Tian's thoughts changed sharply, and soon his expression changed. He remembered the last time Lan Menger was in danger.

His heart trembled slightly, and the speed of walking through the alley was very fast. At this time, he was very scared, afraid that Lan Menger would be hurt.

"I hope Meng'er is okay, otherwise you will all die to me." Liu Tian's eyes were red, and there was a crazy light in his eyes

He didn't go directly to the Erhu alley, but made a detour, and went directly to the deepest part of the Erhu alley from other alleys. He quietly climbed up the wall of the house directly opposite the NO.13 house. He stood on the wall, exactly You can observe the scene in the yard of NO.13

Suddenly, his expression froze, and he saw the monkey sitting on the threshold playing with a black metal object—****

"**********" Liu Tian felt that the matter was serious, the opponent had a hand, no matter how fast and agile he was, he would definitely lose in the end

"The **** must be taken!" Liu Tian stared at the monkey coldly, thinking about how to get the ****

He looked at his watch, and it was only two or three minutes before two or ten minutes. He turned on the phone, dialed the monkey, and soon he saw the monkey on the threshold took out the phone from his pocket.

"I have arrived"

"***, it's really quick, brat, just wait here. Grandpa, I'll pick you up right away, and I'll let you watch a big show later."

Liu Tian hung up the phone directly, with a cold glow in his eyes

In the yard, the monkey yelled: "Damn, this kid is still aggressive, let's see how I deal with you later"

The monkey walked back to the inner courtyard angrily. When he came out, Liu Tian didn't see the gun in his hand, but saw a knife. Liu Tian took a closer look at the monkey's pocket and the like, and found that After he didn't wear a **** on his body, his expression was tense and relaxed

The other party should only have a gun, but unfortunately it was not carried by the monkey, otherwise he would definitely be able to snatch the gun from the monkey

Liu Tian watched the monkey leave the yard, jumped onto the wall of No.13 yard, and then jumped to the ground

He carefully sneaked into the inner room along the route the monkey entered just now, and soon he saw Brother Fu and Liu Zi in a room in the inner courtyard

"These scumbags..." When Liu Tian saw Lan Menger, who was trembling and frightened, his eyes turned cold, but he was a little surprised that Lan Menger's face turned a little red

The gun in Monkey's hand was already in Brother Fu's hand. Liu Tian frowned as he looked at the pistol.

"Brother Fu, that brat is here, can this bitch be eaten?" Liu Zi said, with longing in his eyes

"Are we still going to do it? In a minute or two, she will be begging us to fuck her. Isn't that interesting?" Brother Fu said

"Damn it, they actually gave Meng'er a chunyào" Hearing this, Liu Tian suddenly became angry, the mountain hole in his eyes was gnawing at people's eyes, he clenched his fists tightly, and his veins exploded

Brother Fu looked at the beauty who was getting more and more attractive, and asked, "Are the cameras ready?"

"Brother Fu, I've prepared it a long time ago, I'll get it now" the six sons laughed

Seeing that Liu Zi was about to come out, Liu Tian quickly flashed into a room next to him. He didn't expect that Liu Zi also came in not long after he entered.


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