【26nbsp;】7e7eThe sound of footsteps gradually approaching the table where Liu Tian was hiding

Liu Tian hid under the table, carefully calculating the distance between Liu Zi and himself, just when he was about to explode and hurt others, Liu Zi stopped

"Hey, such a beautiful girl, this time I have some fun." Liu Zi smiled sinisterly while looking for the camera

"Ma's" Liu Tian cursed in his heart

"Haha, found it"

Immediately after Liu Tian heard the sound of Liu Zi turning and leaving, he poked his head out secretly, and saw Liu Zi walking towards the door, his eyes turned cold, his figure suddenly jumped out, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed behind Liu Zi before Liu Zi responded Came over and was stunned by his fierce palm knife

He looked at Liu Zi, thought for a while, quickly took off his coat and pants, put on Liu Zi's coat and pants, then took the camera, and walked slowly towards that room

Liu Tian sneaked a peek at the door, and saw that Brother Fu was staring at Lan Meng'er, his heart was relieved and at the same time, his anger was rising. At this time, due to the effect of the chunyào medicine gradually exerted, Meng'er twisted her body involuntarily, two show tui restless intertwined together

"Sixth son, call Hou Zi and ask Hou Zi if that brat is here? I can't stand it anymore, this bitch makes my heart itch," Fu Ge said

Liu Tian was taken aback, but luckily Brother Fu didn't turn around, he was thankful, and replied softly: "Yeah."

"Liu son, this time..." Fu Ge said and turned his head, seeing Liu son who lowered his head slightly, he asked suspiciously, "Liu son, what are you doing with your head down?"

"What the hell?" Liu Tian raised his head suddenly, and pointed the camera in his hand at Brother Fu. With a click, a white light flashed

Taking advantage of the moment when Brother Fu was affected by the white light, Liu Tian grabbed the camera and slammed it over, impartially, hitting Brother Fu's head

"Ah..." Brother Fu screamed, raised his pistol to face Lan Menger

"Don't move, you fucking move again and I'll kill her"

Liu Tian's complexion changed slightly, and his body that was about to charge forward stopped.

"Go to the corner and stand there" Fu Ge called

Liu Tianyiyan walked to the corner and looked at Brother Fu calmly.

"Where's Liu Zi? Where did you f**k get Liu Zi?" Brother Fu looked crazy, and with the blood on his forehead, it was extremely terrifying.

"He's next door, he was just knocked out by me." Liu Tian frowned as he looked at Brother Fu's trembling hands.

"In the past, wake him up for me"

Liu Tian didn't say much, and went directly to the next door. After several squeezes and pinches by him, Liu Zi finally woke up and saw Liu Tian, ​​he almost cried out, and finally Liu Tian put a knife on his throat , he swallowed all the sound back to his stomach

"Don't bark, don't move, or you will bear the consequences," Liu Tian said coldly

"Yeah..." Liu Zi nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, for fear that the knife on his neck would cut his throat sometime

"Whose gun is in Brother Fu's hand?" Using a little force, the knife in Liu Tian's hand pierced the skin of Liu Zi's throat.

"Yes, we, Snake Eagle, helped a hall master, we borrowed it from him." Feeling the chill in his throat, the six sons did not dare to hide it, and said hastily

"Sure enough" Liu Tian thought to himself, seeing Brother Fu's trembling appearance, he knew that Brother Fu rarely held a gun

"How many bullets does that gun have?"

"Five, oh no, six, maybe seven..."

"***, how many are there?" Liu Tian put in more effort, blood was already overflowing from Liu Zi's neck

"Four, no, three..."

Liu Tian stepped up again: "How dare you lie to me, die!"

"Brother, don't don't, I said I said, two, just two"

Liu Tian frowned: "I think you won't shed tears when you see the coffin. I'll prick a hole in your body first, and you'll probably be able to remember how many bullets are in the coffin."

"Don't, don't, brother, I said, I said, there is only one in the ****, one bullet"

"One?" Looking at the six sons whose eyes were a little bright, Liu Tian frowned, and exerted his arm again: "I'll just use your body to block the bullet later."

As he said that, Liu Tian continued to exert force, and Liu Zi clearly felt the pressure and coldness on his neck, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Brother, I was wrong, there is no bullet in that gun, we just borrowed it to scare you"

Liu Tian didn't speak, but the strength in his hands became heavier.

"Brother, what I said this time is the truth, the truth, I didn't lie to you." At this moment, Liu Zi's intestines are green with regret, but who made him talk nonsense under the threat of death?If he only said five at the beginning, how could Liu Tian threaten him?

Liu Tian didn't expect it to end like this. He didn't expect the gun to be real. Whether there were bullets or not became the most important thing. Liu Tian wiped his forehead, didn't speak, but used a little force to answer with actions.

"Brother, please, please don't use too much force, that **** is really out of bullets!" Six sons shouted in horror

"Really?" Liu Tian pressed lightly, and the knife in his hand went a little deeper.

"Really, really!" the six sons cried out in horror.

"Oh, I think you can die." After finishing speaking, Liu Tian swung his knife again. Of course, he couldn't kill Liu Zi, he just stunned him again.

Liu Tian thought about how to rescue Lan Meng'er, then walked towards the room where Brother Fu was staying, and stopped at the door

He didn't know when Brother Fu got an extra knife, and his face suddenly changed. Liu Tian is now sure that the gun is out of bullets. If there are bullets, how could Brother Fu hand over the knife to his habitual right hand? And if the **** has bullets, why should he use a knife?

But now I know that the opponent is out of bullets, but he ran out with a knife, a truly deadly weapon. Originally, Liu Tian wanted to make a surprise attack, but he didn't expect Brother Fu to use the knife cleverly.

Liu Tian's expression moved, but he still pretended to be terrified. His only goal now is to deal with Brother Fu as soon as possible.

At this time, Lan Menger was in a terrible state.

"Six sons can't wake up..." Liu Tian said


"I shot a little harder, he is still in a coma"

"Fuck me, move the six sons here," Fu Ge said

Liu Tian went to the next room and brought Liu Zi over. He carried Liu Zi on his shoulders and walked towards Brother Fu.

"Put it there" Brother Fu commanded with the hand holding the knife, suddenly Liu Tian staggered, and accidentally fell towards Brother Fu

Brother Fu panicked when he saw this, and when he was about to dodge, a body fell on him, and his knife stabbed Liu Zi's ass

Bang Liu Tian kicked Brother Fu's head, snatched the gun, and smashed Brother Fu's head hard a few times, Brother Fu also fell down

Liu Tian called Su Sheng and briefly told him what happened just now. Liu Tian believed that he would handle it well, and then he flew away from here with Lan Menger in his arms.

On the way to leave, soul-stirring calls floated in the air


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