
Lan Meng'er curled up in Liu Tian's arms like a kitten, her little face was flushed, her two watery pussies were rippling with a sensual pussy, and her little hands were restlessly tearing at Liu Tian's clothes. 【】

"Meng'er, don't pull my clothes." Liu Tian looked around and said casually.

"Hmm..." Lan Meng'er moaned softly, her little hands were still tugging on Liu Tian.

"Meng'er, don't..." Liu Tian was stunned suddenly, he remembered that Lan Menger had been raped, and he was only focused on saving her just now, but he forgot.

"What should we do now?" Liu Tian was stunned and stopped.

Liu Tian scolded angrily: "Those three get out!"

"Take, take me to the hotel, I, I..." Lan Meng'er buried her small face in Liu Tian's chest, although her consciousness was blurred due to the torment of the fire, her body's instincts made her feel ashamed.

Liu Tian frowned, looking at Lan Menger who was clutching his sleeve tightly, hesitating.

Then, Liu Tian hugged Lan Meng'er and walked quickly towards the entrance of the alley, because of the gradually wet chest and the slightly trembling weak figure.

There is a hotel not far from the exit of the alley, Liu Tian paused for a while, and finally walked into the hotel.

"Open me a room." Liu Tian felt his face getting hot.

"How long will you be staying?"

"One, one day."


Holding the key, Liu Tian hurried upstairs, as if fleeing in a panic.

As soon as she entered the room, Lan Meng'er suddenly raised her head from Liu Tian's embrace, her small face was like pear blossom with rain on it.

"Liu Tian, ​​am I, am I a bad woman? I, I don't want to, but I can't control myself, I, I want to..."

Liu Tian didn't speak, but slowly leaned down, kissed the attractive red pussy, and pried her teeth open to close the yujin in his mouth.

"Hmm..." Lan Meng'er was stunned for a moment, Yu Huo was pulled by Liu Tian, ​​and exploded in full force, while looking back at Liu Tian with fiery enthusiasm, while searching around Liu Tian.

Gently put the disheveled Lan Menger on the bed, Liu Tian then peeled her into a little white sheep, while hugging Lan Menger, he climbed up the charming yufeng meat with both hands.

At this time, Lan Meng'er had completely fallen into the swamp of lust, unable to extricate herself, and the two lustful hands also disarmed Liu Tian amidst groping.

A plum blossom representing special meaning blooms quietly on the bedsheet.

This time is Liu Tian's first time in a real sense, but it is the same as the one in the game, and it brings Liu Tian infinite beauty.

Looking at Lan Menger who had fallen asleep, a trace of tenderness flashed in Liu Tian's eyes.Carefully carrying Lan Meng'er into the bathroom to clean it, and taking a bath for himself, Liu Tian fell asleep with Lan Meng'er in his arms.

As soon as he woke up in the morning, he felt something tightly wrapped around him.When she opened her eyes, she saw Lan Menger curled up in her embrace, her hands and feet hooking him together.

Liu Tian smiled slightly, and looked at Lan Menger tenderly.

Soon, Lan Menger's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes opened lazily.

"Ah..." Seeing her own situation, Lan Meng'er screamed, but when she saw Liu Tian, ​​she immediately thought of something, her little face turned red, and she buried her head in Liu Tian's chest.

Liu Tian didn't speak, but quietly looked at Lan Menger who was like a kitten.

For a long time, Lan Meng'er didn't raise her head, just when Liu Tian thought she was asleep, Liu Tian felt a warm moistness in her chest.

"Meng'er, what's the matter?" Liu Tian held the trembling shoulders.

Lan Menger's delicate body trembled: "No, nothing."

"Why are you crying?" Liu Tian suddenly hugged Lan Menger tightly.

"Let's go home, nothing happened yesterday."

"What?" Liu Tian was stunned.

"Yesterday, what happened last night..." Lan Meng'er gritted her teeth: "You did everything yesterday to save me, and, moreover, I did it voluntarily, so you don't have to be responsible."

"No, you gave it to me the first time, how can I leave you, no matter what, I will..." Liu Tian's voice stopped abruptly, and the word "responsible" stuck in his throat and said no matter what. If you don't come out, it's not just two words, it's a promise, a promise as important as Mount Tai.He has given this promise to another person.

Lan Meng'er glanced at Liu Tian faintly, feeling both moved and disappointed in her heart.She knew why Liu Tianzai did this, which was why she didn't want Liu Tian to be responsible.She knew that with Liu Tian's conditions, she definitely already had a girlfriend, and she couldn't destroy it.

A teardrop slid down her cheek, and she struggled to get up, but the pain in her lower body made her fall back into Liu Tian's arms, and she remembered that a pair of powerful arms tightly wrapped around her.

At this moment, neither of them spoke, and no one knew what they were thinking.

"You stay here today, and I'll call my aunt and my mother to report that they're safe."

Because of Lan Menger's incident last night, Liu Tian forgot to call Zhang Yunlan and Liu Mu to report their safety.Thinking of this, he hurriedly took out his cell phone and dialed the number at home.

"Hello..." It was Mother Liu's voice, but there was a hint of exhaustion in it.

"Mom, it's me."

"My God! Where are you? Where is Meng'er? How is she?"

"We're fine. It was too late last night, so we didn't go back." Liu Tian said.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Mom, let's go back in the afternoon, well, I'll take Meng'er around in the morning."

"Okay, let's do this first, and don't bother you." Mother Liu hung up the phone with a smile.

Liu Tian put on his clothes, looked at Lan Meng'er whose face was still rosy, and said softly, "You must be hungry now, I'll go down and buy something, and come up here, just lie here obediently and don't move."

"Hmm..." Lan Menger buried her head in the quilt.

Liu Tian didn't say anything, just sighed in his heart.

Soon Liu Tian came back and brought a delicious breakfast with him.

After breakfast, Liu Tian didn't go back, but stayed with Lan Menger in the room.As for the matter of responsibility, neither of them mentioned it again.

Deep in Lan Menger's heart, she hoped that Liu Tian would be responsible.It's just that she didn't want to embarrass Liu Tian, ​​and she could only wrong herself in the end.

By noon, the pain in Lan Menger's lower body had improved a lot, Liu Tian took her to eat on the street, then got into a taxi and headed for the residence.

In the car, the two were silent, and on the road, the two were still silent.At the door of the house, Liu Tian pulled out a bitter smile, and Lan Menger did the same.

After chatting with Mother Liu and Zhang Yunlan for a while, Liu Tiancai found a chance to return to his room.Not long after he left, Lan Meng'er also returned to her room. As soon as she entered the room, she closed the door, threw herself on her bed, and tears rolled down her cheeks as if she didn't want money.

Liu Tian stayed in his room and was silent for a long time before he got into the game cabin and started his game life.

Liu Tianyou was among the players, watching the players coming and going, he had the illusion of doing nothing.

"Alas..." Liu Tian sighed, his heart was always haunted by a sense of sadness.He didn't expect that before Liu Ruoxi's matter was settled, Lan Meng'er's matter would come out.He didn't know if he was lucky or what.

While walking, he accidentally bumped into a player.

"Damn, hit me? Did you wear your eyes?" Before Liu Tian apologized, the other party had already started yelling. His attitude made Liu Tian's expression turn cold.

"Sorry." Liu Tian left a sentence, bypassed the player, and wanted to leave, but he didn't expect that there was a wall of people in front of him.

Looking up, several players were standing in front of him with malicious smiles on their faces.

"Boy, do you want to leave after bumping into me?" The previous player smiled coldly.

"Oh, what do you want to do?" Liu Tian glanced at him.


"Hehe, compensation? Are you daydreaming?" Liu Tian glanced at the players in front of him, obviously they were ready to block him.

"No compensation?" The player said: "Then we will solve it in another way."

"What method?" Liu Tian looked at him with interest, and he already felt that the other party might be trying to find fault.

"Outside the city."

"Oh..." He probably meant to go to PK outside the city, now Liu Tian is more sure that the other party is here to find fault, Liu Tian raised his brows: "Okay, I will pick you one by one, or you will pick me one?"

"We pick you one out of a group!" Hearing Liu Tian's words, the player didn't show any annoyance on his face, but smiled happily.

Liu Tian turned around and walked forward.

That player made a face to the players blocking Liu Tian, ​​and then led them out of the city with Liu Tian.

Liu Tian kept walking forward, wondering where they came from, and who was going to deal with him?But what about his strength?What's more, it's still at level [-], and there are almost no one who can deal with him.

Several players behind Liu Tian couldn't help secretly happy when they saw that Liu Tian was walking towards their ambush.

Before he knew it, Liu Tian came to a valley. He swept his eyes and said, "Hurry up if you need to solve it. Oh, yes, if you still have a partner, call it out quickly to save trouble."

"Hehe, yes." The player sneered.

Liu Tian's brows twitched, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.Rows of players poured in from two valley entrances.

"Uh, I won't just walk into their ambush, right?" Liu Tian smiled wryly, not because he was afraid, but because he admired his luck.

Surrounded by others, a player slowly walked up to Liu Tian.

"So it's you, a dead mouse." Liu Tian said.It was Ji Hao who walked in front of him.

Ji Hao laughed back angrily: "Aren't you very good? Today I will let you taste what it is like to drop to an ordinary player."

"Oh..." Liu Tian's heart moved, "Even so, killing you is as easy as crushing an ant."

"Then you should drop your level first!" A stern look flashed across Ji Hao's face.


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