The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 526 The Great Counterattack

"Hey! You kid actually speak ill of Master behind his back, destroying Master's image, are you looking for a fight?"

Hearing the sound, Liu Tian's face immediately collapsed. He didn't expect his luck to be so bad. He usually doesn't see Zhui Jian. Today, he appeared behind him when he just said bad things about him. Isn't this cheating?

"Master" Liu Tian had a bitter face, and looked at the chasing sword in tatters with an aggrieved look. No matter how you looked at it, there was a trace of resentment in his eyes. 【26nbsp;】

"Little bastard, it's been so long since we haven't seen you that you dare to speak ill of Master. Are your wings hardened? Wei Shi Wei'an's image was almost ruined by you." Chasing Sword was very rude and rewarded Liu Tian with a chestnut. The onlookers couldn't help laughing, but at the same time they felt a chill. The outfit and body of Chasing Sword is also called image?Also called Wei An?

"I also did this to shock others. Think about it, don't the two extreme images perfectly complement your brilliance?" Liu Tian smiled obsequiously.

"You're right." Zhui Jian nodded approvingly, and focused on Tianxuan and Huo'er, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Teacher, are these two apprentice daughters-in-law? They are ting handsome, Although you don't have much, but you have me as a master, and you are barely worthy of others."

"Pfft" as if Liu Tian was drinking water at this time, he definitely spit out, looking at the chasing sword complacently in embarrassment: "Master, what are you talking about? Disciple daughter-in-law?"

"Well, although your vision is not as good as that of a teacher, you are really good. I am very satisfied with these two apprentices."

A touch of blush appeared on Tianxuan's charming face hidden under the veil. If she took off the veil at this time, she would definitely stun a large number of players.

She didn't refute Chasing Sword's words. It's not that she likes Liu Tian, ​​but because of her personality, she doesn't like to talk too much. Of course, if she faces familiar people, her non-eating fireworks will disappear.

Tianxuan didn't say anything, but little Phoenix Huo'er didn't follow her, her face tightened: "Hey, why are you talking nonsense? How can I be the most outstanding Fire Phoenix in the history of the Phoenix family, who is so beautiful, lovely, kind and innocent? His daughter-in-law? I doubt your vision now!"

A strange light flashed in Zhui Jian's eyes, and then he smiled and said, "A beautiful, lovely, kind and pure Phoenix, the most outstanding fire phoenix in history? You are not humble."

"Hmph, being too modest is hypocrisy." Little Fenghuang Huo'er proudly said.

"Master, they are just my friends." Liu Tian didn't want to chase Jianjian to continue making jokes, and said with a serious expression, "Master, I am looking for you for something important this time."

"What's the matter?" Liu Tian's expression caused Zhuijian to frown.

"Master, let's go in first."


Zhui Jian led the three of them into the inner hall.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

There was a trace of bitterness in the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, and then he talked about the black-robed monster and his own situation.

Zhui Jian didn't say anything, but from his ever-changing expression and furrowed brows, Liu Tian knew that that strange man in black robe was by no means simple.

"I know a little about the origin of the man in black, but I can't tell you now. As for your current state, you are actually sealed by him. The seal is easy to handle, but I can't do anything about the curse that makes your attributes permanently drop." Chase Jian said.

The mood is a little low.

"It's not that the curse cannot be broken, it's just that I don't have the ability to break it as a teacher." Chasing the sword.

"Master, break the seal for me first, or I will be hacked to death within a few strokes of walking out."

Jian nodded, and after simply wiping his body with his oily hand, he placed it on top of Liu Tian's head.

Wisps of black brilliance flew out of Liu Tian's body one after another as if attracted by some kind of attraction, and gathered under Zhuijian's palm. Soon, no black brilliance flew out of Liu Tian's body again.

"Okay." Zhui Jian clenched his palm, and the black brilliance gathered under his palm instantly disappeared.

"Okay?" Liu Tian questioned, his automatic reply is good at this time, and the red yào and blue yào are probably also effective, but the black curse seal on his palm has not disappeared, and [unseal 9679 left hand] is still in the seal state.


Liu Tian opened the palm of his left hand to show Zhui Jian: "Master, what about this one?"

"Uh, this?" Zhuijian was taken aback, coughing and coughing a few times: "This seal has elements of curse power, um, even a teacher can't do anything about it."

Liu Tian gave Zhui Jian a disdainful look: "Whatever, I will break it myself in the future, now you hurry up and teach me the skills of level [-] and level [-]! My level [-] skills have not yet Learn!"

"Ahem, no problem, no problem." Zhuijian tapped twice awkwardly, and the two beams of light submerged into Liu Tian's forehead.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for learning the skills [Moon Kill] [Fudo Mingo]."

Moon Kill [Elementary]:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 0/00

[Skill Effect]:

Moon Kill is a full-range attack skill. The range and power of the attack will increase with the improvement of the skill. The current power is 300% of the air attack.

[Casting distance]: Self.

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 5 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.


Fudo Myoki [Elementary]:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 0/00

[Skill Effect]:

In a certain period of time, it can reflect the spell damage of spiritual practitioners and Taoist priests. Currently, it can reflect 2% of the spell damage within 50 minutes.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 8 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 400 point of true energy.


Liu Tian nodded in satisfaction. These two skills are skills he lacks, and they will undoubtedly be of great help to him.

"Master, then I'll go first." Liu Tian said, don't wait until the matter is settled, it's best to stay away from this unscrupulous master.

Chasing Sword waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go. Oh, wait, you take this, if you meet that black-robed man again, you crush this, I will rush over."

Zhui Jian threw a yu token to Liu Tian.

"Okay." Liu Tianxi smiled, this is his life-saving talisman, the next time he meets a man in black, he finally doesn't have to be afraid.

With Tianxuan and Huo'er, Liu Tian left the job transfer hall, and every time he entered and exited, his mood improved a lot.Not only is his state back to normal now, but he also knows that the third-level attribute has a chance to come back, so he is naturally in a good mood.

Looking in the direction of the suburbs, he smiled coldly, now it's time for him to take revenge: "Ji Hao, just wait, there's nothing to do recently, I'll just play with you."

"Tianxuan, I'm going to the battlefield to see, do you want to go there together?" Liu Tian asked.

"Okay, okay." Huo'er called out first, his eyes full of aura were full of excitement.

Tianxuan smiled lightly: "Then let's go."

The battlefield in the suburbs has entered a white-hot stage.In the beginning, the guild headed by the Eternal Alliance was too anxious to rescue Liu Tian, ​​and suffered a lot more casualties than the guild headed by Luàn Shi.

Ji Hao was not a pussy either, he knew how to use Liu Tian to plot against the guild headed by the Eternal Alliance, and laid many ambushes on the way to the valley.

The Cangyuan Blood Wolf led some thieves and assassins to secretly sneak into the valley to rescue Liu Tian, ​​but in the end they were surrounded by Luàn players, and only two or three escaped.

However, after receiving Liu Tian's safety information, Wufeng and Tianhuang began to arrange a battle plan, step by step, and gradually overwhelmed the guild headed by Luàn Shi by virtue of their advantages in quantity and quality.

The two wings encircled and suppressed, the squad harassed, assassins assassinated, and the players who were killed back to the city also fought fiercely with the guild players headed by Luàn who rushed to the battlefield under orders.

The players headed by the Eternal Alliance have already played real fire. After entering the period of the big counterattack, they have become more and more courageous. To the trap, dozens of poisonous arrows were shot from the ground.

On the contrary, the assassin was like a fish in water on the battlefield, and the assassination was exhilarating.Assassins are the most proud in this kind of hunk battle. Everyone is tired of guarding against the frontal battle, and they are already powerless against the dark god of death.

Liu Tian rushed to the battlefield with two beauties, one big and one small, and they heard the sound of fighting not far from the Dragon Imperial City.

The sky whispered, [Sword Demon Walking Walk] activated, the speed soared, and quickly rushed to the small battlefield in front of him. He was frustrated in the valley for so long, and now it's time to vent.

Passing a bend, passing a small forest, small battlefields in groups of three and four came into his eyes.

The players of the guild that formed an alliance with the Eternal Alliance displayed the icon of fighting side by side, while the players who were enemies were shrouded in a faint red light, and their names were also extremely blood red.

The corner of Liu Tian's mouth curled up into a sneer, and he stepped on the [Sword Demon Walking Alone], and rushed into the small battlefield in groups of three or four without hesitation. Players are like rice, falling down in pieces.

"Wow, who is that? So fierce?" A player from the Eternal Alliance stared blankly at Liu Tian rushing towards other figures in the small battlefield. He remembered that a few seconds ago, they were fighting with five or six players from the hostile guild. fight.


"I want to admire his figure!" A player chased after Liu Tian after speaking.

As soon as his words came out, the others came to their senses and rushed to follow Liu Tian.It's just that before they arrived at another small battlefield, Liu Tian's figure had already rushed to another small battlefield, leaving behind only a few corpses and a few stunned players.

"Brother, don't be dumbfounded. Everyone else is chasing that awesome guy. Damn it, he's too strong! I ask him to be my boss!" said a player chasing him, patting a player who was still in a daze.

"Ah?" The player exclaimed, and then frantically chased after Liu Tian: "Idol, God!"

"Fuck, wait for me!"

Liu Tian was like a storm, where all the hostile players were destroyed.Under his leadership, the players of the Eternal Alliance destroyed one small battlefield after another on the road like a bamboo shoot, and quickly reached the decisive battlefield!


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