The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 527 Rendezvous


Liu Tian was like a storm, where all the hostile players were destroyed. 【26nbsp;】21.Under his leadership, the players of the Eternal Alliance destroyed one small battlefield after another on the way like a bamboo shoot, and quickly arrived at the decisive battlefield!

As soon as the team led by Liu Tian entered the battlefield, they were locked by spies one by one, and their information was sent to the battlefield commander.

"President?!" Seeing the screenshots and information sent over, Wufeng was taken aback on the spot. He didn't expect Liu Tian to come over and lead such a powerful force.

"What's the matter?" Yang Binghui beside him couldn't help asking when he saw his surprised expression.

"It's nothing, the president is here, and he brought some people with him, probably gathered in the small battlefield on the road." Wufeng said.

"Oh shit, why did he come here? Didn't we just let us handle the war with full authority?" Yang Binghui said.

"It's not bad for the president to come here, he can also boost morale, hehe, and he is also a pervert himself, if he plays, he can definitely suppress part of the opponent's arrogance." Wufeng laughed.

Soon, Liu Tian led the team and arrived in a hurry.

Smiling and waving to the players who had been following him for a long time, Liu Tian and Wufeng who had been waiting for a long time got into the temporary headquarters.

In the temporary headquarters, everyone Liu Tian was familiar with or not familiar with was here. As soon as Liu Tian arrived, Zhang Long jumped over and hugged his arm to greet him warmly.

Liu Tian glanced at the faces of a group of people, and when he saw Lan Meng'er, he paused, and immediately said, "I'm fine. place, just say it."

Liu Tian's polite words were addressed to those guild leaders who were allied with the Eternal Alliance.These allied guilds are not bad, and they have generously dispatched not weak troops this time.

"President Eternal, you are welcome. Since we have formed an alliance, we will naturally advance and retreat together." It was the president of Yiyun Society who spoke.

The president of the Tianxiahui smiled and said: "Yes, I believe that if the same thing happens to us, the eternal president will definitely send troops generously."

Liu Tian smiled noncommittally, these presidents are not fuel-efficient lamps.But as long as they cooperate sincerely, it doesn't matter. Now that the game world is booming, guilds are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain. It is difficult for one or two guilds to fight alone.

You Long Tianxia and the beautiful squad leader were also acquaintances, so they didn't say any polite words, they just asked about Liu Tian's previous trap.

"If you haven't escaped, something is really wrong. But now that you have escaped, then there is nothing wrong. As for falling to level three, the impact will not be great." A sneer flashed across the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, and his eyes became colder. .

"Wufeng, Tianhuang, how is the battle going?" he asked.

"Now we have entered the period of the big counterattack. The players led by the troubled times have been gradually suppressed by us and are moving towards the valley. I have already sent troops to deploy to the valley. Victory is only a matter of time. Hehe, this time the battle has been controlled by the system. It is confirmed that it is a battle between guilds, and it is not good for one side to lose." Tianhuang said.

"Hmph, it's their bad luck that they dare to bully brother." Zhang Long pouted, dissatisfied.

Liu Tian smiled: "Wufeng, give me a team, I'll go out and play with them, I'm too aggrieved in the valley."

Now his state has returned to normal, and he is not afraid to fight with their team alone, especially the third stage of [Sword Demon Refining Origin Art], which has brought him even more benefits.

【Sword Demon Refining Origin Art】〖Cultivation Method〗


Through non-stop operation and consumption of a certain amount of true energy, it strengthens one's physique every moment and improves various sexual attributes of the human body.When the life of the exercise practitioner is lower than %, there is a 50% probability that the practitioner's life will be restored to full.

[First weight]:

Strength +5

Constitution +5

Dexterity +5

Auto reply +2

Through the non-stop operation, a certain amount of true energy is consumed to improve the quality of the human body.

【Second level】

Strength +6

Constitution +6

Dexterity +6

Auto reply +2

Body healing +10%

unknown effect

Through the non-stop operation, a certain amount of true energy is consumed to improve the quality of the human body.

【Third layer】

strength +

Physique +

Agility +

Auto reply +4

Body healing +15%

Spell damage - 5%

unknown effect

Through the non-stop operation, a certain amount of true energy is consumed to improve the quality of the human body.

The third level [Sword Demon Refining Source Art] brings him more benefits, especially the one [Magic Damage -5%]. He believes that as long as [Sword Demon Refining Source Art] improves, the benefits he gets will be even greater. More.

If it wasn't for that black-robed weirdo, he would have killed as many minions in the valley as they came. Of course, if there were too many minions, he would need careful planning. .

But now it is a big battle, with Liu Tian's strength, he can rush into a certain front to fight casually, and his safety can be guaranteed.

Wufeng and the others also knew Liu Tian's strength, and they didn't object to Liu Tian's words.They also knew that Liu Tian was really aggrieved this time, and if he was put into that state properly, no matter how strong he was, he would be exhausted to death.

"Brother Blood Wolf, you lead a team of assassins and thieves, and I lead a team of melee players. How about we go around behind them and disrupt their positions?" Liu Tian's eyes lit up when he saw the Cangyuan Blood Wolf.

"Okay!" Cangyuan Blood Wolf nodded. He was surrounded because he was in a hurry to save people, and only two or three of the team were killed. He was already upset, and had been planning how to take revenge. It was exactly what he wanted.

Suddenly, the system prompts that Tianxuan's text message has arrived.

"I'm here, where are you?"

"The coordinates tell me, I'll come out to pick you up, and I'll introduce some friends to you by the way." Just now, Liu Tian was concerned about killing people, so he didn't wait for Tianxuan, and just asked him to give him a message when he arrived.


"I'm here." After Liu Tian replied, he said to Wufeng: "You can settle the matter of the horse, and I will pick up a friend, the one who rescued me just now."

"Brother, sister went out with you to pick up your friend." Enchanting suddenly said, her charming eyes blinked at Liu Tian.

"Uh, okay."

On the way, a ray of fragrance hit Liu Tian's lungs, enchanting suddenly approached Liu Tian, ​​and blew into Liu Tian's ear.

"Brother, I guess your friend must be a girl, right?"

"Uh, yes."

"Not only a girl, but also a big beauty, right?"

"How do you know?" Liu Tian touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

"Of course I know, I'm your sister, alas, you've spoiled all the cabbages, be careful to be sent by heaven."

"Sister!" Liu Tian looked at Enchanting suddenly and seriously.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Liu Tian's serious expression, Yaoluo put away her joking attitude.

"Actually, I just want to hug you." Liu Tian leaned close to the enchanting ear, breathing softly.

"Hmph!" Enchanting eyebrows furrowed.

"Haha..." Liu Tian smiled happily, every time he quarreled with Yao Yao, his mood was extraordinarily comfortable.

"Actually, it's not difficult to hug me." Enchantingly, she approached Liu Tian's body suddenly, her pair of jade hands clung to Liu Tian's waist like a spirit snake.

"Ahem..." Liu Tian felt the threat from his waist, and immediately looked pitifully at Enchanting.

"If you want to arch, you have to chase it, and if you catch it, you can do it at your mercy." Said seductively, her body got closer to Liu Tian, ​​a pair of plump arms squeezed Liu Tian, ​​and at the same time a pair of jade hands stroked Liu Tian's waist .

"Fairy..." The beauty of the arms made Liu Tian, ​​who had just tasted human affairs, shake his mind and let out a wild cry from the bottom of his heart.

"Sister, with your encouragement, I will work hard!" Liu Tian said solemnly, but the next moment his whole face was distorted: "Sister, I won't take you to bully people like this."

When Liu Tian was enjoying himself to the extreme, his waist was crushed by a pair of jade hands, and the degree of distortion was estimated to exceed 360 degrees.

"is it?"

Liu Tian's body trembled, and the enchanting and moist fragrance head passed by the tip of his ear.

"Fairy!" The cap was enchantingly put on.

"younger brother…"


"Are you comfortable?"

"Uh... goblin..."

"Fairy? That's a good name."

Liu Tian glanced at Enchanting, and walked forward silently, his knowledge was still too shallow, and he couldn't compare to the incomparably charming enchantress Enchanting.

As soon as he walked out of the siege of the players, Liu Tian saw Tianxuan standing not far away, dressed in white, as holy as a fairy.Beside her is a lovely girl carved in pink and jade.

"It's her." Her enchanting eyes glanced at Tianxuan.


"Let's not talk about her appearance, just this fairy-like temperament will make people fascinated." Enchantingly sighed: "Brother, have you seen her appearance?"


"I guess her name is Tianxuan."

Liu Tian glanced at Enchanting in surprise: "Yes."

"Tsk tsk, why are you surrounded by beautiful women?"

"Is sister praising others, or praising yourself?"

"Sister still need to praise?"

"Of course you don't need to praise my sister's beauty! You can cause traffic accidents even if you stop on the street." Liu Tian said seriously.


"Sister, it's over."

With that said, Liu Tian walked towards Tianxuan and Huo'er.

Tianxuan also saw Liu Tian at this time, took Huo'er, and walked towards Liu Tian.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

"Nothing." Tianxuan lightly shook her head, her eyes swept across her enchanting body.

"Tianxuan, this is my sister Enchanting."

"Hello, Yaoluo." Yaoluo smiled and said, "Little sister, you are really beautiful."

"Tianxuan, thank you."

"Let's go in first." Liu Tian said.

Liu Tian led two beauties, one big and one small, back to the temporary headquarters.When they knew Tianxuan's identity, most people were shocked, they didn't expect Liu Tian to know Tianxuan.Since the list of beauties came out, Tianxuan has hardly appeared in front of the players' eyes, and few people know Tianxuan's image.

However, when the people in the temporary headquarters were amazed, one after another glared at Liu Tian, ​​and even Zhang Long pouted in dissatisfaction.


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