super space warrior

Chapter 311 Strong Persuasion

() Numerous masters from all over the world fought fiercely in the arena, and the negotiations in the Xiyuan Palace have reached the most critical moment...

Due to the abundance of time, Xiahou was not too eager to express Lin Sha's guess before, but after nearly ten days of talking, all the foreplay that should be done has been done, and today is the final showdown.

Although he had been vaccinated a long time ago, when Xia Houshi really told Lin Sha's guess, it still caused an uproar.

"Are you kidding, 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' is in the beast forest?"

"This is impossible. What a noble existence is the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary', how could it be with a group of ferocious beasts?"


The envoys all shook their heads to express their disbelief. Although Xiahou's guess was somewhat reasonable, and the word "West" in "West Wilderness Sanctuary" was true, it did not mean that they were really in the West.Even if the 'Western Sanctuary' is really in the west, it doesn't necessarily have to be in the vast forest of ferocious beasts, maybe it must be further west.

The Xiahou clan was not angry when the envoys questioned him, but just laid out the reasons one by one for the envoys to judge for themselves.

Those seemingly absurd but very reasonable reasons after careful consideration left the messengers speechless in surprise.Especially when the envoy whose family has been passed down for nearly a thousand years said that according to the family ancestral records, the mysterious force that supported the ancestors of the Hualong Empire's royal family originated in the West. Speaking of which, today's Southwest Kingdom is exactly the Hualong Empire's royal family. The place where the ancestors started, it is all right to say that the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' came from the Forest of Fierce Beasts.

This time, the envoys had nothing to say, and the Xiahou family took the opportunity to propose the idea of ​​reuniting the mainland countries.It is hoped that all countries in the mainland will unite to fight against the pressure from the 'West Wild Sanctuary'.

The envoys suddenly turned into sculptures and kept silent, jokingly wanting them to help the Southwest Kingdom face the strong men of the 'West Wilderness Sanctuary', how could it be so simple?

They have questioned Xiahou's speculation before, is there no reason for this?

If you want an alliance, you can, but the Southwest Kingdom must show enough sincerity!

They are all a bunch of old foxes, Xiahou cursed secretly in her heart, she is full of confidence with Lin Sha behind her back, at worst, she will abandon the foundation at hand and follow Lin Sha to that Yanhuang galaxy to live a comfortable life, then see how you cry?

Ignoring the silence of the envoys, she stated the request of the Southwest Kingdom. It was very simple for the mainland countries to mobilize at least half of the experts in the country to solve the problem of the "Western Sanctuary" within the Southwest Kingdom.

The envoys just sneered. It sounds good to solve the troubles within the Southwest Kingdom. Don't they want their people to stand up?

"Solve the trouble? It's a big tone. I don't know where Her Majesty's confidence comes from?"

The powerful emissary behind the self-sufficiency asked with a sneer, and immediately attracted a lot of echoes.

"Hey, I wonder if I have the qualifications?"

A sound of balls suddenly entered the ears of the messengers, and before the messengers could react, a tall figure suddenly appeared in the inner hall, and the azure blue flames all around him were surging with powerful and terrifying momentum.

"Ah, it's His Highness Lin Sha!"

In the luxurious and majestic inner hall, there was a sudden flutter of chickens and dogs. Those messengers of average strength could not even sit still in the face of the powerful imposing oppression, and their rickety figures were almost crushed to the ground.

The surrounding tables, chairs, and tea tables seemed to have been ravaged by a strong wind, and they were in chaos, but the magic was that the things on the coffee table seemed to be pulled by a gentle force, floating quietly in place as if they were not affected in any way.

The guards standing around the inner hall were horrified, beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads, and their bodies were pressed against the wall by a powerful momentum, unable to move an inch, and a deep fear enveloped their hearts.

The guards guarding the outer room heard the sound of the inner hall, and rushed towards the gate of the inner hall with swords and knives.But they came and went even faster, and these guards couldn't bear Lin Sha's explosive momentum at all, and they flew out backwards like a balloon at a faster speed than when they came.

The entire inner hall was in chaos, only the high-ranking and glamorous Queen Xiahou, who was sitting at the top, was not affected in any way.

After a long time, Lin Sha withdrew his outward momentum, and the sound of panting in the inner hall of the palace became one.The oppressive momentum just now was so amazing that it almost made the envoys breathless.

"Lin Sha, Your Highness Sha, what do you mean?"

These envoys could still maintain the restraint that a country's important ministers should have in front of the Xiahou family, but they didn't even dare to take a breath when facing Lin Sha. In the face of powerful strength, all the identities of light were just clouds.

"Hmph, I just want to know if I can keep the envoy of the 'Western Wild Sanctuary' with my power!" Lin Sha sneered with disdain, and said coldly as he glanced at the embarrassing envoys one by one. .

The luxurious and majestic inner hall was silent again, and the atmosphere became a little awkward and heavy.

"Can, can, can..."

After a long time, an envoy who had seen the power of the special envoy of the 'Western Sanctuary' seemed unable to stand the silent and oppressive atmosphere in the inner palace, and shouted loudly as if seeing a savior.

Someone spoke, and immediately the heaviness in the inner palace was swept away, and the atmosphere became relaxed and lively.

Lin Sha's indifferent face gradually softened amidst the praise and flattery of the envoys.He stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and waited until the envoys shut their mouths honestly before he revealed the final trump card.

In terms of strength, he has this self-confidence. The envoy of the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' is completely vulnerable to him. Even if the envoy's strength is beyond imagination, he will not be his opponent.

And he also promised that as soon as the messenger appeared, he would be discovered by his dark hands immediately, and he would follow the clues to find the lair of the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary'. How to deal with it at that time is another matter.

What each country has to do is extremely simple, gather a group of masters to deal with unexpected changes that may occur, for example, if the envoy from the 'Western Wild Sanctuary' is not alone, if Lin Sha can't get away for a while, then the alliance masters must desperately hold back Another 'Western Sanctuary' messenger, at any cost.

The envoys of the main country showed a disapproving expression, but they nodded in agreement, but they had another idea in their hearts.

Just kidding, even if the 'Western Sanctuary' comes, the first target is the Southwest Kingdom, why should they be forced to fight hard?

When the Southwest Kingdom is gone, it is estimated that the mainland countries have already made preparations to deal with it.

Apparently seeing the speculative thoughts in the hearts of the messengers, Lin Sha couldn't help but sneer again and again, saying that everyone's abacus should not be too loud, with me, Lin Sha, here in the "Western Wilderness Sanctuary", even if the attack comes, I can resist it for a while , besides, we have already prepared for the worst, and it is impossible to throw away this family business in the Southwest... (To be continued.)

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