super space warrior

Chapter 312 Discovery

() Ruthless, really ruthless!

Even willing to give up her family business, the glamorous queen of the Southwest Kingdom is obviously determined to do nothing.

The special envoys of various countries were shocked by Xiahou's ruthlessness, and they no longer dared to perfunctory, saying that they would contact the country as soon as possible after returning, and wait for the final instructions from the country.

Ignoring the special envoys from various countries who left in embarrassment wiping their brows in cold sweat, Lin Sha focused more on the Hualong version of the 'Strong Challenger' arena. He was more interested in the special martial arts performed by some masters.

Time passed quickly amid the noise and undercurrents, and three months passed by in the blink of an eye.

I don't know if it was frightened by the determination of the high-level officials of the Southwest Kingdom, or for some other reason. Except for a few countries in the mainland, most of the other countries finally expressed their willingness to form an alliance again to deal with the "West Wilderness Sanctuary" The threat posed, and then a large number of experts from various countries rushed to the Xiyuan Palace.

This made the scale of the ring competition bigger and bigger, and also attracted more and more masters to come to 'watch and learn'.

It can be said that the Xiyuan Palace has now become a veritable magnet, attracting all the good iron from all over the mainland.To Xiahou's delight, there have been quite a few 'folk masters' who don't belong to any organization in the vicinity of Tailei recently.

As the host of the Southwest Kingdom, it is natural that they are close to the water first, and in just four months, they have recruited no less than thirty "folk masters" who have not made a statement.

Of course, to attract so many 'private masters' to join, the dilution and healing medicine provided by Lin Sha definitely played a role that cannot be ignored.

In order to avoid too many casualties in the fierce arena battle, Lin Sha imitated the "strong arena match" of the warrior star and provided seriously diluted healing medicine.It was originally just a means to prevent things, but unexpectedly, it achieved unexpected huge gains in the end.

May I ask which warrior would spare his life?

The more powerful a warrior is, the more he cherishes his life. There are not no such warriors who can do anything to improve their strength. On the contrary, there are many. But wouldn't it be safer to have a life-saving 'sacred medicine' in hand?

It is precisely because of this that not only those "folk masters" are eager to recruit the Southwest Kingdom, but even the royal families of the mainland are also greedy.The kingdoms that have achieved the alliance's intentions directly ask for it, and there are not a few countries that have not joined the alliance but want to separate, and they also come to the door to buy with the cheek.

How could Lin Sha be interested in paying attention to these trivial matters?

His eyes were also completely attracted by the group arena which was getting bigger and bigger and the battles were getting more and more exciting.

It has to be said that the warrior's imagination is extremely rich, in order to win the battle or to save his life, he can do everything he can, and the endless variety of tricks and means makes him amazed.

Here, he not only saw the bloody hand-to-hand combat unique to Hualong Continent, but also saw all kinds of strange moves.Strong light moves like the Sun Fist in the Dragon Ball comics, and weird moves like the Four Body Fist appeared, and even vicious methods like the star-absorbing method in martial arts novels are not rare.

Lin Sha has always been interested in all kinds of strange and practical moves.

In order to figure out the principle or the method of launching the move, he even used the calculation function of the brain, and after repeated research and research, he must figure out the tricks.

On the other hand, through the Southwest Kingdom, he had private contact with those masters, and exchanged the dilution of serious healing potions for some weird moves that didn't seem to be very practical.

The effect is very good. Recently, the training of Xiahou Xianger and Xiahoujie has added a lot of tricks. From time to time, you will do a strong light punch, and I will do a four-element punch. I have a great time.

What made Lin Sha almost shattered his eyes was that, just like this seemingly child's play, the combat effectiveness of the siblings and their ability to understand and use new moves increased by leaps and bounds.

Is this the ultimate teaching technique in the legend - entertaining while teaching?

The "sacred medicine" that appeared in the Southwest Kingdom shocked the entire Hualong Continent, and the strength of the masters in the Southwest Kingdom also completely shocked the entire continent.

After taking the enhanced version of the special potion that enhances physical fitness and stimulates potential, it is reasonable for the mainstay of the Southwest Kingdom to digest the benefits of the special potion in a short period of time.

However, there are exceptions to everything!

A sudden group arena match that spread across the entire continent changed the lives and fates of many Hualong native players, and the players from the Southwest Kingdom were also among those whose life trajectories had been transformed.

At the beginning, there was nothing. Although the fighting power of these people was over [-], they were all super masters ten years ago, but now it is different.Among the masters sent by the mainland countries, there are not a few masters with such combat power, and there are many masters with a combat power of more than [-].

The initial stage performance of the mainstays of the Southwest Kingdom was not perfect, or it can be described as bad.Because of the record of winning less and losing more, the Xiahou family has no face in front of the high-level officials of the mainland countries.

But slowly, gradually the situation is different.

The enhanced potion with special effects is gradually taking effect in the high-intensity group arena, and the strength of the mainstays of the Southwest Kingdom is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.It is almost the same every day, and the change is jaw-dropping.

After more than three months of fighting, the combat power of the mainstays of the Southwest Kingdom has successfully exceeded [-], and the most desperate ones have even exceeded [-], and their strength is comparable to that of interstellar intermediate fighters!

This speed of strength improvement is really amazing.

Don't forget, this is just their combat power in normal state. What the Hualong native powerhouses are most worried about is all kinds of strange explosive submersible combat skills. The real strength should be two to three times that of normal state!

Not to mention, Lin Sha made a big fuss in private, explaining and instilling the basic combat methods and skills of many interstellar fighters to these guys, so that their strength can be fully exploded.

At the very least, one must learn how to fly flexibly, master air combat skills, and be able to skillfully use energy attack methods, whether it is close combat or long-range combat, can it handle it?

Recently, the mainstays of the Southwest Kingdom have become synonymous with victory and a myth in the arena.

I don't know when, among the many mainland martial artists who participated or observed and studied, there was a rumor quietly circulating that the royal family of the Southwest Kingdom had a magical method that could quickly improve their personal strength in a short period of time.

The guys from the Southwest Kingdom who are showing off in the arena are the best evidence. Someone who knows their details "quietly" revealed that ten years ago, these guys were all rubbish.

What kind of garbage law?

None of them has reached the first-class level (combat power 800-1000), isn't this rubbish?

Some people even found out how these guys made their fortunes. After joining the southwestern princes, their strength suddenly soared, from second-rate trash to super strong in one fell swoop.In the next ten years, there was no sign of any increase in strength, but recently the strength has been "crawling" straight up. Doesn't this explain anything?

Even old fritters in the Jianghu said that the improvement of these guys' strength is all related to a certain person.That's right, it is His Highness Lin Sha, Prince of the Southwest Kingdom who has disappeared for ten years.

As for the origin of His Highness Lin Sha, almost no one knows about it.I just know that his first appearance to the outside world was in the small town of Xiyuan where the Xiyuan Palace is located.

His Royal Highness Lin Sha's power is mysterious and unpredictable. Of course, no warrior dares to come to the door to inquire in person, but one can know a thing or two from the side.It is said that His Royal Highness Lin Sha is so powerful that he can immobilize the powerful of all countries by relying on his aura alone; I heard that even the powerful beasts in the Wild Beast Forest are not his Highness' opponents; there are also reliable sources claiming that , His Royal Highness Princess Xiang'er's powerful white tiger was also captured by His Highness Lin Sha himself, in order to celebrate Princess Xiang'er's birthday and so on.

In short, the small Xiyuan Palace was full of rumors all of a sudden, and there was a market for all kinds of mysterious theories, and Lin Sha, who had been hiding behind the scenes, made a big splash.

These rumors even alarmed the high-level expatriates in mainland China. They did not dare to ask Lin Sha for confirmation, so they had to go to the Xiahou family, and eagerly asked if there was such a thing, and if so, could the Southwest Kingdom use such a magical method?

Of course, when the glamorous queen Xiahou was dealing with the envoys from all over the world, Lin Sha had already brought Xiahou Xianger and Xiahoujie back to the base deep in the beast forest.

At this time, the scope of the base has expanded by more than ten times, and the various infrastructures are very complete. With the efforts of engineering robots, it has been built into a small interstellar base station.

Of course, he came back at this time not to accept the project, but the small reconnaissance robot that was launched had made a major discovery.

Leaving the enthusiastic siblings to play around the base, Lin Sha went to the command center [-] meters below the base, entered the command cabin of the small spaceship, and ordered the intelligence brain of the spaceship to summarize and display all the useful information collected by the reconnaissance robot.

Soon, the screen of the huge ion screen in the control cabin was split into two, and the smaller one showed the panoramic photo of the beast forest taken by the reconnaissance satellite from a high altitude. It was as ugly as the pockmarks on the face of the ferocious forest.

And the big one on the screen shows the scene that the small reconnaissance robot sees.

Every time a new scene is changed, the small screen on the other side will display a small red dot in a certain blank area, indicating that the scene in the picture is in this blank area.

The small reconnaissance robot's travel route is based on the base, and slowly penetrates into the beast forest for reconnaissance.So the scene at the beginning didn't catch his eyes too much. It was either a mine with a special magnetic field or the territory of a certain beast. What made him feel uneasy was that the deeper the beast was, The stronger... (To be continued.)

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