super space warrior

Chapter 316 Who?


A burst of azure blue energy flames surged out, completely covering the surrounding 50-meter radius in an instant.

Smelling the strong smell of blood, the large mosquitoes that came quickly and were about to eat were turned into ashes in the sudden flame of hot energy.


The head of the unknown creature that had just emerged from the soft, rotten soil was pierced by a beam of azure energy.

"If you want to pick up a bargain, how can it be so easy?"

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and he let go of a part of his body a little. Suddenly, a majestic and terrifying coercion wanted to spread rapidly in all directions. Many creatures in the "air mechanism" sensed the forward breath, and most of them turned around immediately. Just leave, and the remaining guys with a relatively domineering aura also began to hesitate.

Looking across the giant snake whose head had been smashed and completely lost its vitality, Lin Sha showed a ferocious smile on his face.

He took out two biochemical warrior compression balls from his bosom, and took out a bottle of light green healing potion that contained infinite vitality, and soon two majestic biochemical warriors with a combat power of more than [-] appeared in front of them.

"My lord, I salute you!"

Obviously, these two were much more advanced than the defective ones that Lin Sha had recruited as the two junior sparring partners, and their minds were also much brighter.


He just nodded slightly, and took out a pea-sized transparent soft ball from the waist partition, injected a little bit of energy in his body and threw it into the air. After a crisp 'bang', a huge transparent pocket appeared in the air, light and floating It was as if nothing was falling to the ground.

"Put the snake body in a bag and send it back to the base together!"

"Follow Your Excellency!"


Seeing the back of the biochemical warrior flying away quickly, Lin Sha collected his mood and stood up, continuing to explore the depths of the beast forest along the designated route.

This place is already [-] miles away from the base, and the ominous giant snake was the first ominous beast he encountered after entering the ominous beast forest with a combat power of over six thousand.

The trouble can't be said to be very big, but the ability to quickly capture foreign breaths it possesses is extremely troublesome.

I don't know if the good luck has run out, or if the giant snake has some external contact methods that he doesn't know.For Lin Sha, the rest of the trip was an out-and-out battle trip, the kind where he fought almost all the time.

It seems that after [-] miles, there is a watershed, and that ferocious giant snake is just a gatekeeper of the watershed.

Just after he left the core territory of the giant snake, he crashed into the lair of a group of forest wolves.

Lin Sha also got a little angry when he fought against the monster giant snake before. He wanted to find the bad luck of this group of forest wolves, but who would have thought that this group of animals would be extremely crazy, as if Lin Sha had killed their mothers and robbed their wives. Unaffected by his murderous aura and powerful coercion at all, hundreds of adult forest wolves united to launch a sneak attack brazenly.

As soon as Pu fought against Lin Sha, he was taken aback. The fighting power of these forest giant wolves was not bad. They all had a fighting power of more than [-], and they also mastered superficial energy attack methods.

If it's just one head alone, it's okay, even if the two little ones come over, they can kill them alive, but the opponent will have hundreds of heads when they are dispatched, and the overall strength of the home battle has doubled.

Although it was easy to deal with these beasts who dared to offend 'Tianwei', Lin Sha's heart rang a bell.Nima even a group of beasts with such a 'low' fighting power dared to face part of his coercion and bared their teeth, did they expect other more powerful beasts to detour when they saw him?

Moreover, the strength of this group of giant forest wolves also surprised him a lot. It's not like he hasn't encountered forest wolves before, and the strongest combat power is only one or two hundred. If he didn't have a keen sense of "energy" If it is auxiliary, it will have to stumble in the depths of the beast forest where the energy detector is almost useless.

What followed was fighting and bloody killings along the way. To his great surprise, it seemed that after the 'watershed', the strength of the poisonous beasts in the beast forest jumped several steps at once, not only their strength improved And his mind became fanatical, Lin Sha's powerful coercion had little effect on these creatures.

kill kill kill...

Lin Sha killed with vigor and joy, and killed the fierce beasts in the depths of the forest.

From encountering a giant snake with a combat power of more than [-] to bumping into another even more powerful wind and fire two-headed lion [-] miles away, the number of poisonous insects and beasts he killed along the way ranged from [-] to [-]. , it can be said that he came here with blood at all.


At this point, the bloody smell and the strong murderous aura can be detected from a mile away, let alone those beasts that are extremely sensitive to danger. Lin Sha simply gave up hiding The idea of ​​body shape.

As soon as he stepped into the territory of the two-headed lion, a group of blazing fireballs flew quickly under the encouragement of the strong wind. The air around the place where the fireball passed was distorted, showing the horror of its internal temperature!

"Damn, I've been guarding against you for a long time!"

Lin Sha sneered, jumped off the tall tree crown with a 'swipe' of his body, and kicked back against the swiftly flying fireball.Ever since this tactic worked wonders in the battle with the beast and giant snake, Lin Sha was very interested in this method of "returning the other's way to the other", how could he be an exception at this time?

The two-headed lion can only say that it is a dream if it wants to play a sneak attack, not to mention that Lin Sha's keen "qi machine" sensor has already sensed its existence, and even the small scout robot has already detected its traces. On the route he chose, how could he not have made complete preparations early on.


The two-headed lion did not expect Lin Sha to have such a weird move, and was almost caught off guard. Fortunately, it moved quickly and nimbly. The green-haired lion opened its mouth angrily and spewed out howling winds. It was a huge monster ten meters long and nearly five meters high. The body moved sideways for more than three meters, and only then narrowly avoided the blazing energy fireball that he just spewed out.


Lin Sha had already lost his mind to see the fighting style of the two-headed lion, the fierce beast in front of him. While it was dodging the blazing energy fireball, he shot three blue energy beams with his right index finger, instantly creating three opposing beams on the huge body of the two-headed lion. Pierce deep holes.I don't know if the temperature of the energy beam is high enough, and there is no blood splashing in the three index finger-thick perforations.

Feeling the sharp pain coming from his body, the two-headed lion became even more furious. Its huge body turned into afterimages of green and red, rushing towards it with unparalleled momentum, followed by a A long dragon made of broken branches and leaves and black and red dust.

Hoo hoo, hoo hoo hoo.

Two ferocious lion heads, one green and one red, showed their fangs, a waist-thin red pillar of fire and countless wind blades flashing blue light rushed towards him.

"The combat power is eight thousand!!!"

Lin Sha's eyelids twitched slightly. He didn't expect that the double-projection lion in front of him would be so powerful when it fully exploded in combat power.

However, this strength is not in his eyes!

His left leg took a sudden step forward and he clenched his fists forward and backward, making a classic opening move of a character in The King of Fighters. The energy in his body circulated rapidly, his eyes suddenly opened wide and he shouted loudly: "Tornado—Whirlwind Fist!"

With a 'huh', the azure energy tornado wrapped around his right fist came out of his hand, and the next moment it quickly elongated and thickened to form a succession of violent energy tornadoes with a diameter of more than ten meters, and rushed towards the beast with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. The two-headed lion roared and crushed away.

In front of the artificially formed 'power of nature', the fiery pillar of fire spewed out by the two-headed lion and hundreds of palm-sized wind blades are synonymous with slag, completely disappearing and annihilating without even showing any resistance In the berserk energy tornado, not even the slightest storm was stirred up.

The beast, the two-headed lion, didn't have time to 'brake', and immediately followed the blazing pillar of fire and hundreds of wind blades, it crashed headlong into the violent energy tornado, and blood and flesh flew all over its body, screaming mournfully.

ooh ooh...

When the berserk energy tornado dissipated, the tall and bloody body of the ominous two-headed lion fell from the sky, smashing a huge deep hole in the soft ground with a 'boom'.Immediately afterwards, bloody fish rained down from the sky, mixed with a lot of broken branches and leaves that were carried up to the sky by the energy tornado, and black red soil that exudes a rotten smell.

"The vitality is really tenacious. After being hit by this trick, he still lives?"

Regarding the extremely tenacious vitality of the beast, Lin Sha had to sigh "Xiaoqiang" in his heart.Walking slowly to the big hole made by the two-headed lion, seeing that this guy is covered in blood and flesh, he can no longer see what he looked like before, but he is still struggling to stand up. I really want to stick out my thumb Praise: Dude, you are much better than the dead snake in front.

The admiration in his heart was admiration, he didn't want to let go of the fierce beast two-headed lion in front of him. After pretending to sigh for a while, the palms of his hands glowed with a dazzling blue light, and two balls of condensed energy the size of shot puts quickly formed and floated in the air. above the palm.

"Your Excellency, please be merciful!"

Just when Lin Sha was about to kill the killer, a pleading voice with a strange accent suddenly came from the sky behind him.


Lin Sha's shock was no small matter, and he almost lost control of the energy ball in his hand.Horrified in his heart, he suddenly turned around without even thinking about it, and the two balls of azure energy light in his hands were also thrown towards the direction of the sound with lightning speed.

It's a pity that although the two energy light balls are as fast as meteors, they still can't hit anything.

"Your Excellency's method is too despicable!" The weird voice came from another direction in the sky, and there was a hint of anger in the voice at this time.

"It's not your turn to hide your head and show your tail when I do things. Who are you who has the guts to get out of my way..." Lin Sha roared angrily, and someone approached him silently. This was the first time he met, The fear in my heart can be imagined. (To be continued.)

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