super space warrior

Chapter 317 Unlucky Egg Mi Ke

() "Hmph, arrogant brat, you will pay a heavy price for your despicableness!"

"Anyone can say big things, if you have the ability, you stand in front of the uncle and say it!" Lin Sha sneered, his mouth was unrelenting, but his eyes were full of guard, as long as he found something wrong, he would immediately launch a thunderous blow.

"Just kidding, people in my 'sanctuary' haven't been afraid of anyone coming!" The voice was ethereal and thick, but people couldn't detect the source.


Lin Sha was stunned for a moment and then quickly realized that he had nowhere to go, and it was not a waste of effort.I didn't expect that the person in the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' that I was looking for so hard ran out without a trace.

"Haha, are you the envoy of the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary'?" Lin Sha glared provocatively, "I've been looking for you for a long time, why don't you come out and die soon?"

"Boy, you have completely angered the uncle..." There was endless anger in that ethereal voice.

"It turns out you haven't arrived yet!" As if sensing something, Lin Sha suddenly turned his head and looked towards the western sky. Then he rose into the sky and saw an abnormal white streak in the sky tens of kilometers away. The dots of light flew quickly.

That is to say, within the time of talking, there were bursts of shrill sonic booms that became louder and louder, and at the same time, a white light spot was approaching swiftly, with a long trail of flame behind it.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

From a distance, two biochemical warriors were seen flying towards the east with a blood-stained transparent package. The corpse of the two-headed lion in the transparent package was so glaring that Mi Ke was so angry that his eyes turned red.


Although there was still a long distance between them, his heart was already filled with anger and he didn't care much, and when he stretched out his hand, three dazzling white beams shot out.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

Lin Sha floated quietly in the void with his hands folded on his chest, sneering, he didn't even pay attention to the three white energy beams rushing towards him, until the moment the energy beams approached, the blue flames outside his body exploded into the sky, In an instant, those three pale energy beams were annihilated into nothingness.

woohoo hoo...

A piercing sonic boom came along with the howling wind, and a thin figure wrapped in white flames suddenly appeared in the void less than 20 meters away from Lin Sha, floating quietly to form a confrontation with Lin Sha.

"Boy, are you arrogant?" The thin figure wrapped in it said lightly, with an undisguised arrogance in his tone.

"The combat power is fifteen thousand three hundred, no wonder he is so arrogant!"

The energy detector worn by the ear was beeping, and all the data of the people from the 'Sanctuary' on the opposite side could be seen, at least on the surface.This surprised him a lot. He didn't expect to see such a powerful player on a remote planet like Hualongxing. The interstellar crouching tiger, hidden dragon is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"Boy, what is your origin, how can you have such a powerful strength?"

Seeing Lin Sha completely ignoring his words, Mi Ke felt annoyed and punched without saying a word.

"It doesn't matter what your origin is, but you can't be a native of Hualong at first glance!" Lin Sha raised his hand lightly to hold Mi Ke's straight fist, and said with a sinister smile: "Wait until the uncle captures you, and then look carefully." Cross-examination!" As soon as the words finished, his right leg bent and jumped straight to Mi Ke's lower body, his moves were sinister and vicious.

"Hmph, the trash on Hualong Star is not worthy to be compared with me, Mi Ke!" Mi Ke dodged the sinister legs, waving his hands and punching him again: "Boy, I I admit that you are very strong, but it is a pity that you met Uncle Mi Ke, today is your death day!"

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I'm a sick cat?" A joke flashed in Lin Sha's eyes, and then he ignored Mi Ke's fists hitting him. The heavy bombardment hit Mi Ke's chest, sending him flying a mile away.

The smile on Mi Ke's face froze immediately, his figure flew backwards like a falling meteor, and his internal organs were burnt. The two energies of different natures collided fiercely. At this moment, he was horrified to find that he had lost control over the body.


A gust of reverse blood rushed straight to his throat, and he couldn't bear it any longer and spat out a mouthful of blood.But before Mi Ke could heave a sigh of relief, Yihua Linsha's hateful smiling face appeared in front of him again, and then he punched him hard on the face, and Mi Ke didn't even notice the splash of blood. It fell from the sky with a snort.

Lin Sha followed closely, punching and kicking until Mi Ke vomited blood again and again, and accelerated his landing speed. With a 'boom' sound, a human-shaped pit was smashed into the soft ground.

"Bastard, bastard, I won't let you go, yours!"

Mi Ke kept spitting blood out of his mouth, resisting the severe pain all over his body and screaming ruthlessly.At the same time, taking advantage of this little breathing space, he forcibly circulated the clumps of energy in his body, but when he accidentally touched the wounded internal organs, a mouthful of black and red blood spewed out, and small pieces of internal organs could still be seen in the bloodshot debris.

"You dare to speak hard even after being beaten like this, give me a good night's sleep!"

Lin Sha was not fooled, knowing that this guy wanted to delay time, he was also worried about this guy's weird tricks, so he just punched without saying a word, directly beat the poor Mi Ke brother into a pig's head, and finally fell into a coma full of unwillingness past.

Lifted the unconscious envoy of the 'Sanctuary' out of the deep pit, jumped up from the ground with a 'swipe', flew to an altitude of 200 meters, found the east of the base, and quickly flew to the base without looking at it go.

I accidentally caught Mi Ke, a big fish, so there is no need to continue the journey afterwards.

Lin Sha was secretly delighted, but also a little puzzled. There are still a few months, why did the envoy of the 'Sanctuary' appear so soon?

Moreover, from the words of the unlucky special envoy of the 'Sanctuary', Lin Sha also knew that the so-called 'Sanctuary' was not an indigenous force in Hualong.But the problem came again, he was confident that he was monitoring Hua Longxing fairly strictly, where did Mi Ke come from?

If you want to understand this, you have to return to the base to check the satellite monitoring.Since this unlucky guy came from the depths of the ferocious beast forest, there are always clues to be found.

Another thing is that although the fighting style of the unlucky Miko is no different from that of ordinary space fighters, he has never seen the bright white light in his body, and he has never heard of any strong man in the interstellar world who has such abilities. , he is now eager to figure out the reason.

In addition, although the general appearance of the unlucky Mi Ke is the same as that of a human being, there are still some subtle differences, such as the elf-like sharp ears and eye color in the novels of Xihuan in the previous life, which are different from the interstellar mainstream.

In short, my heart is full of doubts, as uncomfortable as if I want to go around with a cat... (To be continued.)

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