super space warrior

Chapter 320 Nightmare?

() "Bastard bastard, what the hell is going on?"

Short body dodged the powerful sweep of the monster's giant tail, raised a light ball of shining incandescent energy lightly with his right hand and let it go, instantly detonating a fiery red energy ball flying from the side.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a giant snake with a nearly ten-meter-thick tail was crushed by the wind, its face changed and it disappeared into place with a 'bang' sound, yellow sand splashed The smoke and dust billowed, and a deep ditch was forcibly smashed out of the place where I stood just now.

Immediately afterwards, the monster that looked like a velociraptor but was more than ten meters tall opened its bloody mouth and bit hard at the place where Mi Ke appeared.On the way back, hundreds of slap-sized blue wind blades rushed towards him, this is the rhythm of going to death.

It's so deceiving!

Mi Ke's heart was also furious, and the white flames on his body instantly swelled up into the sky. His figure dodged the bite of the velociraptor monster at an incredible speed, and he kicked the two-headed lion away. Buhui quickly flew away from this place of right and wrong.

What the hell is going on here?

Annoyed and puzzled, he came here for no reason, and was attacked by three monsters for no reason.What puzzled him the most was that the two-headed lion and the giant snake were obviously ferocious beasts, but no matter how he used the 'Sanctuary' secret technique, he couldn't direct the operation. This phenomenon filled him with Confused and disturbed.

Especially that velociraptor monster, whose combat power is terrifyingly powerful. Even in his heyday, he might not have been able to do it well, not to mention that he is weak at this time, and his combat power is less than [-]% of his heyday.


For some reason, a certain nasty bastard came to mind again, and while gnashing his teeth, he was also depressed, where the hell is this?

roar roar...

"No, that monster is catching up again!"

A deafening sound of running came from behind, and Mi Ke woke up from his contemplation and looked back and was shocked.I saw that velociraptor monster with astonishingly high combat power was chasing after it at an unbelievable speed, and a long yellow earth dragon was dragged out from behind, how amazing and ferocious it was.


Still far away, the Velociraptor monster couldn't wait to blow out thick and fiery pillars of fire and swept towards it.


The pride in his heart did not allow him to be so embarrassed, especially in front of a monster.With a slight flash of his figure, he avoided the attack of the fiery pillar, and the incandescent flames on his hands shrank suddenly, like a small human-shaped sun emitting dazzling light.


The velociraptor monster was suddenly hit by the lantern, its big eyes were stinging, and tears flowed uncontrollably. A pair of thick forelimbs suddenly blocked its eyes. It's completely submerged.

"Good opportunity, Light Energy Blast!"

Mi Ke's momentum rose again and again. First, regardless of the [-] times the potential of his weak body, he flew to the top of the Velociraptor monster's head in an instant, and then put his index fingers on his temples and yelled loudly. .

"what happened?"

The feeling of extreme weakness as imagined did not come, and the velociraptor monster below did not fall down with its head in its arms.

"Ah, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Before he could react, the velociraptor monster, which was covering the lantern's big eyes, suddenly raised its head, opened its bloody mouth, and a pillar of fire that shot up to the sky instantly engulfed him, and only had time to let out an unwilling cry.


"Which ear is this? Didn't I get killed by that monster just now?"

In the vast universe and bright starry sky, Mi Ke found that he was suspended in a very strange environment, his body was floating quietly as if without weight, and invisible and intangible forces were pulling his body hard, and there were bursts of waves coming from his chest. Suffocating feeling.


Incandescent flames rose from the surface of the body, and the discomfort of completely enveloping the body dissipated immediately.With his combat power of tens of thousands, it is not a problem at all to survive in space for a short time.

"This scene is really beautiful!"

After the discomfort in his body completely disappeared, Mi Ke had the heart to look around, and was immediately shocked by the starry sky scene, deeply fascinated and unable to extricate himself.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and three steel monsters of unknown shape suddenly appeared in the distance as far as the eyes could see. They looked like ships but not like ships.

"What is that? It doesn't even have a breath of life!"

Mi Ke felt alarmed, watching the three strange steel monsters approaching rapidly.


Just when the unlucky Mi Ke was investigating the three steel monsters with a gentleman's gaze, he saw that the three steel monsters whose stature could still be seen from an unknown distance away flickered in vain, and then the huge figure slightly After a pause, three extremely thick energy beams that almost covered half of the starry sky shot out.

"not good!"

An unprecedented crisis welled up in his heart, and Mi Ke's face changed wildly and he retreated backward.Although the three pillars of incandescent light that covered half of the starry sky did not make any sound, the space where the pillars of incandescent light passed was trembling slightly, and there were slight ripples visible to the naked eye, which showed its power.

"No, no, no, bastard bastard, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled..."

How fast can the speed of light be, and still in the starry environment where there is no obstruction?

The answer soon appeared. Although the three steel monsters were obviously far away from Mi Ke, Mi Ke flashed and flashed for thousands of kilometers, but still failed to escape the three energy lights that covered half of the starry sky. Chasing and killing, he could only let out a shrill and unwilling roar before he was on the verge of death.


Mi Ke almost collapsed, feeling like he was suffering in the cycle of hell, and came to one weird world after another, but the final result was very consistent, and he couldn't escape the word 'death'.

First, he was besieged by three monsters in the yellow sand desert, and finally he was killed by the incredibly powerful Velociraptor monster.Immediately afterwards, he appeared in the mysterious starry sky. Before he had time to explore this magical environment, he was wiped out by three steel monsters that suddenly appeared.

Next, he came to a strange battlefield, and saw a group of not bad human masters fighting against a group of machine puppets.What happened next was very simple. Before he could figure out what was going on, he was besieged by a group of mechanical puppets.

What surprised him was that these mechanical puppets turned out to be very powerful. It took some tricks to kill the three Rodin mechanical puppets that came under siege, but soon he was fought fiercely by more mechanical puppets.

This battle was fought extremely hard, he used all his means and even exhausted his strength to destroy more than a dozen powerful mechanical puppets in a row, but in the end he could only be unwilling to lose his strength in the face of seemingly endless mechanical puppets .

Then he came to a fiery arena, where there were masters of various races and all of them were of extraordinary strength. What made him angry was that the kid who was captured that day was also there, and the way he was so hot-headed that he didn't care about that kid Initiating a challenge, this time he directly used all his combat power, but the result still made him depressed and was beaten to death in the ring.


"Wake up, wake up, welcome to the Yanhuang Galaxy!"

The drowsy Mi Kegan was being pushed by someone, he immediately opened his eyes and woke up, and saw Lin Sha's hateful smiling face at a glance.

"here it is……"

Since I have experienced too many scene changes in the dream, the first reaction when I wake up is naturally to check the surrounding environment.

"Hehe, Your Excellency slept well all the way, this is the rest cabin of the spaceship!" Lin Sha said with a long and deep smile.

"Stun, what is a spaceship?"

Seeing that there was still not much space in the surrounding metal walls, Mi Ke blushed and asked modestly.

"Spaceship, that is, the ability to fly a ship!" For those who don't understand the principle, Lin Sha is really hard to explain for a while.


Mi Ke quietly sensed the energy in his body with black lines on his face, and found that for some reason, it was less than three levels of energy that could be mobilized, and a very clear sense of weakness came to his heart.

"How long have I been asleep?" The tone of the question was a little casual, but my heart was very uneasy. Those weird dreams were too clear.

"Not long ago, it's only three months!" Lin Sha said with a smile, a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes.

"What three months?" Mi Ke was startled, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Don't worry, there is no special device on board, which can keep you in a deep sleep state for a long time, and reduce the energy consumption in your body to a minimum!" Lin Sha nodded affirmatively.

"..." Mi Ke's face turned blue and pale for a while, not knowing what to say, feeling very uneasy in his heart.

"Okay, okay, move your body when you wake up, the spaceship will land soon, and you will be busy in the future!" Lin Sha smiled lightly and waved his hands, revealing two rows of white teeth. Seeing the devilish smile in Mi Ke's eyes made him feel cold and numb all over his body.

Three days passed in a flash, Mi Ke stayed in the small rest cabin all day and was about to get sick, but frightened by Lin Sha's threat, he didn't even dare to fart.Waking up from a deep sleep, I really felt that the functions of all parts of my body were sluggish. Although I was very afraid of Lin Sha, I had to rest and recover in the cabin in the unique way of 'Sanctuary'.

At the same time, what comes to mind most is how to escape from the demon Lin Sha.He didn't want to endure those terrible tortures again, Lin Shan's smile that day made him feel very uneasy.

For some reason, every time he took a break these days, he always dreamed of those terrible scenes before, and was often startled by the dangerous situation in the dream and broke out in a cold sweat.

Although he thought he covered it up very well, he always felt that Lin Sha, the devil, seemed to know something. Every time he spoke, he always had this playful and weird smile.

Just when his thoughts were disturbing, the spaceship suddenly shook violently, and the communicator next to his ear also heard a notification from Lin Sha's demon: "Your Excellency, the destination has arrived and we are ready to disembark..." (To be continued. )

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