() "Boy, what happened to call me back in such a hurry?"

Having a good time with the younger brothers who rushed to meet him, after setting up the unlucky prisoner Mi Ke, he returned to the command center and Lin Sha called Meng Tian to ask him impatiently.

After more than two years of construction, the small space base on Earth has been completely completed.It can park all kinds of interstellar ships of medium size and above, which marks the gradual stabilization of the Linsha Group's rule in the Earth Star.

Of course, since the focus of construction is tilted towards Earth and planets, the space bases of Saturn and Mercury are still under construction, and it may take half a year to a year to complete the construction.

Lin Sha is not in a hurry about this, just take his time, this is the advantage of the remoteness of the base area, there is no need to worry too much about the interference of external forces, and the foundation can be slowly established and consolidated.

"Boss, Warrior Galaxy is calling, saying that there will be a delegation from Mu Yuan to visit Yanhuang Galaxy!" Meng Tian couldn't bear the joy in his heart, rubbing his hands together and said excitedly.

If it is said that Mu Yuan was only famous among the high-level forces of all interstellar forces before, then after nearly ten years of the central star field war, the prestige has spread to everyone in the interstellar.

What does Yanhuang galaxy do? To put it nicely, it is a new formation force. To put it bluntly, it is a grass-roots team, which cannot be compared with the famous Muyuan.Now a delegation from Muyuan came to visit. Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, he still couldn't help being excited.

"Why did you bypass the Warrior galaxy?" Lin Sha was very dissatisfied with this.

"Boss!" Meng Tian smiled wryly again and again: "They don't know our contact information!"

"Then, forget it!" Lin Sha was very thick-skinned, and waved his hand to change the subject: "Do you know who is leading the team?"

"It seems to be called Cangsong..." Meng Tian secretly despised the boss's shamelessness, frowning uncertainly.

"That guy..." Lin Sha showed a strange look on his face. Seeing Meng Tian's face full of curiosity and wanted to ask, he waved his hands and let out a few strange smiles with unknown meaning, turned around and left, leaving only Meng Tian standing there with a blank expression on his face. baffling.


Rumbling, crackling...

In the multi-functional conference hall of the Command Center of the Earth Star Space Base, Lin Sha and a group of his confidantes were sitting on chairs, staring intently at the big screen opposite.

What was played on the big screen that occupied a small half of the wall was the battle scene that the young people tried.

I saw that the huge screen was divided into four screens of the same size. On each screen, one or several little ghosts were fighting endlessly with wild beasts in the jungle.

The sounds of shouting, hand-to-hand combat, and energy explosions continued one after another. The little ghosts waved away their sweat and blood, and faded away from the immaturity and jumpiness when they first came. Not to mention their strength and combat experience. It is also slowly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Among them, three little ghosts joined forces to fight a wild boar with a combat power of 450. At the beginning, I don't know if it was because they were too confident, and the three little ghosts fought independently.

As a result, the wild boar with poor combat effectiveness was extremely strong in resisting blows. It was six meters long and three meters tall with sharp fangs that were one meter long, and its destructive power and attack power were also extremely outstanding.

After fighting for a quarter of an hour, the three little ghosts, whose combat power was far superior to that of the wild boar, not only failed to take down their opponents, but were also confused by the wild boar's 'tank charge'.Several times, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been stabbed head-on by the long sharp tusks of the wild boar.

Such a thrilling and exciting battle made all the senior officials of the Yanhuang galaxy in the conference hall full of black lines. They were afraid that something uncontrollable would happen if they were not careful.

"Why, didn't you give these brats tactical guidance beforehand?" Lin Sha asked with a frown.

"I did it, why didn't I do it?" Meng Tian, ​​who was standing next to him, heard the displeasure in the boss's words, and hurriedly explained: "When resting every night, the people in charge of tracking and protecting will give these little devils a battle summary, Suggesting revisions is more competent than a robot nanny..."

In order to take good care of the first batch of [-] clansman kids who participated in the trial, Yanhuang's logistics support work was done extremely well.Not only is every little ghost escorted by an intermediate fighter or above, but after each battle, he will show up to help summarize the combat experience, which also makes the little ghosts' strength and combat experience improve rapidly.

In a word, there must be no problems in the trial of the tribe's little ghosts.

"These brats are so proud!"

Lin Sha could also see that the three little ghosts in the picture were proud, thinking that the fighting power was far superior to that wild boar, and they would not take it seriously, but they suffered a big loss in the end.

These three boys were not too stupid, they quickly recovered from their embarrassment into anger, and slowly cooperated more and more proficiently and smoothly, and finally killed their opponents after fighting for more than half an hour.

"These guys need the team's ability to cooperate!"

It wasn't until the battle was completely over that Lin Sha shook his head and sighed.Although the three little devils cooperated well in the subsequent battle, the two guarded and the other attacked, and they easily resolved the wild boar's offensive, and concentrated their powerful forces to attack one point. The tactical thinking effect was also good, but it was too late .

The little ghosts in the other three screens were all fighting alone, and the opponent did not have the strong defense of the voles, and the battle ended quickly without any twists and turns.In short, it can be seen from these representative little ghosts that their strength growth is not at 01:30, but in full bloom.

"This batch of Western European expensive ones have all completed their trials, and nothing happened?" Lin Sha asked curiously when all the battle scenes on the big screen disappeared.

Just as he was on his way to the Yanhuang Galaxy, the first batch of [-] tribesman kids who participated in the trial had all graduated, and they had already returned to the main planet of Warriors on a transport ship.After more than a year, the strength of the little ghosts has greatly improved. Lin Sha is still very sure about this, but he is worried that something unexpected will happen during the period.

"Don't worry boss, it's fine!"

Meng Tian said confidently.

"As long as you have this confidence, make a final summary and wait to receive the second batch of trial tribes!" Lin Sha nodded to express his satisfaction, and at the same time reminded.

After paying attention to the big and small things in the Yanhuang galaxy in the past year or so, I specially inspected the key planets, and found that everything was fine, so I was completely relieved.

Returning to Earth Star, he plunged headlong into his own underground laboratory, first arranged the materials brought back from Hualong and the enhanced version of the potion, and then found a certain unlucky guy who was imprisoned... (unfinished to be continued.)

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