() In the dark 5000-meter seabed, the seaweed swayed, the coral was gorgeous, and the silt was as high as a person.

A ball of azure blue light with a diameter of five meters illuminated the surrounding waters, and Lin Sha stood on the bottom of the sea struggling to support the strong water pressure.

Nima, the water pressure on the bottom of the sea is really not easy to bear. The pressure from all aspects seems to crush him directly. Despite the protection of the energy flames on the body surface, there are still bloodstains on his body.

Suddenly, a strong undercurrent surged up on the bottom of the sea, pushing Lin Sha's small body backwards crazily, smashing a human-shaped passage in the mud several people deep, until it hit a coral reef hard Stay in shape.

Without even thinking about it, he hastily gathered the energy flames that had spread out, and pressed them tightly against his skin, compressing them like azure crystals.

Not long after he quickly finished all this, a huge black shadow quickly moved towards his direction.

It was a giant whale shark with a length of more than 200 meters and an astonishing width of [-] meters. It was too huge, and every time it moved, it would form a large-scale undercurrent on the deep seabed.

Lin Sha didn't even dare to take a breath. When the shadow made by the whale shark passed overhead, he obviously felt that the water pressure on the bottom of the sea had increased a bit.The five internal organs in the body vibrated and blocked the mouth of the throat, and the cracks and blood on the skin became more dense and terrifying.

Fortunately, this guy didn't pay attention to Lin Sha, a little guy, and passed directly over Lin Sha's head. The undercurrent of the seabed rolled up by the huge tail almost didn't blow him away again, and his injuries were even worse.

It wasn't until the huge whale shark passed by for a long time that Lin Sha spit out a mouthful of blood with a pale face, which was quickly diluted by the surrounding dark sea water.The smell of blood type attracts many small carnivorous fish, but when you get close to a hundred meters, you feel a strong threat, and no carnivorous marine fish dares to approach.

Nima is really unlucky!

Lin Sha slowly crawled out of the human-shaped pothole smashed on the coral reef, and with a movement of his body, he quickly parted from the current and swam to the sea surface.The crystal-like energy shield with a blue body surface has good water-proof and breathable properties, allowing him to swim in the sea not much worse than a sea fish, but he can swim from a depth of 5 meters to the surface in 4000 minutes.

There was a crisp sound of '哗啦', and a vigorous figure jishe emerged out of the water flowing on the blue sea, suspended steadily a hundred meters above the sea and stood still.

Staring at the rippling pure sea for a long time, her keen 'Qi' sensed the vitality within a few kilometers underwater, Lin Sha showed a bally smile at the corner of her mouth, then turned and flew away from here.

Sure enough, the exercise effect of the gravity chamber is much worse than the exercise effect of the seabed water pressure. The variables of the seabed alone are a huge challenge.The previous huge whale shark had mediocre combat power, only in the early [-]s. If Lin Sha wanted to destroy it, it would be a matter of little effort.

But what he wants is an oppressive exercise environment. The depth of 4000 meters under the sea is the limit that his body can bear at this time. It is not impossible to go deeper, but it is not necessary for the damage to the body.If it is changed to a gravity environment, it will be like this, and then it will be a process of familiarization and adaptation.

However, the environment below 4000 meters under the sea is completely different. Not only must it resist the ubiquitous strong water pressure, but it must also be on guard against the sneak attacks of submarine beasts at all times, which is a double oppression on the body and spirit.Don't look at the huge whale shark's mediocre fighting power, but it can't stand it too big.

Moving your body casually on the bottom of the sea can cause a lot of undercurrents, and the huge aura exuding all over your body will add a layer of burden on top of the water pressure. Such sudden pressure changes are very effective for Lin Sha.

Didn't see that his internal organs are injured now, it was caused by the sudden appearance of the whale shark?

Lin Sha is not bad. When Kim Jong and his lords were here, they didn't even dare to try the 2000-meter seabed easily.It's not that their strength is not enough, nor is it that their physical strength is not good enough. None of the good players trained in the gravity environment is weaker than the same level of space fighters. The gravity environment is the quality assurance.

But in the underwater environment, facing those endless "unexpected" situations, it is too much nerve-wracking.Since Mercury has never suffered from the scourge of overfishing, the fish in the sea are surprisingly large.Even if some fish are not aggressive and have a mild temperament, it is not easy to be hit on the bottom of the sea, and they may even be seriously injured.

Don't think that this is an exaggeration. Due to the strong water pressure, a little bit of skin breakage and wounds will be infinitely magnified, and unpredictable consequences will appear under the squeeze of sea water.Maybe the person has not yet escaped from the sea, and the blood on his body has been drained, so exercising in the deep sea environment is actually very dangerous.

On the way back to the Mercury base, Lin Sha's internal injuries had already healed. It has to be said that his level of biopharmaceuticals has reached a very high level at this time, especially in terms of body modification and healing.

Especially when he learned the secret of the beast from Mi Kekou, he was more proficient in using the materials of the beast to make various potions, and it was the kind that had no poisonous side effects at all.

At this time, his physical strength and recovery ability have reached an unbelievable level. Although he is not as good as a strange creature like the unlucky Miko, he is not much worse than some famous beasts and monsters in the interstellar world.

If he participates in the battle of the central star field with his current strength, he will definitely be the number one humanoid weapon, and Xiaoqiang who can't be killed is the best title for him.

Back at the humble Mercury Base, he immediately received a message from the Earth Star, saying that the Muyuan delegation had arrived at the outskirts of the Yanhuang Galaxy, and he was asked to return to the Earth Star to prepare for reception.

Hey, are those guys finally here? I don't know how much surprise they can bring me?

After explaining everything to Mercury, Lin Sha boarded a small spaceship and rushed to the planet Earth. If a guest came to visit him, the host would show up even if he was just showing off, wouldn't he?

A month passed quickly, and Lin Sha didn't go anywhere during this time. He stayed at the earth and star base and focused on training his younger brothers. At the same time, he also challenged the environment with 41 times the gravity. The combat power steadily exceeded [-] and steadily improved towards a higher level .

This day is a rare good weather, all the high-level executives who are staying on the Earth Star and have no tasks at hand gather at the largest spaceport on the Earth Star, and under the leadership of Lin Sha, they are ready to welcome the arrival of distinguished guests.

"Come on, come on, already outside the atmosphere!"

Not long after, a loud shout came from the direction of the space port tower. The senior executives of the Yanhuang galaxy who were waiting in front of the tarmac couldn't help but cheer up, looking at the huge fireball rushing out of the atmosphere above their heads with piercing eyes... rs! .

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