super space warrior

Chapter 324 The Gap

() "Haha, Your Excellency Lin Sha, let's meet again in the central star field!"

Before the hatch of the transport spaceship was fully opened, Lieutenant General Cangsong's hearty laughter had already been heard.

"Haha, welcome, welcome, Lieutenant General Cangsong to visit the Yanhuang Galaxy!" Lin Sha is still very enthusiastic about the comrades who have fought side by side.

But there was a whisper in his heart, he didn't expect that this battle from Mu Yuan's side was not small, Lieutenant General Cangsong had nearly ten people around him, all of them were strong men with a combat power of over [-], and one of them was a super strong man with a combat power of [-]!


A cold snort of dissatisfaction came, and before Yanhuang executives could react, a person shot out from the opened spaceship hatch, and charged towards Lin Sha with an overwhelming momentum.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in Lin Sha's eyes, and he punched the person without moving.


The two fists collided and produced a huge sonic boom, and a series of tornadoes were created with fierce energy, forcing all the space fighters around to retreat again and again.Immediately afterwards, two energy flames, one red and one blue, soared into the sky, and the two majestic auras were separated at the touch of a touch. The elastic ground under Lin Sha's feet cracked and sank to the knees, but instead of blasting the figure at the figure, he spurted a mouthful of blood. And without humming, he flew out backwards.

"Your Excellency Cangsong, what do you mean?" Lin Sha roared with a ferocious face.

"Your Majesty Lin Sha, don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, there is nothing I can do if there is an old friend who wants to say hello to you!" Lieutenant General Cangsong played the door of the spaceship with a helpless expression, and he repeatedly apologized.

"Hmph, Your Excellency Lin Sha is so majestic, it really is different to be the master of the house!" followed by a yin and yang strange voice.

Hearing this, Lin Sha fixed his eyes, looked in the direction of the voice, and showed two rows of thick white teeth in return, with a blank expression on his face, he said mockingly: "Oh, who am I, it turns out to be His Royal Highness Prince Zhanjue Ah, it will be five or six years since the prince left, to be honest, I still miss him very much!"

"Hmph, sooner or later, I will deal with you!" Zhan Jue turned his head with an ugly face, and stopped spitting with Lin Sha.

But he was shocked in his heart. He thought that his own strength had improved rapidly enough, but he didn't expect this guy's combat power to increase even more rapidly.Nima, how long has it been since I saw you? This bastard's combat power has exceeded [-], and he still wants to let people live?

With inexplicable grief and indignation in his heart, he turned his head and pulled his companion on the trip, and silently followed Lieutenant General Cangsong.

He first went back to the main planet of Warriors, waiting for the arrival of the Muyuan delegation headed by Lieutenant General Cangsong, and then rushed to the Yanhuang galaxy together.Along the way, the respected Lieutenant General Cangsong and several major generals under him did not mention Lin Sha's "great achievements" in the central star field battlefield. After hearing these words, I don't know how blocked my heart is.

"Zhan Tian, ​​is he the Lin Sha you often mention?" Walking a distance, the tall young man about Zhan Tian's age exclaimed with admiration, "He is very powerful in combat!"

"Hmph, I will definitely reach a higher level in the future, and I will trample this guy under my feet..." Zhan Tian said angrily.

"Me too, let's fight together..." The young man waved his arms greenly and his voice gradually died down.

Lin Sha nodded at Lieutenant General Cangsong, and then looked at the fellow who was sent flying with a punch. Why does a strong man with a combat power of [-] look familiar?

"Your Excellency's strength is still astonishing!" Gently wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Song Mu's eyes were full of resignation.

"Your Excellency is..." Lin Sha asked curiously with no expression on his face.Although the guy on the other side said it very familiarly, he couldn't remember it alive.

Song Mu's face was livid and his heart was raging with anger, he gritted his teeth and said: "Your Excellency's defeat back then, Song Mu!"

Lin Sha's eyes flashed brightly, and he said calmly: "So it's Your Excellency Songmu, I don't know what this time your Excellency came to our Yanhuang galaxy?"

Song Mu sneered and said calmly: "It's nothing, I just want to see your Excellency's skills!"

This guy is really straightforward. Lin Sha was stunned for a while, nodded and said nothing, then turned and followed Lieutenant General Cangsong and his party in front of him.

It has been seven years, and the combat power has only increased by more than 1. In his eyes, he is just a guy with little future, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

"What's the matter, Boss, do you want to find a chance to mess with this guy?" Meng Tian's face was very ugly, and he quietly approached Lin Sha and made a beheading gesture.

"Hey, put away the small thoughts in your heart, you can't afford to offend with your current strength!" Lin Sha shook his head with a light smile and said, "It's just a defeated general in the past, it's no big deal."

Meng Tian nodded helplessly, the data displayed on the detector lens was clear, more than 6 combat power was not something he could afford to provoke now.However, he vowed that he must exercise hard and strive to improve his strength in the future, so as not to let such aggrieved things happen again.

Li Mu and the others also looked angry, but after seeing Meng Tian's gesture, they calmed down one by one, and followed Lin Sha deeply and muttered for a while in despondency, none of them looked straight at the pine tree.

"Okay, that's great!" Songmu returned to the transport spaceship angrily with a grim look in his eyes.

He can accept being ignored by Lin Sha, who told him that he is stronger than himself?But let a group of rubbish look down on him, one can imagine the anger in his heart, if he hadn't been concerned about Lin Sha's reaction, he would have rushed to kill him to vent his anger.

"Your Excellency Lin Sha, I'm really sorry, there's nothing I can do if Your Excellency Songmu insists on following me!"

On the suspended bus, Lieutenant General Cangsong explained helplessly.

The speed at which Lin Sha's strength improved made him secretly startled.I remember that when Lin Sha left the central star field, his combat power was only over 5. He never thought that Duan Duan, who hadn't seen him for three years, had already reached such a high level.

It is precisely because of this that he is so respectful and cautious when facing Lin Sha, a super expert with unpredictable strength.The battle in the central star field gave him a good experience of what is called a leapfrog challenge. Even those super creatures with a combat power of more than [-] can get in the way, let alone when they are stronger now.

On this trip, he came with the mission of His Majesty the 'Eastern Emperor', so he couldn't let Song Mu destroy it.

"I know, it's just a defeated general. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, I don't bother to pay attention to him!" Lin Sha said bluntly, regardless of Cangsong's expression.

Lieutenant General Cangsong felt really embarrassed, Lin Sha really didn't give face, but he was even more annoyed at Song Mu, the shit-stirring stick.He smiled bitterly: "Then please forgive me..."

Lin Sha chuckled and nodded. He knew that Lieutenant General Cangsong and Mr. Songmu were not in the same group, they belonged to different generals. He probably didn't want to lose face in front of outsiders, otherwise he might have punched each other long ago. .

Afterwards, it is self-evident to arrange for the visiting delegation to visit various parts of the Yanhuang Galaxy.

Lieutenant General Cangsong is full of praise for the trial base run by Earth Star. No matter what, it is a way to safely cultivate reserve talents.

The natural environment of Saturn and Mercury is also very surprising. When Lin Sha explained how to use the harsh natural environment to improve his strength, and implicitly said that the effect was good, Lieutenant General Cangsong was very excited to experience it for himself. In the end, it all ended in embarrassment and exit.

To be honest, when the Yanhuang galaxy was first built, everything was very simple and there was nothing to see.Zhan Jue took this as a breakthrough point, and from time to time, he sneered a few words, only to be so angry that Meng Tian was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Lin Sha has no interest in verbal disputes, and naturally wants to fight if he is unhappy.

He sent all the younger brothers under him to experience the horror of a strong man with a combat power of over [-]. Meng Tian and the others were beaten so miserable every time they fought, but Lin Sha didn't care about it. Only by personally feeling the shame and unwillingness brought about by the difference in strength can he arouse the emotions in the hearts of these guys. Self-motivated.

He also had a headache because of this before. Since the establishment of the Yanhuang galaxy, he didn't know if it was because the trivial matters involved too much energy, or if the younger brothers were complacent and neglected the pursuit of great strength, these guys slacked off one by one. Seeing it in his eyes and anxious in his heart, he can finally use the hands of outsiders to stab them well.

The final highlight was naturally Lin Sha himself, teaching the guests a profound lesson one by one, letting them know that the Yanhuang galaxy is not so easy to mess with, and Lin Sha alone is comparable to a medium-sized interstellar force!

Boom boom boom...

On the vast and boundless sea of ​​Mercury, nearly ten strong fighters with a fighting capacity of over [-] joined forces, and waves of energy shock waves roared towards Lin Sha's position from all directions.

Lin Sha's 'Tornado Whirlwind Fist' lightly eliminated all the attacks invisible, and then a ferocious and unusual 'Sprint Fist' instantly overturned the nearest Super Three.

< The shape of the person is that he vomited blood and lost his combat ability after being blown up by a ferocious and sturdy 'Bawang Xianghou Fist', or was kicked helplessly by a series of fierce 'Feiyan Gale Kicks'.

Lost, lost, and still a fiasco without any suspense!

Zhan Jue clutched his injured chest and floated precariously in mid-air, feeling extremely unwilling and bitter in his heart.Although he knew that he was not Lin Sha's opponent, it was still difficult for him to accept and let go of the fact that the team of ten strong men with over [-] fighting power could only support a mere half-hour of preaching.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General Cangsong, what is the purpose of your trip, can you tell me now?"

Facing the challenge of two strong fighters with over [-] fighting power alone, Lin Sha couldn't help but ask curiously.

Without waiting for Lieutenant General Cangsong to answer, Songmu, the annoying guy, took the lead in attacking: "If you want to know, defeat us first..." rs! .

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