super space warrior

Chapter 362 tragic

() "I, I admit defeat!"

It is really a mistake that will cause eternal hatred, and looking back, it has been a hundred years.

Xingguang felt ashamed to the extreme, he didn't expect that he was the first one to fail in this fight with the interstellar powerhouse Mu Yuan, and he voluntarily surrendered in such a humiliating way.

Unwilling to be remorseful in his heart, but the severe pain after wave after wave on his body is unbearable. His body has been damaged and decayed to an extremely dangerous point. His eyelids are heavy and his body is weak. He may fall asleep at any time. He knows that if he does not surrender, he may really be killed He was thrown to death, so he shamefully surrendered.

Meng Tian vigorously wiped the hot sweat from his brow, stopped bending over to beat someone, his heart filled with infinite joy and he suddenly raised his hands high as a gesture of victory.


The camp of interstellar powerhouses was in an uproar. Was this a victory?

"Yeah, yeah, boss Meng is mighty, boss Meng is domineering!"

Meng Yi, Li Mu and Lin Zhan couldn't control so much, the three boys hugged together and cheered loudly.

"What a waste!"

Admiral Black Soil was so angry that his face turned blue and he shook his hands violently, and countless cracks like spider webs appeared on the ground under his feet.

"Come on, hurry up and bring that shameful and conspicuous guy back!"

Admiral Baiyun also frowned and spoke in a bad tone, his gaze looking at the battlefield was gloomy and terrifying.

Hearing the order, two lieutenant generals Mu Yuan shot up into the sky, but in the blink of an eye they had already flown to the center of the battle field, without even looking at the elated Meng Tian, ​​he grabbed the lieutenant general Xingguang who had been beaten into a puddle of ooze and turned around. Walk.

Meng Tian didn't pay attention to these, since everyone is unfamiliar and now they are hostile, it would be too fake to greet them with a smile.

Excitedly, he returned to the camp of interstellar powerhouses, accepted the congratulations of a group of interstellar powerhouses, and then returned to Lin Sha in a somewhat blissful manner, cupped his hands and said proudly: "Boss, Meng Tian is lucky to live up to his fate!"

"Don't be too happy, kid, that guy was just caught off guard!" Lin Shadou poured cold water on his head: "Seriously, you two didn't use your real strength to go shopping at all, except for saving face. There is no benefit!"

Meng Tian has always been the same, he made this move to accept actual combat training, and it is just a side effect to earn face for the interstellar powerhouses.So he asked, "So what do I do next?"

"How to do it? It's not easy?" Lin Sha chuckled and said aggressively, "It depends on whether you have the guts!"

"Boss, don't do this!" Meng Tian saw through Lin Sha's tricks at a glance, slapped his chest loudly, and said proudly, "I can't promise anything else, but I still have the guts!"

"Yeah brother, what's the exciting way to play, Meng Boss won't go up to me!" Lin Zhan interrupted suddenly, eager to try.

"Go, go, do you little brat have that strength?" Meng Tian pushed Lin Zhan away, looked at Lin Sha confidently, "Tell me if the boss has any instructions, I'll follow them!"

"Okay, have the guts!" Lin Sha showed admiration, and said softly: "From now on, you will continue to be our fighter, no matter how strong the opponent is, you will support me until you can't hold it anymore! "

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and told the other three younger brothers: "You three, get ready. Meng Tian can't hold on to Li Mu, and if Li Mu can't, Meng Yi will go on. In the end, I will fight against you. Even if you lose, you will lose." Be a man, get it?"

"Understood!" Meng Tian and other four boys shouted with high fighting spirit.

The movement here has attracted the curious eyes of many interstellar powerhouses. Lin Sha took the four younger brothers to discuss with the big guys of various forces for a while, and soon reached a consensus. There is no idea of ​​​​getting a glimpse of Lin Sha's real combat power from it.

Of course, Lin Sha didn't care about this at all. How could my brother's secret be exposed so easily?

"The brains of those strong men in Interstellar are broken, do you really think that kid can conquer the world?"

Seeing Meng Tian playing again, General Heitu said angrily.

"You still have to be careful, that kid does have some tricks!"

Admiral Baiyun's face was not good-looking, but the good thing said a fair word.

"No need to talk nonsense, who do you send to play this time?"

General 'Gu' waved his hand to stop his confidants from complaining, and asked calmly.

"Your Excellency, that kid is doing well, but stay there and choose one of the generals with the lowest strength, lest those interstellar powerhouses say that we are bullying the small!" Lieutenant General Bai Yun suggested after a moment of pondering.

"Alright!" General 'Gu' nodded in approval.


Whether it was the camp of interstellar powerhouses or the general Mu Yuan's phalanx, no one expected that the first wave of this competition would come so suddenly and so fast, and You felt so incredible.

The brave performance of the Yanhuang Fourth Young Master shocked everyone's jaws, and let them know what a tough leapfrog challenge is.

Meng Tian fought extremely hard against the wary Lieutenant General Mu Yuan. After all, the difference in combat strength between the two sides was several thousand, not to mention that there was a threshold of [-] combat strength in between.

That Lieutenant General Mu Yuan obviously learned the lesson of his unlucky companion Xingguang, he went all out when he made a move, and at the same time, he deliberately avoided hand-to-hand combat with Meng Tian.

The effect of such a change is extremely obvious, at least in the confrontation of energy attacks, he had the absolute upper hand for a while and even made Meng Tian unable to lift his head.

Is Meng Tian an easy persimmon?

Immediately change the tactics when the situation is not good, completely abandon the ineffective methods such as energy shock wave and energy light ball attack, and use instant attack moves such as "electric light kick" and "tiger broken foot" to tighten the distance between the two sides, and then use continuous Constant 'whirlwind boxing' restricts the attack direction and stature of Lieutenant General Mu Yuan.

Then he seized an opportunity that was not an opportunity that he created by himself, no matter how powerful the opponent Mu Yuan's lieutenant general was when he hit him, he would not be moved Just hit close to the body.

He once again proved the key role that strong hand-to-hand combat strength can play in leapfrogging challenges. Lieutenant General Mu Yuan did not expect to only give Meng Tian a personal opportunity that is not a chance. This kid is like a dog skin plaster. It can't be taken off, and the attack is fierce and lethal, which is extremely astonishing.

In such a confrontation where both sides suffered, the first one to lose was not Meng Tian, ​​who was weak in combat power, but Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, who was stronger in all aspects, was directly beaten into a serious injury and unconscious.

Such a result greatly exceeded the expectations of many powerhouses on both sides. Meng Tian, ​​who had almost turned into a blood man and could not stand still, was impressed, and naturally he was even more afraid of Linsha, the boss behind the Yanhuang galaxy.

However, what surprised the two powerhouses the most was that that boy Meng Tian had become like that. After the battle, he just swallowed a small bottle of unknown potion, recovered a bit, and played again on behalf of the interstellar powerhouse camp.

Originally thought that Meng Tian's third battle would be over soon, after all, the boy's condition was indeed a little bit worse, but the result surprised all the strong spectators.

Crazy, Meng Tian is really a fighting lunatic!

Facing a certain Mu Yuan lieutenant general with a combat strength of [-], he even fought against the opponent regardless of his own injuries.In the beginning, he was still clear-cut, but the difference in strength was too great, he could only parry and had no power to fight back. Later, this kid was stimulated by some reason and simply gave up defending completely. He seized the opportunity to stick to Lieutenant General Mu Yuan and gave him a deadly bombardment. Indiscriminate bombing.

'Electric Light Kick', 'Tiger Breaking Foot', 'Whirlwind Fist', 'Explosive Fist' and other close-quarters short combat moves learned from the King of Fighters Dongzhang were used by him desperately. The wind whistled, and the dense sonic booms of "cracking" were deafening.

However, the strength is perceived to be too great after all, plus Meng Tian has spent a lot of energy in three consecutive battles, and the lieutenant general Mu Yuan also fired real fire and frequently bombarded him with heavy hands. Lost in a coma.


A total of three hundred pairs of strong men from both sides only had this word in their minds. No one laughed at Meng Tian's self-control and did not dare to laugh at it. All the strong men who watched the battle asked themselves if they were themselves, could they have such an amazing performance? The answer is not sure!

After placing Meng Tian, ​​who was seriously injured, comatose and dying, the other three of the Yanhuang Four Young Masters also gave a good lesson to all the strong spectators, letting them know what is tough and what is tragic.

As if inspired and reminded by Meng Tian's crazy performance, Li Mu mainly used hand-to-hand fighting methods when he made a move, especially imitating the bunt moves and grabbing fighting methods of the most famous characters in the King of Fighters, and beat the man who just fought with Meng Tian. The general who consumed a huge amount of wood was miserable.

"Jade Collapse", 'Flicking on the Head', 'Super Shou Body', 'Outgoing and Throwing', 'Cutting Plants and Returning', 'Heaven and Earth Returning', 'Root Returning', 'Inward Returning', 'Super Large External Cutting', etc. Nakadaemon Goro's melee attack Jiu-Jitsu is very proficient, he seized the opportunity and almost threw the expensive wood source Lieutenant General like a sandbag on the ground.

In this round, the interstellar strong camp defeated the strong with the weak, and it also won very easily.

Now the two generals Mu Yuan couldn't sit still, and three lieutenant generals with a combat power of less than [-] were defeated in a row, which was very unacceptable to them.

The unacceptable consequence is that they didn't bother to pay attention to the problem of face, and directly sent a lieutenant general with a combat power of over [-] to play.

Originally, there was not much suspense in this battle. The perception of the strength of the two sides was too great, and there was no comparison at all.Li Mu is not Lin Sha, and leapfrog challenges are not commonplace for him, and the range of leapfrog challenges is pitifully small.

But obviously, the [-]-strong Lieutenant General Mu Yuan didn't want to take advantage of this, so he gave up the energy attack method and started a hand-to-hand fight with Li Mu.

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