super space warrior

Chapter 363 Shock

() I really fell asleep and met the pillow!

Since the Lieutenant General Mu Yuan with a combat power of over [-] gave him the opportunity to fight in person, Li Mu did not hesitate to use his abilities to the fullest.

At the beginning, he wanted to repeat the old plan, and the first shot was a sinister trick like "Land Thunder Shock". Sure enough, Lieutenant General Mu Yuan was caught by surprise, and Li Mu rushed to grab the opponent's ankle with a few strides. Slam it to the ground.

But Lieutenant General Mu Yuan was not easy to provoke, he broke free from Li Mu's control after a few struggles, turned around and rained fists and kicks on Li Mu.

Li Mu was stunned by his opponent for a while, and was caught in a flurry of moves, his face and body were soon stained red with blood.But this move aroused Li Mu's viciousness. Daimon Goro's jujitsu was a bit biased towards grappling, and he had to grab a certain part of the opponent's body in order to connect with the subsequent powerful moves. < Personal appearance, how could it be possible to give Li Mu a chance?In order to get rid of the entanglement, he even used energy attacks at the expense of his face. Li Mu really had nothing to do with this guy for a while.

As the injuries on his body continued to increase, and the energy and state in his body slowly declined, Li Mu let go of his defense in a hurry and learned Meng Tian's moves to change his injuries.

'Burst Fist', 'Whirlwind Fist', 'Electric Light Kick' and 'Tiger Breaking Feet', the unique skills of the character Dongzhang in the King of Fighters were used all at once. The strength is indeed tyrannical, Meng Tian used these moves crazily before, although it cannot be cracked, it is impossible for Li Mu to have any good effect.

"Huhuang Fist", "Tiger Roar", 'Flying Swallow Gale Foot', 'Temporarily Cracking Fist', 'Tiger Thunder God Brake', 'Tiger Roaring Monsoon Fist', 'Dragon and Tiger Flurry', Li Muhui is not limited to Dongzhang's The method he is most familiar with is the style of the Dragon and Tiger Team. Once the generals come out continuously, it is like a flood, and the momentum is violent and violent.

Lieutenant General Mu Yuan blocked the fist and he turned to use his legs, he blocked the leg attack and immediately transformed into a fist, the sound of sonic booms was deafening, and even the air trembled slightly.

Li Mu even exerted all his strength to eat his milk, and he didn't have time to pay attention to the increasingly serious injuries on his body. The severe pain from all over his body stimulated him like a madman, and he barely managed to get through with the fierce and impenetrable attack like a storm. The opponent, Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, ended in a tie.

Of course he was not very satisfied with this, before Meng Tian showed great prowess and defeated three Muyuan Lieutenant Generals in a row, he didn't want to be defeated as soon as he entered the field, even though the opponent was a Muyuan Lieutenant General with a combat power of over [-]!

Lieutenant General Mu Yuan was also wounded again and again under Li Muchang's violent blows like a madman. With the loss of blood and huge consumption, his state of exhaustion was no longer the same. Although the movements of his hands and feet were still fast and fierce, no matter in terms of the speed of his moves or the strength of his attacks. have slowed down.

At this time, the effect of Li Mu's hard training in the high gravity environment came out.Although he has completely turned into a blood man at this time, and his body is injured in many places, but in terms of mental toughness, he is undoubtedly much stronger than Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, and he still maintains a clear mind and keen consciousness.

Although the change in the state of Lieutenant General Mu Yuan in the battle was extremely subtle, it was still captured by Li Mu keenly.Immediately, his spirit was lifted up, his movements became more violent, and only the Lieutenant General Mu Yuan who was fighting against him complained incessantly.

'Backgammon', 'Sprint Fist', 'Gravel Kick' and 'Slam Dunk', Li Mu has gone completely crazy and can't care about anything else, the steam around his head is shocking blood red, and his moves have changed into a peerless wolf The ferocious means blasted out continuously.This made Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, who had just become familiar with the Dragon Tiger team's style of play, very depressed.

The two had a good fight, Li Mu completely used the heinously powerful hand-to-hand combat skills, and Lieutenant General Mu Yuan insisted on his identity at first and didn't want to be honest, but later he was beaten so badly that he had to use his energy means of attack.It's a pity that Li Mu resolutely refused to give him a chance to distance himself, and he would not hesitate to keep pestering him even if he paid a high price.

The battle lasted for a quarter of an hour. The soft, sandy ground was a mess, and there were potholes and ditches of different depths everywhere.Under the horrified and inconceivable eyes of a group of strong spectators, the two finally failed to decide the winner, and both lost their strength and fell to the ground in a coma.

Shocking, this fierce battle of unequal strength gave the impression of many strong players watching the battle that it was still tragic and shocking.

Li Mu's performance was shocking, and he was always affirmed by many strong people present.Meng Yi, who played next, performed extremely well, displaying that brave and fearless momentum to the fullest.

Although he was defeated in the end, and it was a very miserable defeat. There was not a single intact part of his body, his whole body was deformed, and his hands and feet were broken in the tragic battle. In the end, his injuries were too heavy to be passed out. Failed.

However, none of the many strong spectators said that his performance was rubbish. Instead, they all stretched out their thumbs and praised "good guy".You must know that the Lieutenant General Mu Yuan who fought against Meng Yi has a combat power of 5, which is almost [-] higher than Meng Yi. If he can persist for [-] minutes, he can still make a strong enemy lose his lottery. At least he is extraordinary.

Brothers Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi and Li Mu showed such bravery in front of them, both the process and the result of the battle were surprising, how could Lin Zhan's performance as Lin Sha's younger brother be worse?

He was fighting against Lieutenant General Mu Yuan with a combat strength of [-], and he was fully fired and did not give Lin Zhan a chance to get close. After paying a huge price, he was finally close, and then there was another burst of fierce fighting skills The bombardment was so brutal that blood and flesh flew all over the place, and finally both of them fell unconscious on the ground.

The tragic battle is over, but many strong spectators still haven't recovered from the deep shock.

Tragic, really too tragic.

After a long time, the brave performance of the four of Meng Tian and the scene of the tragic battle still reverberated in the minds of the strong men, and they recollected it carefully for a long time without saying a word.

When many interstellar powerhouses slowly woke up from the aftertaste, they sincerely congratulated Lin Sha while having complicated thoughts beyond words.

The four of Meng Tian are really fierce. Although the way of using injuries for injuries to kill them is huge, and at the same time made themselves scarred and almost died, the effect is extremely amazing. The four of them directly crippled five combatants. Lieutenant General Mu Yuan with over [-].

This kind of record is strong enough. You must know that the interstellar powerhouse had lost ten games in a row before, which shows how hard it is for the Yanhuang Fourth Young Master to win... (To be continued.)

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