super space warrior

Chapter 373 A Tranquil Day

() "How is the patient's injury and how long will it take to fully recover?"

"Dididi, Patient No. 40.00's injury degree is 40.00%30.00, and it will take ten days to fully recover; Patient No. 50.00's injury degree is [-]%[-], and it will take nine days to fully recover; Patient No. Time; Patient No. [-]'s injury level is [-]% II, and it will take twelve days to fully recover..."

"These boys are really desperate!" Lin Sha couldn't help cursing secretly after getting the accurate information.

In the empty medical room, there are four cylindrical glass containers placed side by side. The glass containers are completely enclosed and have a height of three meters and a diameter of [-] meters. They are filled with a blue bio-recovery solvent. Meng Tian and others are floating naked in the closed In the biosolvent in the glass container, I fell into a deep sleep with a breathing mask on my nose and mouth.

After carefully inspecting the biological convalescence cabin, all the components were functioning well and working normally. After finding no problems, he was completely relieved, and returned to the rest room to continue tinkering with the battle images and creating virtual characters.

Time flies by, and ten days pass in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, the VIP area was calm and nothing unpleasant happened. All the forces in the interstellar world seemed to have digested the impact of the battle with General Muyuan headed by General 'Gu'. Frequently moving around to challenge the VIP area gradually became lively.

But the excitement was the excitement, but no one dared to come to disturb the Yanhuang galaxy station.Some juniors who did not participate in the fight with General Mu Yuan were severely warned, before the Yanhuang galaxy delegation formally issued an invitation, no one should come to the door to provoke them indiscriminately, or they will be severely punished.

Although this warning worked, it also aroused the serious curiosity of a group of young masters who were proud and arrogant.

Of course, the time is short, but no one forcibly broke into the Yanhuang galaxy station. It would be hard to say if the time was longer.At the same time, the famous and prestigious "Four Young Masters of Yanhuang" suddenly disappeared, which also aroused the curiosity of the bottom members of various forces. I don't know why the four most showy guys are so honest these days?

Of course they were honest, probably still asleep in the medical cabin.

The interstellar powerhouses who participated in the battle that day naturally understood what was going on. Meng Tian and the others were not the only ones who were seriously injured that day. The 'Fourth Young Masters of Yanhuang' were too much in the limelight before, which aroused the curiosity of people who didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, the powerful leaders of all interstellar forces strictly restrained the hands and feet of his subordinates, otherwise he would not be polite if he really provoked Lin Sha.For ten days, he has been busy. With the help of Zhinao, he basically sorted out the clues of various battle videos. At the same time, he also recovered from his injuries and improved his combat effectiveness to a higher level.

No matter how you say it, he fought against two strong generals from Mu Yuan and another strong general. Although he easily defeated those two strong generals, he was still entangled with that 'ancient' general. It took over an hour to end in a draw.

I also suffered some injuries during the fierce battle, but they were all minor injuries and did not affect normal activities.After ten days of training and also absorbing the gains from the battle, the strength will naturally increase a lot. After all, it is for those who have a combat power of more than 20 and are at the level of General Mu Yuan.

Of course, he is not the only one who has gained something. All the interstellar powerhouses who have participated in the battle have improved more or less, but the degree is different.

During the period, visitors also came to the door, including big names from various interstellar forces. Their purpose was nothing more than to make friends with Lin Sha. Not to mention how good friends they became with Lin Sha, at least they couldn't become enemies, right?

With Lin Sha's incredible strength, coupled with the rapid growth of the 'Four Young Masters of Yanhuang', any fool can see that the rise of the Yanhuang galaxy is unstoppable. How long will we have to wait until we don't have a relationship?

Lin Sha didn't have the heart to talk to them, so she just shirked it on the grounds that things were busy.On the contrary, Lieutenant General Cangsong came over for a stroll from time to time, and at the same time faintly hinted at Admiral Temu's friendly attitude.

Lin Sha's strength also caused a great shock inside Mu Yuan. Although he and the "Gu" general did not exert their full strength at that time, they used hand-to-hand combat to determine the outcome. Although it ended in a draw, many Mu Yuan Most of the powerhouses tend to be "ancient" generals who are superior.

Of course, Lin Sha's strength should not be underestimated, at least he should have the strength of a quasi-general level. Such strength is rare even among the Muyuan forces, and it's no wonder that General Tiemu has other ideas.

After all, they are all comrades who fought together at the beginning, so Lin Sha still has to give this bit of face.So he also expressed his friendliness, and at the same time gave a detailed exercise plan.

Before the battle with General 'Gu', they had agreed that no matter what the result was, he would tell the other party the training method for rapid improvement.After the war, he did not break his promise, and directly sent a simple training outline to the opponent's small energy detector. As for how General 'Gu' viewed the training outline, it was none of his business.

It’s not that he is being generous and willing to give away the secrets of his family’s hungry core, but that there is no need to keep his training plan secret. Even if he doesn’t say it, he only needs to inquire about it from the Warrior Empire. Why should he be a villain in vain? ?

It was nothing more than gravity training plus extreme training, and he started playing when he was five years old.After his career in the training office, he also made a lot of training plans for the hungry kids in the school, and he couldn't hide these things if he wanted to.

Again, it is not that simple to quickly increase your strength, you have to have great perseverance and work hard.If that general and his subordinates really have that perseverance, even if he doesn't give him a training plan, his strength in the future will not stop there, so it's better to form a good relationship in advance.

Unexpectedly, Admiral Tiemu heard the news from somewhere, and through Lieutenant General Cangsong, he expressed that he also wanted a copy. Naturally, Lin Sha would not be stingy and gave a more detailed training plan.After all, they are comrades who have fought side by side, so the treatment naturally cannot be the same as that of outsiders.

Apart from these, there is nothing to bother him, but he also knows from Lieutenant General Cangsong that three delegations from other powerful interstellar forces have rushed to the Muyuan galaxy.Because there were a lot of conflicts between the orc powerhouses and the interstellar powerhouses before, in order to avoid unpleasant conflicts from happening again, these three families are arranged on other planets in the galaxy... (to be continued.)

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