super space warrior

Chapter 374 Recovery

() "Dididi, the supply of biosolvent has stopped, and the biosolvent in the cabin has been pumped..."

"The extraction of the biosolvent is completed, and the patient regains consciousness for a while..."

Click, click, click, click!

A small door of the cylindrical glass recuperation cabin slowly opened, and four strong naked bodies came out, sweeping and wreaking havoc in all directions of the medical cabin with the four at the center.

beep beep...

The master of the medical cabin controlled the intelligent brain speaker to emit a crisp sound, and the four strings of data flickered in the corners of the four-square-meter ion display.

"Haha broke through; broke through, finally broke through!"

"Is this the strength of an interstellar superpower? It's really powerful!"

"Ah, it's still a little bit closer, I'm not reconciled!"

"Xiao Zhan, you bastard, don't hit brother!"

"It's good enough for you guys. If you have nothing to do, put on your clothes quickly, and you won't be afraid of being immoral!" Standing at the door of the medical room, Lin Sha rolled her eyes and cursed with a smile.

"Boss!" "Boss!" "Brother!" "Boss!"

"Okay, okay, you're welcome, hurry up and get on the clothes on the boat and let's have a good chat!" Lin Sha waved his hands angrily.

"Hey boss, I didn't embarrass you this time!" Meng Tian said with a red face while taking the underwear handed over by the nanny robot.

"You're the only one who can do it?" Lin Sha said angrily.

"Boss, you can't treat one more favorably than another, I also broke through to [-] battle strength!" Li Mu said while putting on clothes on his body, not to be outdone.

"When did you become so sao, kid?" Lin Sha said angrily and amusedly, "How is it, how does it feel to have a combat power of more than [-]?"

"It's great!" Li Mu boasted, sticking out his thumb, "Compared to before, it seems to have entered the world of Xining again, whether it's physical strength or mental strength, it has improved a lot!"

"Your Excellency Captain Li Mulian, don't brag anymore. I'm very upset with envy, jealousy and hatred. If you tease me carelessly, be careful and I'll knock you down in the future!" Lin Zhan said with a stinky face in his underwear.

"Boy, do you want to rebel?" Li Mu pretended to be fierce.

"Why, Captain Li Mu, do you want to fight?" Lin Zhan rolled his sleeves coldly.

"Boy, you are making me angry!" Li Mu said with a smirk, "Let's find a time to have a good 'chat'!"

"You can choose any time and place, and I will accompany you to the end!" Lin Zhan's eyes had become cross-eyed, and he said aggressively without showing any weakness.

"Boss, in the final result of the competition between our interstellar powerhouse and the Muyuan powerhouse, who will win?" Ignoring Li Mu and Lin Zhan's jokes over there, Meng Yi put on the singles on his body after getting dressed. Bing Zhanjia, his mouth did not stop asking curiously.

Hearing his question, Li Mu and Lin Zhan also stopped fighting, and even Meng Tian turned his curious eyes over.

"Hehe, do you think I look like I've lost a battle?" Lin Sha asked without answering directly.

"The boss is of course we can trust it!" Meng Tian first flattered him a little, then changed the topic and said with a playful smile: "But the hunger of General Mu Yuan is not bad!"

"That's right, boss, I heard that Cangsong accidentally revealed that the combat power of a strong general at the level of Mu Yuan is above 20!" Li Mu added to the fire.

"Brother, are you really alright?" Lin Sha didn't react yet, but Lin Zhan couldn't hold it anymore, and asked with a worried expression on his face.

"Ah, ah, ah, Xiao Zhan, if you care about it, you will be chaotic, and you don't even think about who the boss is?" Meng Yi patted Lin Zhan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Even if the boss can't do it, self-protection is no problem at all!"

"You kid, are you hurting or praising?" Lin Sha said angrily: "Okay, come with me after getting dressed, the full set of battle video data is stored in the brain, you will know what it is after watching it The situation!"

"Boss, let me give you a spoiler first, what's the final result?"

"You can see it for yourself, don't you?"

"It's better for the boss to say it himself, so I can feel at ease!"

"Don't worry about it, you boss, I'm fine now!"

"Then boss, can you talk about the feeling of fighting against General Mu Yuan?"

"There is nothing to say, strong, strong, very strong!"



After watching Lin Sha's specially edited battle video, the four of Meng Tian were dumbfounded for a while, speechless.

Shock, at this moment their hearts were shocked besides shock!

Only when they have an intuitive understanding of the entire battle can they clearly perceive the impact of their formidable strength.

That's right, the performance of the four of them is absolutely wonderful. Together they overthrew five Lieutenant General Mu Yuan level powerhouses, which can be described as unique among interstellar powerhouses of the same level.

However, no matter in terms of intensity or danger, their battles were far inferior to the fierce confrontation between those with more than [-] fighting strength.

It seems that it is completely a battle between two worlds, there is no comparison at all.

The big moves that were used on the four of them were also used on those with a combat power of more than [-], which was a common practice.Whether it's hand-to-hand combat skills or energy attack knack, there's a world of difference between the two.

Don't look at the group of interstellar powerhouses with a combat power of more than [-] and less than [-] who are struggling in the hands of Mu Yuan lieutenant generals of the same level, but which one of them is not far superior to Meng Tian and the other four?

Don't say that the four of them didn't learn the essence of fighting skills at all, even if they learned the essence, it wouldn't be of much use without the assistance of explosive submarine combat skills.This fact made the four feel very uncomfortable. The joy brought about by the breakthrough in combat power and the explosive increase in strength just now was swept away. They are still far from the real strong.

"Hehe, you guys don't have to put on a sour face, I believe it won't be long before you can surpass these powerhouses!" Lin Sha only showed the four of them the video of the level of combat power below [-], and as for the higher level The battle of the strong, now not only has no effect for them, but may even have a counterproductive effect.

"Oh, it's really a blow, it seems that our strength is nothing in the interstellar world!" Meng Tian said dejectedly.

"It's not bad!" Although Li Mu's face is not good-looking, he can see it: "It's not bad to have the strength we have now when we are just over [-] years old. It's completely self-inflicted with Mrs. Lin Sha. What a shame!"

"Hmph, I won't lose, my brother is my role model!" Lin Zhan clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

"Oh, Xiao Zhan, don't do this, brother, I feel a lot of pressure!" Meng Tian said depressedly, pretending to be sad.

"Don't underestimate yourself!" Lin Sha warned in a serious voice, "As Li Mu said, your current strength is already very good. As long as you maintain this momentum, you will become a strong fighter with a combat power of [-] or even higher in the future It's not impossible. At the very least, you've left behind the first genius of the empire, Zhanjue!"

"Haha Boss is right, I'm full of energy now!" Meng Tian shook his face, clenched his right fist and laughed loudly.

"Boss Meng, you have to work harder, it will be ugly if I surpass you!" Li Mu challenged Meng Tian for the first position with a chuckle.

"Hmph, Boss Li, you should take good care of the fighter mech unit!" Meng Yi was displeased when he heard that, and hurriedly waved the flag for his brother: "You will never surpass my brother, maybe one day I will surpass you." uncertain!"

"You're so stubborn!" Li Mu raised his eyebrows and smiled, his eyes turned cloudy and said: "I'm afraid that you will be far away from Xiao Zhan and cry to find your brother!"

"You talk about yourself, don't involve me in it!" Lin Zhan was not happy when he heard it, and shouted with a straight face: "You guys who are talented and scumbags don't make random comparisons, I will ask my brother Check it out!"

"By the way, talking about the talent of Zhan Jue, that guy was a bully at the beginning, but now his combat power is probably not even comparable to Tian Dan?" Meng Tian was unmoved by Lin Zhan's ridicule, but asked Lin Sha curiously.

"I think it should be about the same!" Li Mu said honestly: "A few days ago, he also challenged other powerhouses with us. At that time, his combat power had just exceeded [-]."

"Why mention him? I'm angry when I mention it!" Lin Zhan raised his eyebrows and said unhappily. Rarely than war.In any case, Lin Sha and the others watched him grow up, and with his outstanding talent, he was really arrogant.

The four of them turned upside down while talking, and Lin Sha also stepped in at this time: "Speaking of Zhan Jue, he asked His Excellency Jin Zheng to talk about it yesterday, hoping to fight with us!"

Yesterday was the day when Kim Jong was out of the medical cabin. No matter what the relationship was, Lin Sha hurried over to celebrate. He ate, drank and exchanged his martial arts experience. Who would have thought that he would make such a request in the end.

"Boss, how did you answer?" Although Meng Tian and the others were surprised by this, they didn't think it was a big deal.

"I agreed on the spot!" Lin Sha didn't care too much, and said with a light smile: "Anyway, the development of our Yanhuang galaxy cannot be separated from the help of the Warrior Empire. There is a training base for young people on Earth Star, and there are not many more of him. !"

"Your Excellency Kim Jong's strength is not slow to improve. After recovering from a fierce battle, how can the combat power reach [-]?" Meng Tian asked curiously.

"Almost!" Lin Sha nodded: "If it explodes completely, it should be no problem to exceed [-]!"

After chatting for a while, Lin Sha clapped his hands to attract the attention of the four of them.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense with you guys. Now that we have recovered, we will go out for activities. After the 'Strong Challenge' held by Muyuan is over, we will return to the Yanhuang Galaxy immediately. The time out has been long enough... "(To be continued.)

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