super space warrior

Chapter 385 Unlucky Egg Mi Ke

() "Well, what's going on?"

The huge hatch of the large interstellar warship opened, and Lin Sha just set foot on the land of the earth and star, and felt a strange atmosphere in his heart, as if something was wrong.

"What's the matter, boss?"

Seeing Lin Sha suddenly stop still, Meng Tian who was following behind couldn't help asking curiously.

"Don't you feel that the atmosphere is a bit weird?" Lin Sha asked without answering.

"What kind of weird feeling? I didn't feel it!" Meng Tian was stunned for a moment, looked up, down, left, and right on the apron carefully, and even sniffed his nose and inhaled forcefully, with a dazed face, but found nothing.

Nima, what are you doing, how smart is your dog nose?

Lin Sha couldn't laugh or cry and gave this guy a supercilious look, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart faded a lot, he waved his hands and said angrily: "Let's go, let's go, don't be so obedient here!"

"Things can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Boss, can you tell me when we have been ugly?" Meng Tian said unconvinced.

"Yeah, you've learned to talk back, kid. It seems that we haven't discussed it for a long time, and you're itchy. How can we help each other out sometime?" Lin Sha threatened with his eyes wide open.

"Hand in hand, let's do it, who is afraid of whom!" Meng Tian was in a state of bursting with confidence at this time, although he knew that fighting with the boss was an act of seeking abuse, but he still couldn't help but agree in his heart with arrogance.

"Boss Meng and brother are talking about being so lively?" Lin Zhan had just stepped out of the hatch of the battleship when he saw Lin Sha and Meng Tian staring at each other, and hurriedly came over and asked curiously.

"Go, go, what are you kidding me for?" Lin Sha waved his hands dissatisfied, took a deep breath of the familiar air, and shook his head to signal Meng Tian and the others to leave first.

After driving away the two uneasy guys, Lin Sha returned to the command center of the battleship, commanded Li Mu and Meng Yi through the battleship's brain, and led the combat mech fighters with the ship to leave the bilge smoothly. After the thousands of space fighters were properly arranged, he put down his work and came to the cell where the unlucky Mi Ke was detained.

To say that Mi Ke is really unlucky. He has lived a miserable life of darkness since he was captured by Lin Sha.

At the beginning, this guy was very dishonest, but he was beaten severely by Lin Sha, and by the way, thousands of milliliters of blood were taken from his body every day for experiments.Those days can be said to be a life like hell. If it weren't for his special and strong recovery ability, he might have been unable to hold on and died long ago.

Afterwards, life got better, especially when the demon Lin Sha arranged for some brats to come over to challenge him, and every time he beat those brats until their noses were blue and their faces were swollen and they couldn't find their way, he sought a little comfort from it.

What surprised him was that the growth rate of those boys was too fast, and every time they met, there was a significant improvement compared to the last time. Fortunately, he himself had also made great progress in the continuous high-strength battles, and the so-called combat power was stable. Those boys have one head.

This kind of life lasted for three years, and then he was brought into an extremely huge flying tool. He either fought with those boys all day long or was sucked from blood and fell into a state of decline to recuperate and recover.

He has stayed in this kind of huge flying tool that he has never built a country before, that is, the "large interstellar warship" that the demon Linsha and the others call it, for nearly six years.

Six years of life in captivity without sky and sky, if he had just left the sanctuary, he would have been unable to hold on to the mental breakdown and killed himself.Fortunately, he had three years of hellish experience as a foundation, so he could adapt to this life without freedom.

The first two years on a large interstellar battleship were fine, almost the same as the previous three years. Basically, he spent the battle berserk against those boys, and his strength also improved rapidly in the continuous fierce battles.

According to that kid Meng Yi, his combat power has reached an astonishing [-], and he can already be regarded as one of the interstellar superpowers.In addition, after several years of fighting and fighting, he is quite familiar with Meng Tian and those boys, and he also knows some basic situations in the interstellar world from them.

The so-called 'interstellar' is a vast world different from the sanctuary.These are not important, the important thing is to listen to what those boys say, that is, there are as many strong people as there are forests in the interstellar world.

This made him very shocked. After several years of continuous high-intensity battles, his strength at this time is also a strong one in a sanctuary with many masters. Not top notch.

What is top-notch strength?

After Meng Tian and the others got acquainted with each other, he also knew that Interstellar has a special method of judging strength, which is to use the so-called energy detector to detect the specific combat strength value.Just like him himself, when he was just captured, his combat power was only in his early [-]s, but now he has reached an astonishing height of [-].

As for the strength of the real top-notch powerhouse in the interstellar world, compared with the demon Lin Sha who captured him, at least the combat power must exceed one hundred thousand.

One hundred thousand combat power, almost twice his current combat power.

Although he still has a hidden method, which can explode a combat power of about [-] times his own strength, he is still not an opponent of an interstellar powerhouse with a combat power of more than [-].When the strength is so strong, who can guarantee that the strongest guns in the interstellar world will not have one or two means to increase their combat power in a short time?

In the first two years, there was almost no change in life, except for fighting and getting blood samples every day.But for a period of time, Meng Tian and his boys suddenly disappeared, and they didn't show up again for several months. He couldn't help but feel very depressed when he was relaxed, the days were really boring.

Half a year later, by the time Meng Tian and the others reappeared, their strength had risen sharply. Although they were still not as good as him, they were not much different. This surprised him and also Alexander.

Sure enough, as he expected, the following days returned to the original excitement, three days a small fight five days a big fight, what made him depressed was that it was impossible to torture Meng Tian and those boys as violently as before.Even sometimes the battle was too fierce, and he himself suffered a lot.

From the mouths of Meng Tian and the others, he knew that the demon Lin Sha had brought these boys to a grand meeting held by the interstellar powerhouses. Among them, the number of powerhouses with a combat power of more than [-] was nearly a hundred. When he heard this number, his eyes widened. straight up.

The background of Interstellar is really unfathomable!

Then he returned to his previous 'normal' life, either fighting with Meng Tian, ​​or getting weak from the blood sample taken by the demon Lin Sha, but one day he suddenly felt inexplicable heart palpitations as if something bad happened It's about to happen... (To be continued.)

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