super space warrior

Chapter 386 'Magic Qi'

() His induction is really accurate...

Not long after, a stern alarm suddenly came out from inside the huge battleship, and a strong sense of tension surged into my heart. .biquge.

What happened?

At that time, apart from his doubts, he was afraid of unknown dangers. He wondered if the dangers he perceived would kill him?

Unlike Meng Tian and the others, he doesn't have the ability to survive in outer space, if any accident or irreversible change happens to the battleship, he will only die.

The demon Lin Sha came to see him once in a while, and for the sake of his own life, he still told the demon the omen in his heart. Unexpectedly, the demon Lin Sha also showed a feeling of "deep empathy", Then, there was no more after that, the day went on as usual, the omens in my heart became more and more prosperous, and I didn't hear Meng Tian and the others revealing that there was any special move.

Just when the alarm omen in his heart reached its peak, the huge interstellar warship trembled violently, and Meng Tian disappeared for several months afterwards, and there were two or two mournful alarms inside the battleship. .

During that time, he was very frightened, and his heart was filled with various fears and worries.Fortunately, he was relieved that the interval between the siren sounds inside the battleship became longer and longer as time went by, until it almost disappeared in the end.

Another few months of boring idle life passed, and after Meng Tian and the boys reappeared, he learned the truth from these boys. It turned out that the battleship they were on was robbed halfway, although he didn't know the specific situation. How, but also know that the situation is very dangerous.

Nima, in his opinion, the hull of a large interstellar warship that is comparable to a giant city is shaking violently. Doesn't this explain something?

But anyway, nothing happened in the end, which is the best news for him.

From Meng Tian's excited eyes and whispered conversation, he knew that these boys had learned a very powerful training method. He heard that this special training method had a miraculous effect on improving combat effectiveness.

For the excitement of these boys, he was both envious and sympathetic.What they envy is that they have the super master Demon Linsha. It is really too easy to improve their strength. He Mi Ke is the biggest witness.When I first met Meng Tian and those boys, their fighting power was only in the early [-]s.

But now, six years have passed, and the fighting power of these boys has exceeded [-] each. The speed of progress is jaw-dropping, and the biggest contributor here is the demon Lin Sha.

The sympathy is that they must have been fooled by the demon Linsha again. Their previous strength improvement speed was fast enough, even so fast that it was unbelievable. How could there be a faster way to improve strength?

If there is such a thing, why didn't the demon Linsha take it out before?

But it didn't take long for him to realize that he was wrong, and that he was very wrong.

I don't know how to return, but in the next two years, the strength of Meng Tian's boys is like riding a rocket. It was rushing straight up, and within a year, the two boys, Meng Tian and Lin Zhan, had surpassed him.

Of course, it was only the battle stats on the surface. If he really wanted to fight, he was absolutely confident in killing these two little rookies, but even so, he was shocked.

In the next year, even Li Mu's combat power surpassed him. Fortunately, Meng Yi's combat power was only comparable to his, and he was firmly suppressed by him, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

Not only that, but he found that since the battleship belonging to the Yanhuang galaxy left the so-called Muyuan galaxy, every time he saw Lin Sha, he felt a feeling of heart palpitations. For some reason, it seemed that this demon was even more terrifying.

He was feeling very irritable that day, and he felt faintly in his heart, as if the natural enemy of their Sanctuary clan was nearby.This feeling made him very confused and anxious, and felt very ridiculous. Isn't today the day to return to Earth and Star?

I really couldn't calm down, and walked back and forth in the battleship cell, but didn't find the hatch door opened quietly.

"My lord, what are you doing?"

Hearing Lin Sha's strange words, Mi Ke suddenly turned his head and said angrily, "It's just a feeling of discomfort!"

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Lin Sha stared and said bluntly, "Do you want to be beaten?"

"So what?" Mi Ke also lost his temper, and replied unceremoniously: "Anyway, I'm used to it, and I don't care about it once or twice!"

"Hehe, you've grown a lot, kid. It seems that I've grown a lot more courageous if I haven't given you a break recently!" Lin Sha pinched the knuckles of his fingers until they crackled, and walked over with a smirk on his face.

After tidying up the unlucky Mi Ke, Lin Sha only felt refreshed. Sure enough, people's happiness is based on other people's depression.Putting aside the doubtful thoughts before, he got off the battleship with Mi Ke who had been beaten into a pig's head.

"Demon energy!!!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the unlucky guy got off the battleship, he suddenly yelled, his face full of incredible shock.

"Demon Qi, what is Devil Qi?" Lin Sha raised the unlucky Mi Ke in front of him, stretched out his hand and punched the kid hard, and shouted: "Be honest with me, after all, what is 'Demon Qi'? "

Mi Ke snorted, his body curled up like a curly prawn, mumbling something vaguely in his mouth.

After returning to the base, after a long interrogation, of course, the unlucky Mi Ke may have said it on purpose. Lin Sha finally understood what the "magic energy" that made the unlucky Mi Ke exclaim and lose his composure was. It's like pressing a big rock.

The so-called 'Magic Qi' is a mysterious local product that is opposed to the 'Western Sanctuary' where the unlucky Mi Ke was born. A dark atmosphere, a special attribute atmosphere that makes people feel very uncomfortable.

It was only then that Lin Sha realized that what he felt was wrong before was obviously caused by this 'demonic energy'.

But what puzzled him was, where did the 'magic energy' on the planet Earth come from?

Suddenly, he remembered the mysterious cave that was deep in the valley in the trial site, and Xining was startled. Could it be that the believers who believed in the mysterious stone statue had been there, or the warriors who were trialling moved there by accident?

A very bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart, and he hastily called up the materials related to talk and practice in the base intelligence brain.It took me ten days to sort out a clue, but the problem appeared again, and I didn't find any problem at all.

But the situation is that the "demonic energy" mentioned by the unlucky Miko absolutely exists, and the longer he stays at the earth star base, the more obvious this feeling of something is wrong.

But it is a big trouble to find out the reason. Through the monitoring equipment installed in the mysterious cave in the hidden valley, no one has been there or even touched anything there.

This brings up the question, if there is no mistake in the mysterious cave, then where did this inexplicable 'demonic energy' come from?

But the unlucky Mi Ke's reaction is not like a fake, this guy seems to be mentally ill recently, he is extremely unstable, in order to relieve his depression, he even took the initiative to find Meng Tian and the others to discuss and fight,

You know, in the past, it was Meng Tiantan who came to the door, and the unlucky Mi Ke might not be willing to do it. If it weren't for being so bored, this guy wouldn't take the initiative to be a training partner for Meng Tian and the others, and offered to help Lin Sha's confidant to improve his strength .

Moreover, Lin Sha has always been confident in his own perception, and will never make a mistake in this regard, because he affirmed what this guy said, and there is something wrong with the earth and stars.

Originally, he wanted to take Mi Ke to the mysterious cave to see if there was something wrong there.However, he had accumulated countless documents and work during his five years of travel, and he needed to check them out and give instructions or answers in person, so he was temporarily held back and unable to move away.

This guy Mi Ke is extremely dangerous, he doesn't worry about letting Meng Tian and the others run around in the profession, if this guy catches the opportunity to run away, it will be troublesome.Hua Longxing's secrets cannot be revealed, at least not easily for now, and there is also a mysterious 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' there, who knows what serious consequences will be caused if the news is leaked?

It wasn't that he didn't trust his younger brother, but that he was worried that Mi Ke had some special tricks.Although Lin Sha's combat power surpassed that of Mi Ke, it was hard to say who would win in a real fight. Some things were not as simple as they seemed on the surface.

The matter of pursuing the 'demon energy' can be put aside for now. With his strength at this time, even if there is any change, he can suppress it. The combat power of more than 17 is not a joke. About 35, even if you encounter some "gods" enshrined by primitive civilization planets, you can still have the power to fight!

There are too many jobs accumulated in more than five years, although Li Xin Tian Dan still has; the twin sisters who take turns guarding the Yanhuang galaxy have helped him deal with those trivial matters, but the jobs and documents that require his signature or nod in person are not there. For a small number, it is not something that can be done in a day or two if you want to deal with it.

What passed through his hands were all major matters related to the development or construction of the Yanhuang galaxy. There were too many things to consider, and it was not something that could be settled simply by handling them.Fortunately, Lin Sha had thought about the construction of the Yanhuang galaxy long ago, and was prepared for these things and problems, so he didn't rush around.

Generally speaking, the basic construction of the Yanhuang galaxy has been completed. An interstellar medium-sized standard base has been built on the three main planets, and small base stations or underground fortresses have been built in various dangerous locations.

Not only the basic construction of landmark buildings has been completed, but even the monitoring network for monitoring the entire galaxy has been basically completed. Basically, there are one to five reconnaissance satellites in the space of important star fields.

In short, the Yanhuang galaxy is completely on its feet.

However, the problem is not without, and it is still very big... (To be continued.)

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