super space warrior

Chapter 387 Doubt

()"What's happening here?"

Seeing Li Xin and Tian Dan standing in front of them, Lin Sha asked in dissatisfaction.

"Boss, we don't understand!" Li Xin said depressedly.

"Yes, boss, what did we do wrong?" Tian Dan asked.

These two idiots are really speechless.Lin Sha rubbed the space between his brows and said unhappily, "What I'm asking is, why did the chances of those little devils getting injured increase so much during the last two years of trials?"

"Oh boss, is this what you're talking about?" Li Xin looked disapproving: "It's nothing, it's normal to get injured after participating in the trial!"

"You idiot..." Seeing this kid's innocent look like you're making too much fuss, Lin Sha was almost pissed off with anger.

"Yes, Boss, I don't know if you'll worry any more," Tian Dan interjected recklessly.

"I'm so pissed off by you two guys!" Lin Sha rolled her eyes angrily, and pointed to the metal wall behind the office: "Look for yourself..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white light shot out from the small intellectual brain on the desk, and soon a clear form was formed on the wall with silver-white metallic luster, and the trial status of the young people in the few years since he was gone is clear at a glance All clearly in the book.

"Well, the chance of injury has indeed increased a lot!"

It's okay if you didn't pay attention before, but now Li Xin and Tian Dan can see the problem in the table. In the past two years, the number of young people participating in the trial has indeed increased somewhat abnormally.

Lin Sha expressed his doubts at the right time, and said: "Not only that, but if you say that the beasts in the trial area have suddenly increased in strength, no one will believe it, but this is the truth!"

Indeed, it can be seen from the detailed table that almost [-]% of the injured juveniles who participated in the training were injured by the beasts in the training area.

This made them a little confused. It wasn't that it was strange to be injured by a wild beast, but it was unacceptable to be injured on such a large scale.The strongest fighting beasts in the trial area are only in their early five hundred.Moreover, the number is absolutely rare and is closely monitored by the Earth and Star monitoring network. It is not that simple to injure the young warriors who participated in the trial on a large scale.

Besides, the adult warriors who followed behind secretly to protect them were not just decorations. If there was a dangerous situation, they would immediately help.The reason why Lin Sha chose that area as the trial place at the beginning was that Lin Sha spent a lot of effort to check it thoroughly. Could he still not understand the specific situation?

But the reality at the moment is that the young people who participated in the trial are more likely to be injured by those beasts that are not strong in combat.This had to arouse his great concern and doubts.

Fortunately, there have been no deaths so far, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

Li Xin and Tian Dan didn't think about it so much, but they also knew that going on like this might cause serious consequences.But it is impossible for them to tell the reason, so they can only obsessively fill the transparent background board.

"Could it be that you didn't notice the problem before?" Lin Sha breathed a sigh of relief after the lecture, and stared at the two guys in front of him angrily.

"Hey boss, the two of us have been busy cultivating before. Besides, there is no unmanageable situation, how can we have time to pay attention to these trivial matters?" Li Xin nodded his head and explained embarrassingly.

"That's right, I just think that the energy consumption in the medical room has been a bit high in the past two years, and there are no other problems!" Tian Dan then explained: "Why don't you ask Ling Dang, she has been here for the past year Take care of the administrative work of the Yanhuang galaxy!"

"Hmph, you two guys wait for me..." Lin Sha accepted their explanation, pointed at the two guys and said angrily, "Get out of here. Don't be an eyesore here!"


In a certain luxurious lounge of the base, the lights emit soft light, and a luxurious carved wooden double bed is placed in the center of the room.

At this time, Lin Sha was lying on the soft and comfortable big bed with her muscular upper body on her back, holding a plump and beautiful body with bumps in her arms, with an expression of post-satisfaction on her face.

The soft words were gentle, and they exchanged some anecdotes that the two had experienced in these years. It wasn't that they laughed and the atmosphere was extremely warm and harmonious.

"The bell asked you something..."

After chatting for a while, Lin Sha got down to business, and described today's discovery and the conversation between Li Xintian and Dan Dan in detail.Finally, I asked curiously: "Have you found these problems?"

That's right, the delicate beauty lying in Lin Sha's arms is exactly the bell in the flower of the twin sisters of Lin Sha's childhood sweetheart.

It's luck to say it, the warrior tribe has always been belligerent and their demand for xxoo is not very strong.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Sha is relieved to let the twin sister Hua stay and work in the main star of Warrior.Otherwise, we won't be able to see each other for a few years, and he still doesn't have a green hat on his head?

He took Meng Tian and the four to the appointment at Muyuan.It was once arranged that the twin sisters take turns to sit in the Yanhuang galaxy every other year or so, and the chief officer of the Yanguang galaxy should deal with some administrative troubles in response to administrative affairs.

It can't be said that Li Xin and Tian Dan are useless, it's just that they spend all their energy on improving their own strength, and it would be hell if they could pay attention to tedious administrative affairs.

In addition, the twin sisters are in charge of the third civilian urban training office when they spend time on the main planet of warriors.He is very proficient in administrative affairs, and he can rest assured only if he can let the two of them master the development of the Yanhuang galaxy.

"Of course I found out!" Ling Dang gave Lin Sha a charming look.

"Hey, since you found out, why didn't you say it earlier?" Lin Sha was not angry, but was very curious.

"I just feel that something is not normal, and there is no need to make a fuss about something unexpected?" Ling Dang changed into a comfortable position, regardless of the leak of the sun on his upper body, and said relaxedly: "Even if you don't say it, after a while I'll investigate this matter thoroughly, it's no big deal!"

Really no big deal!

Lin Sha touched the beauty's plump chest, in exchange for Ling Dang's coquettish and white eyes.After messing around for a while, he put down the mischievous An Lushan's claws, and said with a serious face: "I feel that this matter is not that simple, you should pay more attention recently!"

"That's good!" Bell nodded lazily and responded casually.It's not that she doesn't care at all. With Lin Sha here, she doesn't need to spend more brain cells, just do the logistics work well.


"Let's go, Your Excellency Miko, I'll take you to a good place..."

With strong doubts in his heart, Lin Sha got up early the next morning from Wenrou Township, and went to the cell where Mi Ke was held, planning to take him on a tour of the mysterious cave. (To be continued. (qidian.).)

ps: Thanks to the book friend 'old kk' for the evaluation vote, thank you very much

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