super space warrior

Chapter 388 Out of Control

()"here it is?"

Feeling the strong magic energy around the valley, Mi Ke's expression became very serious.

"Hey, you'll know when you get inside!" Lin Sha smiled, barely holding back the discomfort in his heart, and flew directly towards the mysterious mountain jelly in the hidden valley with Mi Ke in one hand.

At this time, they had already gone deep into the trial area designated by the earth star, and the uncomfortable and weird atmosphere became more and more intense along the way, and the uncomfortable atmosphere reached its peak when they reached the hidden valley.

What shocked Lin Sha even more was that the beasts he saw along the way were berserk one by one, their eyes were red, and when they saw a living creature, they bit it down fiercely regardless of their care.That's not to mention, the strength of Nima's wild beasts in a state of rage and anxiety has skyrocketed, and basically their strength is about three times stronger than in the normal state.

No wonder...

Only then did Lin Sha suddenly realize that it is no wonder that all the young people who participated in the trial were injured by these wild beasts.It's not that their combat power suddenly exploded, but that they panicked when their real combat power was much stronger than their apparent combat power. To put it bluntly, it was a sign of lack of combat experience.

And Mi Ke saw these crazy and anxious beasts, but he just said in disdain that they were infected by magic energy, and garbage is still garbage.

Lin Sha didn't dare to take it lightly, after all, it was not a field he was familiar with or known, and he expressed that he was completely ignorant and ignorant about the "devil energy" or "devil energy infection".

But this also aroused his curiosity and attention even more, he had to find out the source of the 'demon energy', otherwise he would have trouble sleeping and eating.When he was having a good time with Ling Dang before, he got a very bad news. Li Xin and Tian Dan often went too far when they were sparring in the past two years, and they hit real fire when they hit each other.

It's not a good sign that he's serious about it.Based on the relationship between the two of them, once or twice might still be accidental, but according to what Ling Dang said, there were no less than seven or eight times, and everyone had a violent temper as if they had taken gunpowder. The two brothers fell out.

What a loser!

These two guys obviously had a problem, and it seemed that it was caused by the sudden appearance of 'magic energy'.

Originally, he took Mi Ke and went straight to the hidden valley, but seeing the abnormal state of the beasts in the trial area, he wandered around the entire vast trial area with the unlucky guy, and found that although the situation began to After seeing how bad it was, it wasn't too bad, so I rushed to the hidden valley with some relief.

Unexpectedly, things really went as he expected, the source of that inexplicable 'demon energy' actually came from the hidden valley.At this moment, even if he thought about it with his body, he knew that there must be something wrong in the closed mysterious cave.


"Let go of me, let me go quickly!" Mi Ke struggled hard, trying to get out of Lin Sha's grasp.

"Boy, be honest with me, my buddy is really annoying!" Lin Sha punched this guy bluntly, directly hitting Mi Ke's eyes turned white and dizzy, and he unconsciously felt a cruel feeling in his heart. Bad thoughts come.


Nima's 'magic energy' is really contagious, and with his strength, he almost got caught if he wasn't careful.

"Hmph, do you know how powerful you are?" Mi Ke, who was caught by the collar and limp like a dead fish, seemed to see Lin Sha's state at this time, and sneered again and again: "You know, the 'devil energy' It can directly infect the soul, it doesn't depend on your strength to avoid it!"

"You boy, be honest!" Lin Sha punched the captive hard, and Mi Ke immediately calmed down with a muffled grunt.

"Hey, is it the negative energy affecting the mood soon? What's the big deal?" He sneered and unceremoniously exposed Mi Ke's intentions: "Even if you have the ability to get rid of this negative influence, don't expect me to show mercy Relax the supervision on you, and your kid will die!"

Being said to be the center of the matter, and being severely warned, Mi Ke was like a deflated ball, with a helpless and depressed expression on his face.

There is such a dangerous factor as 'magic energy', Lin Sha badly let go of the 'air mechanism' sensor to scan the hidden valley in all aspects.In desperation, he had no choice but to use the most primitive means, carrying the lifeless Mi Ke back and forth in the mid-air of the hidden valley to check for any peculiarities.

At the same time, he also contacted the intelligence brain of the base through the communicator attached to the energy detector, and quickly searched for all the abnormal conditions that were hidden during his absence for more than five years, whether it was someone accidentally breaking in or a beast with strange movements All the information about haunting and haunting was transmitted without any omission.

After wandering around the Hidden Valley for a dozen or so times, he found that there was really no problem, so he calmed down.What made him gratified was that the valley was indeed hidden, and no outsiders had set foot in it during the five years he had been away, which reassured him a lot.

As for wild beasts, do you still expect that there are no wild beasts in the deep mountains and old forests?

Fortunately, in the past two years, due to the infestation of "demonic energy", all the beasts in the hidden valley have changed drastically. They have become extremely ferocious, killing and fighting each other with great joy, but I haven't found anything particularly strange. beast.

Once the hatchback is combined, he let go of his usual hanging heart, at least there is no outside force to do anything, this is enough.

When I came to the boulder that closed the mysterious cave at the beginning, the boulder was full of traces of time, and there was no sign of being moved by people.What made him feel very uncomfortable was that the concentration of 'magic energy' near the boulder was so alarming that he even faintly felt a cloud of black shadows floating nearby.

"Boy, don't you really want to know the source of the devil's energy? You'll find out when you go in!" Seeing that Mi Ke's face was very ugly, as if the devil's energy was a scourge, Lin Sha said amusedly.

"Li, what's inside?" Mi Ke was startled by the strong demonic energy around the boulder, and he didn't have the heart to fight with Lin Sha. At this time, he was full of fear and anxiety, and he stuttered and asked in a trembling voice.

In my heart, I can't figure it out.It's not that he didn't stay in the earth star five years ago, but he didn't sense the existence of magic energy. He really didn't understand what was going on.

"It's nothing, it's just an altar of an evil god!" Lin Sha smiled lightly, looking at Mi Ke in his hand with playful and curious eyes.

"What, the altar of the evil god?" Mi Ke's face changed wildly, and his face was in disbelief.

"Hmph, what's the fuss, I discovered it by accident eight years ago, oh, it shouldn't have been ten years ago!" Lin Sha suddenly constricted his pupils slightly, his face changed slightly, and he muttered to himself: "Ten years ago!" Ten years is not good..."

No longer caring about chattering with Mi Ke, he hastily stretched out his hand and roughly pushed away the mottled boulder blocking the mysterious entrance of the underground cave. drift out.


Without even thinking about it, he blocked the Mi Ke in his hand in front of him, and was hit by the black air from the entrance of the cave.This fellow uttered a terribly miserable howl, his body shone with holy white light, which counteracted the incoming black air and made a piercing sound of 'Ziz'.

"It's such an adult, what a fucking fart you are!"

There was a buzzing in Lin Sha's ears, and he slapped Mi Ke on the back of the head angrily.At the same time, he couldn't help but be secretly startled, what the hell is that black air, how could it give him a terrifying illusion of death?

I remembered that when I discovered the hidden cave in front of me, the service life of the inexplicable energy gem on the mysterious altar in the cave was only ten years. Is it because of this reason?

When he discovered the problem, he didn't dare to neglect, so he simply held Mi Ke in front of him as a meat shield, and quickly walked down the cave passage without stopping.

ah ah ah...

It doesn't matter if Lin Sha acts like this, but it's hard for Mi Ke, it's like being naked and thrown into a boiling oil pan, the holy white light on his body melts with the strange black air that continuously gushes out of the cave, making a sound The extremely ear-piercing 'zzzz' sound.

Frowning, he was very upset, and he didn't know what happened to Mi Ke. He sensed that the majestic life energy in his body was slowly decreasing, and even his combat power was slowly declining.And it can be heard that the mournful wailing that this guy uttered does not seem to be fake.

This is not a good phenomenon!

Thinking quickly for a moment, he quickly made a decision and took out a small transparent medicine bottle from his arms, quickly unplugged the plug, and a strong vitality filled the air, and he turned Mi Ke's body around. .

Lin Sha was taken aback, seeing that Mi Ke was pale and sweating profusely, his brows were tightly frowned as if he was in great pain.Without caring about the horror in his heart, he fed him the life potion in the potion bottle in his hand. This guy obviously knew that the life potion in the potion bottle was a good thing. Although he was very uncomfortable, he still opened his mouth and drank the potion Light.

Produced by Linsha, it must be a fine product!

After taking the life potion made by Linshat, the life force in Mi Ke's body, which was slowly diminishing, quickly recovered and was still a little stronger. The holy white light on his body was even more dazzling, and he easily melted away the strange black energy wrapped around his upper body.

"This is……"

Before he had time to sense the amazing changes in Mi Ke's body, he had already arrived in the mysterious cave with altars.Looking around, there was a weird black mist, and it was so hazy that it was impossible to see the scene five meters away.

"Ah, the devil's altar, it really is a devil's altar!"

While Lin Sha was still amazed at the shocking scene in the cave, Mi Ke couldn't help but yelled out in horror: "Put me down, let me down quickly, I must clean up the devilish energy here as soon as possible, otherwise none of us will be killed later." Can't run!"

Lin Sha originally wanted to laugh at this guy's cowardice, but thinking of the weird scene in front of him, he still couldn't help letting go. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got his girlfriend, Mi Ke flashed and rushed towards the altar of the cave, the holy white light in his hand flickered as soon as it reached the energy light The ball quickly condensed and threw it towards the weird altar without hesitation.

"What are you doing, stop!" Lin Sha's face changed wildly and he yelled... (To be continued.)

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