Until it was a long distance away from Heisha collar, Lin Sha could faintly sense the monstrous anger coming from the direction of Heisha collar...

After counting the harvest and treating the wounded, a group of nearly a hundred masters from the devil world rested in the wilderness for a few days until they fully recovered and their combat effectiveness improved. Lin Sha ordered the group to start wandering again.

For the next two years, Lin Sha took a group of younger brothers and wandered around the territory of five or six demon barons, gathering the scenery of different regions in the city's demon world and carefully collecting information from all directions.

The territory of the Demon Realm is too vast, and each demon baron is at least as big as an ordinary planet in the Desang Interstellar. If it weren't for Lin Sha's fast enough pace, they might still be wandering around in the Black Rock Territory.

Five or six demon baronies each have different scenery, of course it is more appropriate to say that different environments.And he found that the closer to the core demon territory, the better the environment and resources.

For example, the Black Rock Collar and the Black Sand Collar are completely like two different worlds.If Heiyan led to the unique metal deposits of the demon world, I am afraid that no demon warrior would be too idle to run to the place where the birds don't shit and suffer.

And adjacent to it, there is a pasture in Heisha collar. The beasts produced in the pasture are exported to the demon nobles everywhere, and they are deeply loved by those demon nobles.In short, the life of Baron Black Sand Devil is much better than that of Black Rock.

In the other devil barons that Lin Sha visited, the closer the natural environment is to the core area of ​​the devil world, the better. From the beginning, the desert environment where birds don’t shit, gradually changed to sand dunes and oases.Then there are large expanses of grassland and small patches of green vegetation. In the end, the devil baron is already different from the ordinary natural environment.

After all, the Demon Realm is not StarCraft or the environment he was familiar with in his previous life.Both the topography and the vegetation are very different from the environment he was familiar with before. Of course, he is not a biologist or a geographer, and he is not interested in these. [

What surprised Lin Sha the most was that in the interstellar or previous worlds, the more dangerous the general environment, the stronger the martial artist would be. Otherwise, Lin Sha would not have done any extreme training when he was young.

But the situation here in the Demon Realm is different, it can be said to be a kind of subversion.The closer to the core area of ​​the Demon Realm, the stronger the atmosphere of the Demon Realm here, and the stronger the strength of the natives of the Demon Realm.

How strong is it? Squadron leader-level demon powerhouses are rare in the two demon baron territories of Heiyan and Heisha.The local tyrants with a little strength here have this strength.

Although there are not as many squadron leader-level powerhouses with a combat power of more than 18, they are still very common.Through some hidden channels, we learned that the mainstay is the captain-level demon powerhouse with a combat power of more than [-].

Lin Sha and his party traveled nearly [-] million miles, and fights were inevitable along the way.Moreover, their own supplies also need to be obtained from looting, so it can be said that the hands of the killers are covered with the blue blood of the natives of the demon world.

In the two territories of Black Rock and Black Sand, the most they dealt with were the poor and crazy wilderness robbers, and they only had one direct confrontation with the two big demon barons.

And as the journey gets farther and farther away.As they approached the core area of ​​the Demon Realm, the number of wilderness bandits became less and less, and instead, there were more and more small castles and manors on various traffic arteries and fertile land.

The owners of these small castles and manors are very domineering. They pretend to be local tyrants on weekdays. Once they see their prey, they will immediately turn into robbers. Don't go too easily in the matter of robbing treasures and killing people.Since leaving the Barony of the Black Sand Demon, Lin Sha and his party have encountered such things quite often.

For such a blind guy.Lin Sha's consistent principle is to resolutely eliminate them, and he doesn't even bother to ask for one more prisoner.Kill the blind demon local tyrants, destroy castles and manors, loot and use rare specialties of the devil world, and leave everything of value to nearby civilians and freed slaves.

This trick is vicious enough, and it has created a lot of rioters in the local area along the way. After the nearby demon local tyrants and the high-level leaders of the territory spend their energy to solve the rioters who have benefited.Where else can I find Lin Sha and the others?

Of course, in addition to the local tyrants who don't open their eyes, Lin Sha and the others often billed elite teams directly under the leadership of local lords.Let Lin Sha have a good experience of various fighting styles of different styles.

But what gave him a headache was that as the strength of the strong demons he encountered became stronger and stronger, the casualties of his younger brothers were also increasing.Fortunately, along the way, he kept recruiting new members, and the number of his men has been hovering around a hundred people, and the combat effectiveness has also become stronger and stronger in the constant bloody battles.

On two occasions, a strong man at the level of the devil baron personally led people to encircle and suppress them. Those two had a combat power of 25, and the other reached an astonishing 28. After checking, Lin Sha and his party were all left behind.

Encountering such a powerful demonic powerhouse, Lin Sha no longer dared to keep his strength and exploded his "Explosive Submarine Combat Technique" again and again, abruptly pushing his own combat power to 10,000+ and approaching 40. Only then could he barely compete with those two The Demon Baron goes it alone to maintain an unbeaten run.

What gave him a headache was that all of these incredibly powerful demon powerhouses were all masters of cold weapons, and the cold weapons in hand were magic weapons with strange effects, not only powerful in physical attack, but also very amazing. The effect of energy increase, if you accidentally touch it next to it, it will be a big trouble. [

Lin Sha is only strong in hand-to-hand combat skills. Although the energy attack method is good in the demon world, it is not powerful enough to sweep everything. In fierce battles that are evenly matched, you must get close to exert the maximum killing effect.

But there are magic soldiers in the hands of powerful enemies who have abandoned them. Aren't you looking for abuse by rushing up with bare hands?

It is precisely because of this that he clearly had a chance of winning the two earth-shattering battles with the devil baron, but in the end he had to flee in embarrassment and was really aggrieved.

Of course, Lin Sha felt very aggrieved, but he didn't know that his strong performance also surprised the demon nobles of the two places.

Where did the strong human beings come from, and they were able to fight alone with them, not to mention the advantage, and escaped safely under the joint encirclement and suppression of several powerful men in the territory.

That's right, Lin Sha led his younger brothers to fight against the two big demon nobles, each time in a one-to-many way. Those strong demons don't pay attention to the style of masters, as long as they can successfully kill the enemy, they can hardly do anything.

Therefore, during the two shocking battles, Lin Sha had to deal with not only the two incredibly powerful demon barons, but also guard against the siege and sneak attack of several captain-level demon powerhouses under them.

It was also in those two battles that although Lin Sha's younger brother suffered heavy losses, his own name was also spread to the outer areas of a certain direction in the Demon Realm.

After two earth-shattering and even life-threatening battles, Lin Sha's strength has grown by leaps and bounds.The combat power has broken through the huge bottleneck of 19 combat power from more than 20 when he just left the black sand collar, and finally reached an astonishing height of 21 combat power.

Sure enough, in addition to fighting being the best catalyst for strength improvement, Lin Sha has also made great gains in his years of accumulation. Of course, the super special blood of the warrior family also played a great role.

With his combat power at his current level, it can be said that he is already an interstellar enemy.Even if the interstellar water is very deep, and there are many superpowers with earth-shattering strength hidden behind the scenes, he is confident that he will not lose to any interstellar superpower.

Even if he challenges the unfathomable Muyuan Donghuang at this time, he is also confident that even if he loses, it is impossible to lose. This is the confidence brought by the increase in strength.

The harvest is gratifying, but he is not very excited in his heart. As his understanding of the devil world deepens, he can't stop feeling a bit of chill in his heart.

At this time, his understanding of the demon world has also reached a certain level, at least among the alien visitors, although he dare not say that he is one of the best, but it is not a problem to guarantee the title of "Magic Master".But the more you know about the devil world, the more unfathomable you will feel.

Nima, there are too many masters in the devil world!

He has only seen six demonic baronies in remote areas outside the demon world, and he has encountered no less than 20 strong demons with a combat power of more than [-].Nima, what kind of concept is this? These strengths alone can destroy most of the interstellar forces.

This is only the high-end combat power of the six demon baronies. There really aren't too many gunners with a mid-range combat power between 20 and [-]. Lin Sha roughly estimates that there are at least several white giants.

As for the combat power of less than [-] and more than [-], there are tens of thousands of them that cannot be counted. You must know that the strong combat power at this stage is the mainstay of the interstellar world.

What makes Lin Sha feel the most chilling is that this is only the situation in the remote areas outside the Demon Realm. If it is placed in the core area of ​​the Demon Realm, I really don't know how powerful it is.

Not to mention anything else, after traveling to the sixth demon baron's territory, it is a clear proof that his next trip can no longer continue.Why do you say that, because the local demon baron lord came to the door again with his younger brother.

The most important thing is that the basic combat power of this devil baron lord has reached a terrifying 31!

It's all here, so what else is there to say, if it wants to fight, then fight!

Although Lin Sha felt chills when he saw the devil baron, it was not his style to flee without fighting. Even if he knew he was invincible, he still had to give it a try, at least he had to know how far he was from the opponent.

How big the gap is, very big!

As soon as Pu fought against Lin Sha, he used 40 times the "Explosive Submarine Combat Skill", and his combat power suddenly soared to the limit of nearly [-]. The momentum alone turned the world upside down like the end of the world, but the result... …)

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