super space warrior

Chapter 409 Deep Lessons

Lin Sha suffered a big loss for the first time since coming to the Demon Realm...

He never thought that a strong demon with a basic combat power of more than 30 would be so powerful.

Strong, really strong!

The devil baron didn't use the magic weapon, and he overwhelmed Lin Sha with his fists and feet, almost suppressing him so much that he couldn't lift his head.

Even if he used those powerful fighting skills imitating the King of Fighters Street Fighter characters, he was not the opponent of the devil baron.This was the first time in Lin Sha's experience.

This guy seems to have some kind of psychic ability. Every time Lin Sha makes a move, he can predict what the opponent will do. Before Lin Sha makes a move, he has to change his move temporarily. This kind of battle makes him Feeling very aggrieved.

What Lin Sha didn't expect the most was that this guy's actual combat experience is abnormally rich. Although every move is as gorgeous and exquisite as Lin Sha's, each move does not imply powerful killing. A little carelessness will result in either death or serious injury ending.

After Lin Sha took a heavy punch from this guy, he didn't want to get a second blow no matter what.Nima, with his abnormally strong physical fitness, almost collapsed under the heavy punch of the devil baron.

Only by using that kind of special combat technique in which exquisite martial arts and energy attacks are closely linked, can Lin Sha regain a little bit of disadvantage.But it was just a little bit, the devil baron was caught off guard a few times at first, but he quickly realized that he didn't give Lin Sha any more chances! [

Fortunately, the two sides mainly fight in close quarters, and there is no time and space to use powerful energy attacks. Otherwise, with the abnormal strength of the devil baron, coupled with the special power system of the devil world, I don't know what kind of super tricks they can use .

It was the first time that Lin Sha encountered such a powerful enemy who could completely suppress him, so one could imagine the depression in Lin Sha's heart.Don't say anything sullen in your heart.I feel that I can't fully display my full strength with my hands tied.

What made him feel so depressed that he almost vomited blood was that, although he had an absolute advantage in strength, he had been suppressing Lin Sha at a disadvantage since the beginning of the battle, but the devil baron shamelessly called his generals to besiege him together.

Nima still want to be ashamed?

Don't mention the grief and indignation in Lin Sha's heart. He was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the devil baron, whether it was hand-to-hand combat or energy attack methods, the disadvantages were very obvious.Coupled with the fact that there are two strong demons with a combat power approaching 25 nearby who did not sneak up on Yin Shang, Lin Sha's situation can be described as extremely dangerous.

Looking at the situation of his subordinates, he couldn't be objective. Nima didn't know that the devil baron had so many good players.The demon strongman who took the lead in strangling the elite younger brothers gathered by his subordinates with great difficulty, has a combat power astonishingly as high as 23!

With this strength, he is stronger than Baron Heiyan.Needless to say, the result was almost a pure massacre, but in just a quarter of an hour, more than half of Lin Sha's hundreds of elite fighters lost more than [-] fighters!

Such a huge loss made his heart ache.Even if he doesn't take the natives of the Demon Realm and the strong human beings from the outside world seriously any more, he doesn't want the younger brothers who have finally gathered together to go to waste.Before he could make a decision, in the blink of an eye, nearly ten of his younger brothers, Bi Xue, were thrown into the pool of blood.

Lin Sha saw that she was in a hurry and couldn't care less.The direct explosion can't double the potential that can't be sustained at the moment, and the combat power instantly breaks through the 40 battle limit mark, directly soaring to a level similar to that of the demon baron.

With the strength of the two sides similar, Lin Sha's powerful hand-to-hand fighting methods were not completely unreasonable, and they reversed the disadvantage in one fell swoop.Even though the devil baron has the ability similar to the prophet, but Lin Sha can fight him evenly for a while, even the devil baron has to avoid the edge if he tries his best.

The sudden eruption temporarily "forced" away the impossibly powerful demon baron in the gun, and by the way, ruthlessly wounded the three demon powerhouses who were besieged together with a combat power approaching 25. When he dispersed the strangler, the remaining three After the demon army of ten or so younger brothers, they led the younger brothers to run wildly without stopping.

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly.The demon baron with unbelievably strong combat power naturally refused to agree, and led a group of elite demon fighters and strong demons to bite him.

Lin Shaxin is that depressed.On the way to escape, he fought many more battles with the devil baron, each time he had to use the bottom of the box to escape the hunt, and the special combat skills of frequently using the overdraft potential kept his body in a state of high load.

Fortunately, his foundation is solid enough, and with the assistance of special healing potions, he can continuously restore his body's vitality during the set.However, if this is the case, there are often dangerous situations, and Lin Sha has used all kinds of hidden methods to explode his latent combat skills.The madness potion even has the kind of insidious means of overdrawing the vitality in the body.

Fleeing and fighting all the way, under the siege of many powerful demons, even Lin Sha's strength and physical fitness can hardly support him, and his gang of younger brothers who are far inferior to him are even more unbearable. [

From the thirty or so people who escaped from the encirclement to the edge of the baron's territory, there were only a dozen or so people left.This was the situation that Lin Sha had tried his best to protect. For this reason, he was trapped in a tight siege more than once and had to fight a bloody way out.

After chasing and fleeing like this for more than two months, Lin Sha and his party finally escaped from the inconceivably powerful demon baron.Fortunately, I don't know the reason, but the unbelievably powerful demon baron didn't intend to cross the boundary to pursue him. Seeing that Lin Sha and others had escaped from the territory, he stopped pursuing them.

Lin Sha swears that that fleeing experience was the most embarrassing experience since his rebirth, including his previous life. He almost lost his life there under the pursuit of many strong demons.Even if he escaped from birth, he would have become an out-and-out blood man, not to mention the dozen or so younger brothers who survived the catastrophe, they would only be worse.

Having learned this painful lesson, on the way back Lin Sha no longer dared to swagger like before. First, he nestled in a very desolate and remote hidden area for more than a month to cultivate, and when his strength was fully recovered, he would even He hurried on the road with all his strength, ignoring the good things along the way, and finally returned to his small castle after half a year.

The lesson is profound but the harvest is also huge. That two consecutive months of tense fleeing career made Lin Sha understand the cruelty of others, and at the same time, his own strength has also improved a few times...


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