super space warrior

Chapter 432 Shocked

Strong, really strong!

The moment Lin Sha took the two brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi out of the small spaceship, the representatives of the many interstellar forces waiting on the tarmac of the spaceport couldn't help but all change their colors, and they even felt a little short of breath.

They only felt that the three of them exuded majestic power, and the overwhelming oaths rushed towards their faces, making them feel as if they had turned into a small boat in the raging waves, and they were in danger of capsizing at any time.

There are many strong people with a combat power of more than 15, but they feel that the representatives of other forces are almost the same, and they immediately betrayed that the three people in front of them are very dangerous and they are not opponents, and their hearts are suddenly bitter.

Especially the one who talked a lot about Yanhuang and Linsha just now, who was very disdainful, his heart was flustered, and he kept his head down and didn't dare to look up, as if he was afraid that Linsha would make trouble for him.

drop by drop...

The energy detectors worn by everyone's ears beeped crazily, and a series of astonishing numbers appeared on the thin lenses.

350000! 370000! 420000!

Hiss! [

I don't know who took a deep breath first, and it quickly spread among the crowd as if it was contagious. The sound of heavy breathing one after another suddenly became a sound like a giant bellows.

The purpose of establishing prestige and deterrence has been achieved!

Sweeping lightly at the silent tarmac, Lin Sha showed a faint smile, and without saying anything, his eyes turned to the medium-sized transport spaceship behind him, with an inquiring and curious look in his eyes.

With his keen sense of air movement, he sensed that there was a deep-breathing superpower in the medium-sized transport spaceship.

Emperor Mu Yuan is really extraordinary.

Silently muttering in his heart, when the hatch of the medium-sized transport spaceship opened wide, a tall golden figure appeared surrounded by a circle of superpowers, and his eyes lit up to greet him first.

"Your Excellency Donghuang!"

"Oh, you are..." The imposing man with golden hair stopped, squinted his eyes and looked at the handsome young man who was coming up, his eyes flashed when he saw the astonishing numbers on the energy detector.

"Yanhuang Linsha!" The four words popped out of his mouth, and a world-shattering majestic momentum suddenly erupted from Lin Sha's body, colliding violently with the coercion like a stormy wave.

The next moment, the air was distorted and deformed under the pressure of the two majestic forces, and a fierce wind whistling continuously collided and disappeared, and then violently collided again.

As the momentum of the two men was mentioned again and again, even the tough and rich ground under their feet still trembled slightly, and the surrounding space made loud roaring noises, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

"Haha, as expected, there are so many masters in the world, His Excellency the Eastern Emperor's strength is really surprising!" Lin Sha laughed suddenly, and the monstrous momentum that was released suddenly gathered, and despite the overwhelming power of the Eastern Emperor, he could not face it. Changing "color" does not make my heart beat.

He was really surprised in his heart, he suddenly released almost [-]% of the coercion on his body just now, he didn't expect that Donghuang not only took over, but also seemed to be able to handle it with ease, obviously like him, he didn't do his best.

This is a bit surprising. You must know that 50% of Lin Sha's explosive power is more than 50 when converted into combat power. However, Donghuang not only took all of them, but also left some power, which shows his combat power. At least it's more than [-], maybe it's even higher and not worse than someone like Lin?

Lin Sha didn't know, he was surprised and Donghuang was shocked. [

He is no stranger to Donghuang Lin Sha, because Lin Sha's leaping speed is too fast and his combat effectiveness has also improved too fast.

I remember that when Lin Sha first came to the main star of Muyuan, he came with the Warrior Empire delegation. He was still an outstanding young man with less than [-] fighting power.

Although he performed amazingly in defeating the Muyuan strong man with a combat power of over [-] at that time, that strength was really not in the eyes of the Eastern Emperor, and he found out when he investigated Lin Sha's details later.

After a few more years, when Lin Sha came to the main star of Muyuan again, his combat power had reached more than 20.And when he was competing with the invited extraterrestrial powerhouse, he had a super strong combat power of nearly [-]. This speed of progress was too amazing. He finally began to pay attention to this rising star who was like the dawn of the sun. Strong youth.

But it was only a little bit squarely. It would be a joke to say how much he cared.Although Lin Sha's performance was amazing at the time, he was able to compete with the strong general Mu Yuan, but his combat power was still too low.

If others can't see it, can he not see it?Lin Sha's combat power is actually at the level of General Mu Yuan, but he has some powerful combat skills and special means that can double or triple his strength. Although it is amazing, it is not a big deal. He also has such sharp means.

At that time, he was still thinking about recruiting Lin Sha, and wanted to invite him to participate in the counterattack carefully prepared by Mu Yuan, but this kid left early and returned to the remote Yanhuang galaxy.

Later, Mu Yuan's counterattack to the outer space was complicated, and he didn't bother to pay attention to some inconspicuous asteroid galaxy in the remote western star field. After inviting Lin Shaguo, he never contacted him again.

Then Mu Yuanfang failed to counterattack and suffered heavy losses. Even he himself was seriously injured and had to return to the interstellar Muyuan galaxy to recuperate in a low-key manner.And this kid Lin Sha is also unexpectedly low-key, and he has hardly heard of this kid in more than ten years, as if he suddenly evaporated from the world.

It's just that a few years ago, I heard that there were two twin beauties strong in the Yanhuang galaxy with a combat power of more than 20. At that time, Mu Yuan also paid attention to it for a while.There is no way that the counter-offensive war was too miserable, and more than half of the high-end combat power of the Muyuan galaxy was lost. They urgently need high-end combat power to replenish and recover.

According to intelligence, the two beauties and strong men are only the most inconspicuous of Lin Sha's seven confidants. If this is the case, how strong are the other five and Lin Sha?

Because of this, in recent years, the Juyuan galaxy has increased its intelligence collection efforts on the Yanhuang galaxy.But what makes the intelligence system of the Muyuan galaxy strange is that Lin Sha and the other five confidantes seem to have disappeared. They haven’t shown up for several years. Slowly fade out of everyone's sight.

Donghuang was very interested in this, and at the same time was surprised to find that there was a mysterious Xihe galaxy in the desolate western star field, which seemed to have extraordinary strength.If there is no invading force from the demon world that suddenly appears, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will formally start his visit plan to the Yanhuang galaxy.

This time, the two major interstellar alliances invited him to participate in the Buffalo high-level summit meeting. He did not expect to run into Lin Sha just after arriving. What shocked him even more was that this guy was so strong... (To be continued.)

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