super space warrior

Chapter 433 Strong Enemy

An astonishing confrontation on the apron of the Buffalo spaceport shocked the entire interstellar executives.

The collision of the momentum of the two powerhouses actually stirred up chaos in the surrounding space. How strong is it to do this?

Moreover, the fighting power shown by those two also shocked the strong people present, and it was too surprising that they reached more than 40.

Not only that, but the combat power of the two brothers who followed Lin Sha also reached an astonishing 25 or so.And those who followed Muyuan Donghuang were not to be outdone, and their combat power reached more than [-].This kind of lineup makes the high-level dizzy and exciting at the same time. What the interstellar camp lacks now is high-end combat power.

After the Yanhuang and Mu parties felt it, the top management of the two major alliances immediately held a joint meeting without stopping, and first reported the situation in front of them and the severe situation facing Interstellar.

It is really shocking to say that the invading force of the demon world has only appeared in just two years, but now it has already conquered a small part of the western star field of the interstellar plus a small half of the central star field, occupying a larger area than the general interstellar powerful forces Not a lot.

It can be said that the invading force of the demon world that suddenly appeared from the cloud star almost rushed forward with such a force that the two major interstellar alliance forces could only slightly hinder their advance and expansion momentum, and finally ended in a disastrous defeat.

In the internal secret meeting of the interstellar high-level, in order to show sincerity to the two forces of Yanhuang and Muyuan, the two major alliances did not cover up but told the truth. Many shocking news that were not clear to the outside world were shocking.

The invading force of the demon world that suddenly emerged from the space channel of the cloud and mist star is too tyrannical. As of now, the number of people who have appeared is no less than 30. About [-] masters are the mainstream of the invading force, and there are thousands of superpowers with amazing fighting power sitting in the fort. [

It can be said that Interstellar is in great trouble this time, and even if it is not careful, it will all fall.

Lin Sha is fine, he has seen the grand occasion of masters in the devil world like clouds.Just in the most remote territory of the demon world where he lives, there are hundreds of demon barons under any earl, all of whom are super strong with a combat power of more than 20, and there are nearly twenty viscount-level demon powerhouses, whose combat power can exceed Among the top 50 people, the best among them is that Lin Sha has to spend a lot of effort to kill them.

It can be seen from the notifications of the two major interstellar alliances that the demon forces that emerged from the space channel of the cloud star in ancient times are not simple, at least they are the viscount forces that are close to the core area of ​​the demon world.

Based on his more than ten years of experience in the demon world, it is not easy to mobilize 30 demon warriors.He now holds the Eight Demonic Flame Leaders, and the number of regular fighters he has is just over [-]. It is not impossible to mobilize more manpower, but the problem is that it is difficult to guarantee the quality and quantity.

Judging from the summary of information given by the two major alliances, it is obvious that the invading forces of the demon world that suddenly appeared from the cloud star, at least more than 20 of them are regular demon warriors, and the remaining nearly [-] horses are mixed with warriors of various races , but all of them are powerful and powerful people, and almost no parallel imports exist.

If this sudden emergence of demon power is also located in a remote location, at least two viscount-level demon powerhouses are standing deep, and there may be earl-level demon powerhouses hidden behind the scenes.

Even if this pro-devil power is really as he imagined, if it comes from the core territory of the demon world or close to the core territory, at least there is at least a viscount-level demon powerhouse behind this power.

No matter how you look at it, the interstellar level is not easy.

Donghuang was shocked. Although he knew that the interstellar situation was not optimistic, he never expected that the situation would deteriorate to such an extent. At the same time, he was shocked by the sudden emergence of the strength of the relatives.

Among the 30 people, more than half of Nima are experts with a combat power of around [-] to [-].Although this kind of strength is not in the eyes of a super strong like him at all, the large number of people is also shocking.

What's more, the intelligence of the two major interstellar alliances shows that the invading force has a combat power of more than [-] and nearly ten thousand strong people. What a tyrannical strength this is, even Mu Yuan was not so powerful when the outer space was at its strongest.

Not to mention, according to the intelligence, there are hundreds of powerful people with a fighting power of more than 20 in that mysterious force, and there are more than a dozen super strong people with a fighting power of more than 30.

Damn, this guy who ran out of nowhere has such terrifying fighting power!

The normal combat power of the two marshals under him is only in the early 30s. Although he is not afraid, it will be extremely troublesome if there are too many people.At the same time, he also thought of going with Lin Sha. If there are super strong people hidden behind these strong men, then things will not be so good.

In short, the information given by the two major interstellar alliances is very bad, as if there is a huge boulder pressing on the heart. [

Before the representatives of the two major alliances made a formal invitation, Lin Sha hurriedly asked about the origin of the sudden invading force.After all, the two major forces have been fighting with the invading force of the demon world for more than two years, so they should know something about it.

Sure enough, the representatives of the two major alliances did not hide anything, and said that through the mouth of the captives, they knew that the invading force came from a place called 'Demon Realm', but they were not very clear about the specific situation.

Demon world?

Just by hearing the name, you can tell that it is not a good place, and representatives of some forces only know who their enemies are at this time.

But they are also very puzzled, why have they never heard of such a large force before?

Lin Sha asked the doubts in the hearts of most people. Although the representatives of the two major alliances were somewhat reluctant, they still had to bite the bullet and explain that the demon world and the interstellar world are not in the same space, in other words, they are not in the same universe.

Not to mention the interstellar forces involved, even Muyuan Donghuang couldn't help but change his face.They would never have thought that their opponent this time would be a visitor from another world.

Lin Sha acted very calmly, and continued to ask how much the two major alliances knew about the demon world and the invading force.

The representatives of the two major alliances had to bite the bullet and explain, saying that they knew some information about the Demon Realm from the captives, but these captives were low-level fighters of the invading forces, and their knowledge was limited, and most of them were captives from the outside world. Cannon fodder troops exist.

As for the forces that invaded the Demon Realm, according to the captives, they came from a place called the Earl of Cafu in the Western Demon Realm, and the leader was only a strong demon viscount.

Only then did Lin Sha suddenly realize that this is the case!

Before, he wondered why the Earl of Cafu didn't respond, but the Demon Flame Collar severely slapped him in the face, how could he bear it with the irritable temperament of the demon clan, it turned out that he was in a hurry to gather troops to invade the interstellar world.

At the same time, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, since it was the Earl of Cafu who invaded Interstellar, it would be easy to say.Although there is a super powerful enemy whose combat power may reach millions, as long as you know who the enemy is, there is always a way to deal with it, right?

He was very loyal before, worried that this invading force of the demon world would come from the core territory of the demon world. If he pulled out the carrot and brought out the mud, he might eventually attract the earl or even the marquis-level demon powerhouse, and it would be troublesome to deal with it.

Of course, Interstellar's troubles are not small now. As far as he knows, Earl Raffo's strength is slightly stronger than Earl Carlin's, both in terms of personal strength and power at hand.

There are nearly a thousand demon baron level powerhouses who obey his orders alone, and at least fifty devil viscount level powerhouses.There are at least 50 demon legions under his command, and as for the hidden strength, he doesn't know how much.

Judging from the situation on the interstellar battlefield, Earl Cafu is obviously united with other demonic forces, otherwise he would not be able to gather such a huge high-end combat power, which is not a good thing.

Having a devil earl is already a headache, if there is another strong man of similar level, it will be really difficult to deal with.Although he is now confident in his strength, and is sure to compete with Earl Cafu, he just wonders if Muyuan Donghuang has such strength?

At the same time, the representatives of the two major alliances also narrated some legends about the demon world that have been circulated among the stars.

They found some amazing news from some ancient classics. It turns out that the interstellar was also invaded by the demon world tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, it was the golden age of interstellar warriors. Interstellar superpowers emerged in endlessly.

As a result, the interstellar superpowers at that time paid a huge price to drive the invading demonic forces back to the demon world, and the golden age of interstellar warriors ended, which shows how tragic the war that spread to the interstellar world was.

At the same time, according to ancient books and folk legends from all over the interstellar world, there are obviously more than one space passages between the demon world and the interstellar world. The most worrying thing is that these space passages are actually connected to different demon realm territories!

This news is too shocking. Not to mention the forces in the middle of the interstellar region that have been poisoned by the invading forces of the demon world, even the mysterious and unpredictable Muyuan Donghuang couldn't help but change his face. Lin Sha was even more serious. Elephant was also shocked by the news.

Of course, the real situation is naturally not the case. He has already cursed in his heart at this time, these idiots really deserve to die.What is the purpose of talking about these things that didn't happen? Besides disturbing the morale of the army, what effect does it have?

What dissatisfied him the most was that this time, the space channel connecting Cloud Mist Star to the Demon Realm was opened, and there were quite a few hands and feet missing from the two major alliances and the Silver Rock Republic.

The serious situation now is to figure out the deployment of the forces of the invading forces in the demon world, and then gather the strong interstellar superiority group to destroy the living forces of the intruders in the demon world first. The faction's idea of ​​other sealed space passages... (To be continued.)

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