
Wrapped with raging fiery red flames, dragging a long strip of light in the dark starry sky, the right hand shook and a fiery red energy shock wave with a diameter of about [-] meter was shot out.The shock wave dragged out a straight fiery red beam of light in the starry sky at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, illuminating the nearby void and at the same time rolled up space ripples that were barely visible to the naked eye.

The right hand blasted out an energy shock wave, and the left hand was not idle, and turned into a knife, and suddenly slashed out a crescent-shaped energy blade with a diameter of two meters.The energy blade spun crazily in the starry sky, crossed a parabolic slash, and slashed at the densely packed group of demon invasion fighters in the distance at a speed not inferior to the energy shock wave.

The attack speed was too fast, and the oncoming Demon Realm Invasion Warriors had no time to react. Dozens of them were directly submerged by the fiery energy shock wave and turned into ashes. The magic soldiers deserted, and without any barriers, they cut off all the demon invaders who were blocking the road.

It wasn't until the energy of the half-crescent energy light blade was almost exhausted that a violent explosion occurred on a certain unlucky demon invader, affecting two or three comrades in a radius of ten meters around who had no time to escape.

All of a sudden, in the pitch-black starry sky, all kinds of energy flames were shining dazzlingly, accompanied by a shocking rain of blood and broken limbs and arms scattered around, leaving a few small spaces in the dense crowd of demon invasion fighters.

Brother Meng's throat let out a low growl, and his eyes were instantly blood red. The figure as fast as a meteor dragged out a long strip of flames, and blasted out a series of fierce and abnormal energy attacks from time to time with his hands and feet.

The mysterious starry sky can't stop the murderous intent of the two of them at all, and it makes the comrades who follow around feel a chill in their hearts. I don't know where the two brothers have such a murderous intent?

In fact, this is easy to understand. The Meng brothers have just returned from the battlefield of the devil world, but they have just recovered from their injuries. [

After more than a year of continuous fighting, even though he had recuperated for a period of time in the middle, the tension on the battlefield has never been relaxed. When he returned to the interstellar world and faced the invading demon forces, the string in his heart collapsed The tightness has never been relaxed, how can you not kill the enemy when you see the enemy?

The most important thing is that the force that invaded the Demon Realm was the warriors of Earl Cafu's territory. After more than a year of fighting in the Demon Realm, the two Meng brothers understood how powerful the powerful Demon Earl was.

The large number of devil barons and devil viscounts under Earl Cafo alone are not easy to deal with. It is not seen that Earl Carlin is just a turmoil in the territory under his command, and they can hardly bear it before it affects the core territory of the earl, let alone Even a small part of the Earl who is stronger will send troops directly, which is terrifying enough.

The two brothers understood even more that the devil invading fighters they met in front of them were nothing at all, and the real superpowers were hidden behind and did not come out.If you don't take advantage of this great opportunity to wipe out the vital forces of the invading forces in the demon world, it will be even more troublesome when the superpowers hidden behind the scenes appear.

Don't look at the relative strength of their brothers, but as long as the invading forces of the demon world send a senior demon baron-level strongman, they can force the two brothers to withdraw.

Apparently influenced by the Montessori brothers, the interstellar superpowers who followed either had more thoughts, or had other ideas, and each of them was very aggressive, using various big moves frequently, and in an instant, densely packed and turbulent. The demon world invasion warriors who came were hit hard, either by a series of ferocious energy shock waves sweeping across the ears, or by the ferocious bombardment of rain condensed energy.

The tens of thousands of devil invaders caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. Hundreds of thousands of fighters with combat strength died in a few breaths.

But they are not easy to mess with. How can tens of thousands of demon invasion fighters with a combat power of tens of thousands to two hundred thousand make it possible for a mere dozen or so interstellar superpowers to specialize in the front?

The current situation is the best proof of what it is like to be besieged by tens of thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of energy shock waves of various colors danced indiscriminately, and all kinds of energy were thrown around and exploded violently. Tens of thousands of people were divided into more than a dozen torrents, rolling forward like a ferocious dragon, with a special Zhanzhen clung to the target tightly.

In the blink of an eye, the Meng brothers and the dozen or so interstellar superpowers who followed were divided and pursued, and the speed of the offensive and defensive transition was jaw-dropping.In the starry sky not far from the two battleship clusters, countless energy flames were dazzling, and powerful energy turbulence burst out from time to time, causing space to tremble.

The Mengshi brothers were obviously used to such a formation, and they didn't become flustered because they were besieged and chased by thousands of demon invaders.Relying on keen senses to avoid life-threatening energy attacks behind him, turning around from time to time to blast a dazzling energy blaster, or a condensed energy that shines brightly.

Every counterattack can take away the lives of several demon warriors who invaded the demon world, relying on the induction of energy to wander in the gap star field of the torrent of demon warriors, like a slippery loach that does not give the invaders any chance to encircle.

I'm aggrieved, I'm so aggrieved!

The two invaders who were chasing the Meng brothers screamed angrily, and resorted to various means to take down the fleeing interstellar superhero.But those two interstellar superpowers seem to be very familiar with their combat methods, and they are so clever that they never give them a chance to encircle or disperse the encirclement. They can only follow them aggrievedly and enjoy the violent energy attack. [

This is the first thing that happened to them after they came to Interstellar. It really made them corny.When did the gang of soft-legged shrimps in the interstellar world become so difficult to deal with?

How did they know that the Meng brothers have experienced more than a year of bloody battlefield experience in the Demon Realm, and they have long been familiar with the brutal fighting methods of the native fighters in the Demon Realm.

You must know that the war that took place inside the Demon Realm, apart from the lack of war weapons such as interstellar warships, is much more bloody and cruel than the bloody killings in the interstellar world caused by the men and horses under the command of the Demon Earl Cafu. It won't be as huge as Interstellar.

Although the Meng brothers enjoyed the treatment of being chased and killed by thousands of demon invaders for the first time, there was a lot of room in the starry sky to move around, enough for the two brothers to fight guerrillas, and their strength was stronger than that of chasing demon invaders There are too many, it is really nothing to have such a huge result...

`(To be continued.)

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