super space warrior

Chapter 437 each with their own minds

Compared with the ease of the Montessori Brothers, the situation of the other interstellar superpowers is much more difficult...

Facing a huge group of fighters with thousands of people, the minimum combat power of more than 23, and the highest even reaching [-], the elite combat team composed of two generals and three generals led by one general Mu Yuan was suddenly overwhelmed. If it wasn't for the quick response and quick action, I'm afraid it would be rushed away.

But even so, their situation is extremely dangerous. Facing the overwhelming energy attack of the chasing fighters, all they can do is dodge and flee in a panic, and their bodies are soon covered with scars, obviously in a state of embarrassment.

Fortunately, they are strong enough, and there are not many of them. After the initial panic and discomfort, at the cost of two general-level strong men being seriously injured and one general-level super strong being lightly injured, they gradually adapted to the thousands of demons. The invading fighters attacked like a tide, although the situation was extremely difficult, they could counterattack one or two from time to time.

But even this is enough for them to be embarrassed. No matter how strong the six people are, they can still resist thousands of powerful and ruthless demon invasion fighters. Talk about putting in all the effort and even getting out of danger at the cost of injuries.

In short, for this small team of Muyuan powerhouses, this battle was really aggrieved, and they fell to an absolute disadvantage as soon as they fought. They didn't come here to be bullied.

If it is said that the situation of a group of wood source powerhouses is difficult, then the situation of the rest of the interstellar super powerhouses is extremely thrilling.Under the siege of dozens of elite fighters who invaded from the demon world, he would fall into a desperate situation from time to time, and if he was not careful, he would be in danger of being turned into ashes.

Several interstellar superpowers who were darting behind, and Muyuan Donghuang couldn't do it any more when he saw the situation was not good. The fierce method made him kill hundreds of invading warriors from the demon world in the blink of an eye, and rescued the confidant who was trapped in a tight siege with scars and blood all over his body.

The Meng brothers looked at six directions and sensed all directions, and immediately understood when they saw their own super strong man rushing to snatch people, and led thousands of chasing demon world invasion fighters behind them to circle around and return to the starting position. [

Those thousands of Demon Warriors were naturally unwilling to get their hands on the ducks and flew away. They wanted to kill them all at once. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen super energy cannons controlled by the command center at the rear of the Interstellar Alliance unleashed their power, and a burst of energy light spread across dozens of kilometers. The curtain will engulf nearly a thousand soldiers from the former army of the chasing troops, blocking the pursuit of the follow-up soldiers from the demon world.

"There are too many people on the other side, and the strength they displayed is too terrifying!" Rescuing six confidantes under his command, and personally arranging to send them to the medical room for first aid, Mu Yuan Donghuang came to the control hall of the command center gloomyly, with a lot of meaning Glancing at Lin Sha, he said in a deep voice.

"No way, the Star Alliance has urgently dispatched a group of elite fighters. The number is about [-]. They are on their way. We can only rely on a few of you for a while!" Star Alliance Frontline Command Center Logistics Overview Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, he carefully explained the embarrassment.

"You don't need to say this, we will do our best to help!" Lin Sha took over the conversation with a wave of his hand, pointed to the battlefield screen on the large screen in the center of the control hall, and reminded: "Let the battleship group retreat first, otherwise the situation will only be reduced. Worse!"

A group of interstellar superpowers and the senior generals and staff in the control hall of the command center were stunned for a moment, and they couldn't help but change their colors when they looked in the direction Lin Sha pointed.In the blink of an eye, with the help of tens of thousands of elite fighters from the Demon Realm Invasion, the warship clusters of the two parties, which were originally in a stalemate, underwent an astonishing change.

Those powerful demon invaders can break through the outer energy protection of large interstellar warships with just one blow, and some even have spare power to bombard the main body of the warship, causing great damage to the large interstellar warship at the forefront of the Star Alliance.

That is to say, at such a short time to save people, the warship group belonging to the Star Alliance was at an extreme disadvantage and suffered heavy losses. It was beaten by the opponent's man-ship combination and couldn't find it. The next explosion.

As a last resort, the commander of the battleship cluster commanded the battleship cluster to submerge each other and retreat. On the way to retreat, they were bitten by the evil forces and the interstellar puppet army, leaving dozens of interstellar warship wreckage before retreating to a safe zone.

Could it be that the Star Alliance side loses again and again!

Only after personally participating in the battle and witnessing the ferocity and strength of the invading forces of the Demon Realm, can one understand how powerful and difficult the enemy is to deal with.

If it's just the battleship cluster of the interstellar puppet army, although the strength of the ore assistance has been continuously improved by the invading forces of the demon world, but it is still several levels behind to fight the interstellar alliance.

If it's just the three 10,000+ Demon World Invasion Warriors, although they are all extraordinary in strength and don't lack the kind of interstellar superpowers, they can compete with the battleship cluster formed by the Star Alliance at the very least. Don't forget that although the interstellar force is not as good as that of the Demon Realm, it does not lack super powers.

However, when these two forces are combined, the strength they display is really astonishing. It is not as simple as one plus one equals two.Just like in the previous battle, even though the number of warships is not bad, the combat effectiveness of the interstellar puppet army is definitely not as good as that of the Star Alliance.

However, with tens of thousands of strong and experienced elite fighters joining the Demon Realm Invasion, the situation immediately reversed.These guys are famous and strong in the interstellar space. They can survive in the starry sky environment for a long time. The targets of freedom of movement are small and inconspicuous, but once they go crazy, the destructive power is extremely amazing.

Just like what Lao Ha and the others had seen before, the powerful demon invader with a fighting power of 10,000+ smashed the outer energy shield of a large interstellar warship to pieces with a single blow, and even had enough power to destroy the hull itself. [

It is conceivable what will happen to the battleship without the energy shield in such a large-scale battle. Simply recharging the flannel cloth will turn into fireball fragments and become interstellar garbage drifting around.

How is this fight going?

It can be said that the Star Alliance has almost no chance of winning if the hundreds of thousands of demon invaders are not maimed or simply "forced" back to the demon world, and their close connection with the interstellar puppet army is severed.

This is still a group of high-level members of the Interstellar Alliance, and the superpowers invited to come out do not know the horror of the Earl-level demon powerhouse. Otherwise, the Interstellar Alliance will immediately decline in power, and there will be many interstellar puppet troops. With the addition of fresh blood, the power has greatly increased, and at that time, the Star Alliance has no chance of winning.

Of course, Lin Sha, who knew the details inside, would not speak indiscriminately even if he was killed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, a group of invited interstellar superpowers immediately extinguished their arrogance, followed the defeated troops of the Interstellar Alliance and retreated a hundred thousand miles, and laid a well-organized defense network in front of Buffalo.

A group of super interstellar powerhouses and the invited Muyuan powerhouse didn't dare to push forward, and they didn't care about rushing up to fight with the group of demon invasion fighters.Before the tens of thousands of elite interstellar fighters urgently mobilized by the Star Alliance arrive, the advantage of the demon invader group on the opposite side is not easy to break.

In case of being besieged by thousands of invading fighters with a combat power ranging from more than 30 to about [-], even if a top powerhouse like Muyuan Donghuang can wipe them all out, it will take a lot of effort. This is still the force that invaded the demon world If there is no super expert hiding behind him, otherwise the consequences may be very serious.

Of course, if Lin Sha and Muyuan Donghuang joined forces to fight against the enemy, together with the Meng brothers and the six Muyuan experts, they might be able to withstand the onslaught of more than [-] invading warriors from the demon world and wipe them out. The premise is that Everyone must hold back.

But this kind of possibility hardly exists. Whether it is Lin Sha or Mu Yuan Donghuang, although they came here with the idea of ​​becoming famous, they definitely did not have the great passion to shed their blood for the stars.

Muyuan Donghuang's purpose is unknown, and everyone can't guess what's in his mind.And the performance of the six powerhouses from Muyuan he brought was not very good. In the first battle, he was chased by thousands of demon invaders and fled like dogs. ten percent.

It's different for Lin Sha, who is a millennium gram. He hopes that the Star Alliance and the invading demon forces will fight to the death and lose both sides, so that he can get the maximum benefit.

His future strategic center will be transferred to the Demon Realm and the many different worlds connected to the Demon Realm. Naturally, he doesn't want any interstellar force to develop rapidly and disturb the tranquility of the Yanhuang Galaxy.

He wished that the Interstellar Alliance and this demonic invading force would lose both sides. It would be best if the losses of both parties reached a certain level and needed to be recuperated in units of ten years.In this way, he can develop in the demon world with peace of mind, and maybe he will join forces with other demonic forces to destroy the threatening Earl Cafu.

Whether in the interstellar world or in the demon world, Earl Cafu is his confidant, sooner or later he will encounter it, it is better to take it down with one fell swoop, so as to avoid the difficulty of facing the strength alone in the future.

Lin Sha has small thoughts and small calculations, so why are other people exceptions?

This battle has poured cold water on many superpowers who participated in the war for the first time, allowing them to fully understand the cruelty of this war, and at the same time see clearly the strength gap between their own side and the opponent.

There is nothing to say about the strength of the invading forces of the demon world, but what they did not expect was that the two subordinates of His Excellency Lin Sha were also so powerful, and they were able to attack with ease under the siege of thousands of elite warriors invading the demon world. Shou, His Excellency Lin Sha didn't need to step in when he finally left.

This kind of performance really surprised them... (To be continued.)

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