super space warrior

Chapter 441 Confrontation


Meng Tian yelled loudly, stared at the strong enemy opposite him coldly, his body spun wildly like a spinning top, heavy punches rained down and covered the strong enemy's whole body.

The face of the strong demon who was fighting with him was cold and unhurried, his strong arms turned into palm shadows all over the sky, easily blocking all Meng Tian's attacks.Immediately afterwards, the tall and strong body leaped forward suddenly, and a sharp whip kicked out from the flying body, aiming directly at Meng Tian's head.

If Meng Tian was hit by this fierce attack, even if he didn't die, he would still have a concussion. His vigorous and flexible body jumped and moved in the starry sky, easily avoiding the strong demon's fierce whip, and at the same time launched a fierce counterattack with his arms. .

For a moment, I saw the shadow of fists and legs in the chest and the sky, and the two superpowers with a combat power limit approaching the 50 mark fought together, punching and kicking their heads and hitting their knees, and the aftermath of vigor roared. The rippling is chilling.

The two of them met together and fought. It was really a coincidence that the opponent met Liangcai. They both used their powerful hand-to-hand fighting skills to the fullest. The punches were fierce, the feet were sharp, and the slightest carelessness would result in serious injuries and fractures.

Meng Tian learned the super fighting skills from Lin Sha with one hand, combined with his own situation, he is brave and brave, and uses strength and skill to maximize his strength.And the demon strongman who is fighting against him is vicious and vicious, and his moves are all desperate fights aimed at the vitals.

The two fought for hundreds of rounds evenly, and the surrounding space was slightly shaken by the turbulent energy and energy aftermath. Other super fighters within a five-mile radius did not dare to approach for fear of being delayed.

On the other side, Meng Yili fought two veteran baron-level demon powerhouses, and he was very busy for a while. Although he was absolutely at a disadvantage, his life was not in danger for a while.Same with Meng Tian.Because the strength of the two sides in the battle is too high, no one else dares to approach within three miles around. [

The Meng brothers met a strong enemy and fought endlessly, and the six Muyuan powerhouses who followed Muyuan Donghuang did not go well. In the starry sky hundreds of miles away, the six Muyuan powerhouses scattered, or a pair One or one battle and two fights are exhilarating.The surrounding cosmic space was tumbling and boiling, maybe a little bit of energy aftermath leaked out, and immediately created various space disasters in different scopes in the starry sky as bright as day.

I don't know what those strong men from the demon world were thinking, they didn't take the opportunity to defeat them one by one, instead they "knightly" sent out similarly powerful players to fight against Meng Tian and other eight people.And the viscount-level demon powerhouse who had just been brought out from the Demon Earl Kafu in the Demon Realm stood there with his hands folded, as if he didn't bother to do anything.

A viscount-level demon powerhouse appeared on the battlefield.Lin Sha couldn't sit still any longer and hurriedly came from behind to confront him. His Excellency Mu Yuandonghuang also didn't leave behind. Seeing that Lin Sha was paying so much attention, he followed him to see what happened.

Seeing the viscount-level demon powerhouse and seeing the series of astonishing numbers from the energy detector, Muyuan Donghuang was completely shocked.

Combat power: 710000!

This is a super powerful opponent!

Donghuang was shocked, since he came to Interstellar, he has never encountered such a strong opponent.

Contact for more than three years.He naturally has a little understanding of demon warriors, they are all a bunch of fighting madmen, and most of them are much stronger in real strength than they show.Needless to say, the real combat strength of the person in front of him is at least 75, or maybe even higher. It is really difficult for him to grasp the sudden outbreak of demon warriors.

Of course, what made him more puzzled and even wary.Yanhuang Linsha's reaction was really abnormal, as if he knew that the opponent had such a master, and he didn't lose his hands and feet just because of the appearance of a powerful enemy in front of him. Pretending to "touch" there?

Fighting side by side for more than three years, although the number of exchanges is not much, Donghuang has also seen some clues from Lin Sha's methods.And the performance of the Meng brothers indirectly proved this point. These two guys with good strength seem to be very familiar with the attacking routines of the demon invaders. As long as the opponent's strength gap is not so big, they can basically win easily. .

This kind of performance is really amazing, although the combat power of the two brothers is limited to 50 after all, which is much stronger than the two marshal-level powerhouses under their own.In particular, they have learned a lot of sharp methods from Lin Sha, and they can use their super fighting skills to exert a strength much stronger than their own.

This kind of performance is similar to that of the demon world invading fighters, but at their age, no matter how talented they are, it is impossible to make a move, so they behave too against the sky.Don't forget that the strong demons who fought against the two brothers were not much stronger than the two of them.In addition, the real strength is far stronger than the superficial strength, no matter how you say it, it is impossible to behave so rubbish.

But the situation happened to be like this. The Meng brothers seemed to know the means to fight against the demon world to invade the strong. They were often able to make predictions in advance, and then win the battle in the simplest way to save effort.

On the other hand, the six younger brothers under him fought so badly, they were fighting with all their might.Because they are not familiar with the fierce and venomous fighting style of the demon invaders, the six of them have suffered a lot from it. If he hadn't shown up in time a few times, they might have lost their lives long ago.

The gap between them was too great, so Donghuang had to imagine all kinds of ideas. [

There are too many secrets hidden in Lin Sha and his two younger brothers. He is very interested in exploring and needs to understand. At the same time, there are not only these three superpowers in the Yanhuang galaxy, but there are also five superpowers in the lair. , such a force is something he has to focus on and carefully explore.

He believed that Lin Sha must have ambitions, and the ambitions of his terrorist forces would definitely not be able to be carried by a small interstellar.And he, the Eastern Emperor, also has ambitions, and has been seeking the opportunity to return to the outer interstellar lair.

The failure of the last counterattack against the alien interstellar lair dealt him a big blow. Of course, he also saw a lot of problems in the Muyuan galaxy from the failure.He was still a little too impatient, and the strength accumulation of the Muyuan galaxy was far from reaching its peak, and there was still a lot of room for improvement, but it was a pity that he wasted it in vain.

The reason why he raised troops hastily was that he had misjudged the situation and thought that Interstellar strength was too weak, and there was no way to help Muyuan Galaxy to improve its strength again. He didn't want to be affected by Interstellar's mediocre atmosphere, so he acted so hastily.

It wasn't until the forces of the demon world invaded Interstellar, and the various forces in Interstellar formed the Interstellar Alliance to resist. Only then did he know how much he knew before. At a fraction of the time, the number of superpowers is far beyond imagination.

Not only that, but the Yanhuang galaxy with Lin Sha at its core has also attracted his serious attention. The speed of this kid's ascension is too amazing. Right now, he has at least an astonishing combat power of more than 60, and all the seven confidantes under his command are all Super strong, the five male younger brothers even surpassed his strongest younger brother Marshal Feng Lin in one fell swoop.

And when he learned that some members of the warrior clan formed the Xihe galaxy, and their strength was not inferior to any powerful interstellar force, and even reached the level of an interstellar superpower, he regretted so much that his stomach was green.

If he had known that the Warrior Empire had such a tyrannical relative, he shouldn't have regarded the Warrior Empire as a pure logistics department when he counterattacked the alien world. Unfortunately, there was no "medicine" in the world and it was too late when he realized it.

Lin Sha didn't know that Muyuan Donghuang next to him would have such complicated thoughts. Facing the middle-ranked viscount demon strongman from the Earl of Kafu, he was full of enthusiasm for fighting.

He discussed it with Donghuang in a low voice, and said that he took over the viscount-level demon powerhouse opposite him.I don't know what Muyuan Donghuang was thinking, but he didn't have the slightest politeness and hoped to fight against such a strong man.

Lin Sha felt helpless, and finally gave up this opportunity to Muyuan Donghuang, who was very interested. Of course, he also wanted to see Muyuan Donghuang's real strength.His perception told him that Muyuan Donghuang's true strength was not as simple as the mere 54 on the surface, otherwise how would he have the confidence to fight against a super demon with a combat power of more than 70?

Sure enough, Donghuang Muyuan directly invited the leader of Earl Cafu's personal guards to fight. The two sides made an appointment to fight in the core area of ​​a barren galaxy, trying their best to kill each other.

Demons with a combat power of more than 70 are really not covered. They are sharp and clever in hand-to-hand combat.

As for the energy attack, the maximum power cannot be exerted due to the too long distance.But even so, a wave of the hand is a super energy shock wave that makes the starry sky tremble slightly, and the fist wave is overwhelmingly condensed and almost turned into real energy, and there are waves of energy tides like mountains and tsunamis between the arm vibrations.

As expected, Mu Yuan Donghuang had hidden a lot of strength, facing such a powerhouse of the devil viscount level, he didn't change his face, he just danced his fists and feet to "struggle" to fight.

The next shocking scene appeared, Muyuan Donghuang obviously only showed a fighting power of 56, but he was evenly matched in the hand-to-hand fight with the viscount-level demon powerhouse.

Although there was no sound in the starry sky, the aftermath of the battle that erupted every time the fists collided violently shook the surrounding space to produce clear ripples.

This is this...

Lin Sha opened his mouth wide in surprise, what a powerful physical force it took to do such an astonishing scene?

This guy Donghuang is hiding deep enough, and the strength he showed just now will not be less than 70... Power. Mobile phone users please go to m to read.)

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