super space warrior

Chapter 442 Five Years [Happy Chinese New Year]

Flame dazzles, space vibrates...

The vigorous figure leaps like a dragon in the dark starry sky, each flicker can fly dozens of miles away, and bursts of energy explosion flames of various colors flicker frantically behind them, exploding pieces of space ripples into one piece, void energy The chaotic surges formed huge energy vortices.


The surrounding hundreds of miles of space boiled, and small space cracks appeared one after another under the impact of the powerful energy explosion, dense and shocking like spider webs.

Lin Sha's whole body was wrapped in azure energy flames, as if covered with a layer of azure aqua sapphire. He completely looked at the turbulent space around him, and his figure flickered and chased the two viscount-level demon powerhouses who were fighting with him.


With a punch, the space within a [-]-meter straight line in front of him was broken layer by layer, revealing the end of the dark gray space of another dimension, roaring like a ferocious monster baring its sharp claws.


Sweeping with heavy feet, the surrounding ten-meter space has always been severely hammered by heavy objects, and there was a feeling of sluggishness and heavyness, and then the two sides were separated abruptly like water waves, creating an absolute 'vacuum' zone! [

Clinging to the mountain, he slammed his shoulder into a crack in the space around Mish, and a strong suction came out from the crack in the space, as if a wild monster was going to swallow everything around him.

The big windmill, with a pair of thick thighs swung like a whistling windmill, the huge air waves falling layer by layer made the surrounding space tremble violently, showing signs of falling apart at any time.

Tiger Roaring Fist, densely packed fist shadows cover the sky, each fist shadow is a group of fist-shaped exhibition energy light clusters, the momentum is extremely crazy, one punch down is a three-meter-wide cobweb crack, hundreds of thousands of void cracks Connected into one piece, it seems that when the glass is smashed and will not be broken, the dense spider silk network makes people's heart jump.

This is the real powerful fighting technique.One punch shatters the space, one leg sweeps across the void and collapses. If the physical fitness and reaction can't keep up, it may be a tragedy.

There is no need to directly bombard the enemy.As long as you get a little bit of these densely packed space cracks of different sizes, at least you will end up with serious injuries.If it is not possible to be swallowed by void cracks, it will be the end of disability and death.

If anyone pays attention to the energy detector worn by the ear, they will be surprised to find that a series of numbers. It is not clear what the six digits at the beginning of the nine characters represent, but it is a super combat power close to a million. .


Lin Sha not only has sharp fists and feet, but when his strength reaches his level, he can carry great power with his casual moves, not to mention deliberate energy attacks.The energy that was only used to harass before was used only, but now it is extremely threatening.Each thin beam of energy light carries powerful destructive power.

Even with such a strong physique as the Devil Viscount, there is a small burnt hole in his body when he is hit, not to mention that when Lin Sha makes a shot, there are dozens or hundreds of energy beams, densely packed like a net, making it hard to guard against.

The two powerful demon viscounts that Lin Sha fought against.He was overwhelmed by his endless tricks, and even dodged again and again, but still couldn't avoid wearing red and hanging colors.

Lin Sha, on the other hand, acted relaxed and at ease. Facing the joint siege of the two powerful demons and viscounts, he showed his power with every gesture, and not only easily blocked the sharp attacks of the two powerful men.And it was hard to suppress them both even if they wanted to stand up.

If he hadn't been concerned about the majestic momentum of the three waves in the distance, he would have already dispatched killers to kill the two strong demon viscounts in front of him.It was precisely because of his scruples that he had to spend most of his mind on guarding against possible sneak attacks from a distance, which gave the two strong demon viscounts who were fighting against him a chance to breathe.

But even so, their lives were never easy.Although Lin Sha did not use his full strength, the strength gap between the two sides was too great, and it was simply not something that could be made up in terms of numbers.What's more, they are just two people joining forces, and the advantage in numbers is not as huge as imagined.

The two numbers '690000' and '720000' flashed in the thin lens in front of Lin Sha's eyes, which represented the actual combat power of the two powerful demon viscounts on the opposite side.Although the real combat power they can exert is approaching the 80 mark.But there is still a huge gap of one hundred thousand with Lin Sha.

"Go to hell with me!" [

After entangled for a long time, Lin Sha felt a little impatient, and he was vigilant in his heart. This time, the other party dispatched six strong demon viscounts with a combat power of more than 65 at one time. He didn't have time to delay for too long. It's also good to play the three strong men who didn't make a move.

What surprised him was that among them was a top demon viscount with a combat power of 93. Even if he was still [-] to [-] less than him, but with the old and powerful physique of the demon clan, coupled with their actual The combat power is much higher than the normal combat power, and the real strength that can be displayed will definitely not be less than a million!

What is the concept of a million combat power? It has completely broken away from ordinary life in the normal sense, and has evolved to a higher level of life. It is not an exaggeration to call it an advanced life body.

Not only the combat power has been improved, but when the strength reaches this part, it will naturally have all kinds of wonderful and incredible abilities.That's right, it's different, just like the superpower possessed by Dumpling in the Dragon Ball comics, relying on the more powerful mental power after transformation, no matter how powerful it is, at least concealment is absolutely no problem.

If you want to ask him how he knows this, it is naturally the knowledge obtained at the price of blood.

At this time, it has been eight years since the aristocratic Earl Kafu of the Demon Realm in the Western Demon Realm launched a war of aggression against the interstellar world, and it has been eight years since the Earl of Kafu Demon sent his personal guards to fight against the commander, a demon viscount-level powerhouse with a combat power of 65 Five years have passed since they rushed to the interstellar war.

Eight years is nothing compared to the war that spread across the entire interstellar world. Sometimes the confrontation between the powerful interstellar forces lasts for more than ten years or even several years, and there are still large-scale battles every year.

After eight years of fierce fighting, the situation became more and more unfavorable for the Star Alliance side.

In addition to having an absolute advantage in space weapons such as interstellar warships and human resources, the Star Alliance is at an absolute disadvantage in almost all other aspects.It's not that Lin Sha deliberately wants to destroy the prestige of the calligraphy family, but that it is indeed the case.

Due to the wide spread of the war, the intensity of the battle is not comparable to that of ordinary interstellar wars. There is a large-scale war almost every one or two months.Every battle involves heavy damage and huge consumption. Some strongholds are located in the central star field, but the small and medium interstellar forces participating in the Star Alliance can't support it.I have to regret that I have to retreat and even switch to the fierce interstellar puppet army, thinking that the interstellar alliance will inevitably lose in the end and defect to the winning side early.

This has repeatedly weakened the power of the Star Alliance.The loss in terms of human resources or other resources is immeasurable.Two years ago, finally, a veteran interstellar middle-level force couldn't stand the huge attrition, and even secretly defected to the false interstellar side, making the already unfavorable interstellar alliance even worse.

In battleship group confrontation, the Interstellar Alliance still has an absolute advantage. Although the interstellar puppet army supported by the demonic invasion force has become stronger and stronger, its strength and background cannot catch up in a short time.

In this regard, there is actually nothing to worry about, but what worries the top leaders of the Star Alliance is that.As the scale of the war continued to expand, the supporting force behind the interstellar puppet army, that is, Earl Cafu from the Western Demon Realm of the Demon Realm, seemed very dissatisfied with the situation, and began to dispatch troops to send more powerful demon powers to join the battle.

The strong viscount who guarded the earldom five years ago was just the beginning.Afterwards, veteran demon baron-level powerhouses appeared one after another, and finally six viscount-level demon powerhouses flooded into the interstellar at one stroke, causing great psychological pressure and combat damage to the superpowers of the Star Alliance.

Muyuan Donghuang's combat power was really good, and under the pressure of the earl's personal guard commander level demon powerhouse, he was completely exposed, and his combat power was as high as 68.It's really earth-shattering.

Needless to say, this kind of strength is in the interstellar world, standing firmly at the top of the pyramid, but compared with the endless emergence of demon viscount powerhouses, Muyuan Donghuang is also at an absolute disadvantage.

At the beginning of the battle, due to unfamiliarity with the situation and carelessness.The viscount Demon, the commander of the personal guard, suffered a lot and was almost killed by Donghuang Muyuan.But after he fully reacted, Muyuan Donghuangjiu couldn't get much money, so he could only rely on his own strength to fight recklessly.

Of course, it wouldn't be bad if he could fight off a devil viscount-level powerhouse at the cost of Muyuan Donghuang's re-emergence or even his death.But Muyuan Donghuang obviously wouldn't do such a stupid thing. During the battle, it was obvious that he had saved his hand. Facing the crazy attack of the devil's viscount-level personal guard commander, he retreated steadily and had a very short support time.

At this time, Lin Sha also had to show his original strength. The 71 combat power shocked the entire interstellar, and in one fell swoop, he led and suppressed the viscount-level demon guard who defeated Mu Yuan Donghuang.Even though the guy saw the situation quickly and saw that the situation was not going well, the strong man broke his wrist and gave up his arms and fled in embarrassment, but Lin Sha seized the opportunity and beat him seriously.

The next situation is the same as "touching" in the Dragon Ball comics.His younger brother was beaten so badly that he almost fell off. The Devil Earl Cafu was furious. For some reason, he didn't take action directly. Instead, he dispatched his viscount-level demon powers to wreak havoc on the interstellar battlefield one after another.

It's really demon flames. At the beginning, there were only two strong demon viscounts, Muyuan Donghuang and Lin Sha were enough to deal with it, but as more and more demon viscounts appeared, and with these demon viscounts The appearance of the old demon baron naturally followed many cronies. Such super strength brought terrifying pressure to the Star Alliance.

Although Lin Sha tried his best to let go of his hands and feet, all his dark hands could barely resist the joint siege of two demon viscounts, and the Meng brothers could also deal with a strong demon viscount with a combat power of less than 70, plus wood Emperor Yuandong was able to take over a strong demon with a combat power of less than 80, and the pressure from the Star Alliance should not be too great.

But this is not the case. The number of devil viscounts is far from four, there are as many as six. If it is not for the invasion of the demonic forces, it seems that they are not united. The interstellar powerhouses only blindly fight against superpowers such as Lin Sha and Mu Yuan Donghuang, otherwise the Star Alliance would not be able to survive.

But even so, the situation is still not good. The twenty or so veteran devil baron powerhouses who followed the six devil viscounts did not grow up vegetarian. For the strong, just helping the interstellar puppet army is enough for the interstellar alliance.

Therefore, in just five years, the Interstellar Alliance was defeated under the persecution of interstellar puppet troops and demon invaders, not only giving up the core central star field, but also giving up part of the eastern star field.Part of the southern star field, about one-fifth of the entire interstellar area fell into the hands of the interstellar puppet army.

What made the Star League's already low morale worse was that there was no hope of winning.Many interstellar forces whose confidence has been shaken have secretly contacted the interstellar puppet army through various channels, and even directly contacted the demonic invading forces behind the interstellar puppet army.Or revealing the intention to seek refuge or simply defecting directly.

Some interstellar small and medium-sized forces are fine, even if they target veteran mid-level interstellar forces, they are nothing, even if they have a deep foundation, they are still interstellar mid-level forces.The bad thing is that just a year ago, two lairs fell directly into the hands of the invading forces of the demon world, or the powerful interstellar forces that were seriously threatened by the interstellar puppet forces voluntarily left the interstellar alliance to join the interstellar puppet army.

This is the first time that a powerful interstellar force has defected to the invading forces of the demon world, which has dealt a great blow to the morale of the interstellar alliance.If Zhen wants to talk about it, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have these two powerful interstellar forces.They are either occupying their old nest in the north or their old nest is the first serious threat, and the real help they can provide to the Star Alliance is really limited.

But the impact of this kind of thing is too bad. No matter how you say it, it is a powerful interstellar force that bowed its head and surrendered to the invading forces of the outer world before falling into complete desperation.The feeling to the people at the bottom is that the Star Alliance is about to fail, and everyone should prepare early to leave a way out for themselves.

This kind of impact is too bad, and it is the worst scenario that the battered Star Alliance tries to avoid.If it is not done well, a linkage effect will be formed. What if other forces are fighting fires one after another, wouldn't the Star Alliance "chaos" before being defeated?

It's true that the Star League hasn't completely failed.At least he still owns about four-fifths of the interstellar chassis, and the resources and population are dozens of times that of the interstellar puppet army. If he wants to completely fail, he will have to fight for at least another 20 years.

Without the scruples of the central star field, they can use all means freely.In order to protect the Central Starfield Interstellar Alliance before, it was a bit restrained, before the Central Starfield fell completely.The various forces that have huge interests in the central star field are really reluctant to give up easily.

But the situation is different now. The complete fall of the central star field has reduced the heavy burden on the Star Alliance. They can let go of their hands and feet and go into battle lightly. After a good test on the body, I think the invading forces of the devil world will have a good drink next time.

This is indeed the case. After letting go of their hands and feet, the Interstellar Alliance frequently used methods to give the imposing interstellar puppet army a head-on blow, and even made the complacent demon invasion forces panic and panic.

Although the overall interstellar power is not strong, it is still an advanced civilization that has developed for tens of thousands of years, and there are still some foundations, whether it is space technology or interstellar warriors.

Seeing that the situation has come to this point, the powerful interstellar forces that form the Interstellar Alliance no longer dare to hide and hide. They have recruited superpowers from the clan who stayed behind in their old lairs, and at once recruited twenty or so people with a combat power of more than 20 Super strong, this is the real trump card of the Star Alliance.

With the help of these twenty interstellar superpowers, the pressure on Lin Sha and other powerful opponents who directly confronted the demon nobles from the demon world was greatly reduced, and they were able to calm down and fight the enemy.

To say that fighting against evenly matched superpowers is of great help to the improvement of one's own strength, and Lin Sha's current situation is like this.In five years, he fought no less than [-] times with the devil's viscount-level powerhouse. Every time he fought with all his strength until he was exhausted, his combat power improved significantly after each recovery.

Especially at the beginning of the period, not only had to deal with the crazy offensive of the strong demon viscount, but also had to devote part of his energy to pay attention to the battle situation of the battleship group in the distance. If he found something bad, he would immediately withdraw and run without delay, otherwise he would be trapped The possibility of encirclement by the enemy.

That period of hardship lasted for a whole year, and many times Lin Sha and the Meng brothers were surrounded by dozens of demon nobles and strong men.The most dangerous time was that Lin Sha was surrounded by ten powerful demon nobles. Although there was only one strong demon viscount among the ten people, and the other nine were all veteran demon barons, Lin Sha was still seriously injured and nearly injured. Did not go back.

In the end, if he hadn't burst out of the strongest and rare triple potential to escape out of the encirclement and escape with his life, I'm afraid the final situation would not be very good.

Not only him, but also the Meng brothers and Muyuan Donghuang have all encountered such a dangerous situation. Fortunately, everyone has hidden cards and can save lives at a critical moment. Achieved good results.

Such unfavorable battles continued until the central star field fell completely, and the Star Alliance freed up their hands to cause all kinds of troubles for the invading Demon Realm forces. They also called in more than 20 superpowers with a combat power of more than [-] to help share the pressure, and only then did they let a few of them Feel a little less stressed.

And Lin Sha's fighting power has also improved rapidly through such life-and-death trials...


Here, I wish all book friends a happy new year, good luck, and happiness for the whole family

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