super space warrior

Chapter 443 A Crazy Year [New Year Greetings]

Time flies by, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye...

After nearly 20 years of delay, the invasion war that spread across the entire interstellar world has finally reached its final stage.

What is gratifying is that the Star Alliance withstood the pressure in the early unfavorable situation, united as one, and finally gradually regained the disadvantage. Later, it even launched a counterattack like a tide, regaining the previously lost star field bit by bit.

Of course, the actual situation is naturally impossible to be so simple. If Lin Sha hadn't directly acted in the Demon Realm, holding back most of Earl Cafu's hands and feet and energy, I'm afraid that the Star Alliance would be unlucky no matter how hard their lives are.

Ten years is enough for many people and things to undergo earth-shattering changes.

Fortunately, the interstellar turmoil in the past 20 years has caused heavy damage to both the invading forces of the demon world and the interstellar alliance. Even the invited Muyuan experts have killed several of them, but Lin Sha and his Yanhuang experts have suffered a lot. All intact.

Under the extreme oppression of the invading forces of the demon world, both the Yanhuang powerhouse and the wood source powerhouse broke out with unparalleled combat effectiveness, strangling a large number of demon world invading fighters while constantly improving themselves.

Under the coercion of a viscount-level demon powerhouse, Muyuan Donghuang's life and safety were greatly shaken, and he was "forced" to unleash his full potential. His combat power of 85 was truly astonishing, even as an opponent. The viscount-level demon powerhouse couldn't help but express sincere admiration.

In this extremely tragic battle, Muyuan Donghuang's combat effectiveness was also raised time and time again. [

850000, 900000, 950000, 990000, 1000000…

Where there is extreme persecution, there will be outbursts of madness.The ten years of Muyuan Donghuang's change can be said to be huge, the combat power has soared from 85 to 110 million, and the cultivation base is so high that it can be said to be extremely powerful.

It's a pity that although Muyuan Donghuang's performance is brave, the enemy's power is too strong.It's not something he can save by breaking out alone.

Ten years ago, Earl Cafu dispatched six powerful viscount-level demons to the interstellar battlefield in one fell swoop. No need to add more manpower, as long as any three of them join forces, they can fight against the Eastern Emperor in his strongest state!

Their strength has reached their level, and it is too difficult to die in battle. Although Muyuan Donghuang is really powerful, he can often seriously injure one or two of the demon viscounts.But it is too difficult to completely eliminate a group of people.

This kind of situation that only hurts and never dies also indirectly helps the devil viscount level powerhouse to improve his strength.

With the physical fitness of the Demon Clan, there is still potential. As long as the timing is right, the improvement speed will not be a bit worse than those famous fighting races. Perhaps due to environmental factors, the improvement speed may be faster.

Ten years of continuous fighting, even though there was a period of rotation in the middle, the strength of the demon viscount-level powerhouse who was fighting against Muyuan Donghuang was still crazily increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


It can be said that the strength improvement speed of those viscount-level demon powerhouses is no less satisfactory than that of a group of talented Muyuan powerhouses or even Muyuan Donghuang.

What made Muyuan Donghuang almost vomit blood was because of his great 'help'.Almost as soon as his fighting power broke through 100 million, a veteran devil viscount strongman with a fighting power of about [-] also successfully broke through the million fighting power mark, becoming one of the newborn devil count powerhouses.

After the strong demon made a breakthrough, he was summoned back to the Demon Realm by Earl Kefufu, and other strong demon viscounts were affected one after another. They were all very active in fighting the Eastern Emperor, sometimes in order to snatch a big name. When fighting, he only regards Muyuan Donghuang as a tool to purely improve his strength.

In terms of Muyuan, not only is Donghuang's strength improving rapidly, as long as the surviving Muyuan powerhouses do not improve greatly.

In ten years, the six wood source powerhouses who followed the Eastern Emperor earlier.Only those two Marshals are still alive today.The other four generals and general-level superpowers were killed in battles with many devilish baron and demon powerhouses.

After all, compared to the number of devil viscount-level powerhouses who have never exceeded ten, the number of devil baron powerhouses appearing in the interstellar space is a little too much, and the number has never been less than one hundred. [

But the more so.The greater the effect of exercise.The two marshals Muyuan fought hard for ten years, although their progress was not as great as that of Donghuang, their combat power was still close to the 50 mark.Only one breakthrough opportunity is needed to successfully break through and become the first-class superpower of the Eastern Emperor.

Donghuang is also an out-and-out ruthless person. Seeing that the interstellar battlefield has tempered people so much, he didn't feel sorry for the loss of the four Muyuan experts. They were scattered throughout the interstellar battlefield and left to fend for themselves.

With such a ruthless method, not to mention the powerful forces of the Interstellar Alliance, even the Yanhuang powerhouses who are gradually becoming as famous as it are also speechless. They are really ruthless.

At the same time, I did not forget to marvel at the background of the Muyuan galaxy. There are about [-] strong fighters with a combat power of more than [-] in one shot. No interstellar force can show such confidence and skill.

In ten years, even the powerhouses of Muyuan have improved so much, not to mention the powerhouses of the Yanhuang galaxy represented by Lin Sha, the progress will only be even greater.

There is no way, there is a pharmacist with Lin Sha's strength, and there are many special potions with amazing curative effects at hand. As long as there is one breath left, he can snatch a life from the hands of Hades.Under such life and death honing, it is difficult not to improve the combat effectiveness by leaps and bounds.

Not only the Meng brothers who came out before, but even the other juniors who were used as a rotating combat force later, also fully enjoyed the tempering of continuous battles, and their combat power soared upwards like flying.

The Meng brothers have been with Lin Sha for the longest time, and they have participated in the most and the most intense battles. Almost half of Earl Cafu's demon barons have fought against the two brothers, and the battles are extremely tragic.

Especially when the situation in the Star Alliance was the most difficult, the situation of the Montessori brothers was also the most difficult.Since the boss Lin Sha was held back by three viscount-level demon powerhouses, they had to face more than four devil-baron-level powerhouses almost every moment, and the situation could be said to be critical.

If it wasn't for Lin Sha's use of potions to improve their physical fitness in advance, and at the same time, if they don't lack the special effects of various effects, they can always help them recover their strength quickly and even repair their injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye between battles.In order to escape in danger at critical junctures again and again.

I don't know how many times I have been in a desperate situation, and I don't know how many hideous scars have been added to the body. There are critical moments when they flee in embarrassment and their lives are hanging by a thread, so that the combat effectiveness of the two brothers can soar like a rocket.

The two brothers are also lucky people. The invading forces in the demon world sent six viscount-level powerhouses, and the two interstellar superpowers Muyuan Donghuang and Yanhuang Linsha were restrained and difficult to escape.When the Interstellar Alliance was defeated like a mountain, the two brothers joined forces with the six great Muyuan powerhouses and more than a dozen interstellar super powerhouses who came as reinforcements, almost scrambling out of the encirclement to save a life.

That is to say, in such a desperate situation, the brothers' years of accumulation broke out, and the combat power reached 49. After breaking through, they became one of the strongest fighters with a combat power of 50.The real interstellar power exists at the top of the pyramid!

Afterwards, the two brothers fought guerrilla warfare with the battleship squad. The number of battles during the period also made their combat effectiveness never stop improving, from 50 to an astonishing height of 80 before slowing down and continuing to improve.

It has to be said that Lin Sha practiced desperately the Meng brothers and the others, and their foundations were solid and honest, which allowed his brothers to break through without any troubles or obstacles.

But don't take it for granted that as long as you have an actual combat opportunity, you can break through in strength. If the foundation is not stable, you are drawing your physical potential in advance, and your strength may increase rapidly within a period of time.But it is basically impossible to improve in the future.

Moreover, it is not advisable to blindly rely on recovery and improvement of strength after a bloody battle. This is a stupid act of overdrawing one's vitality.Lin Sha has always been extremely disgusted with this, thinking that doing so would do too much harm to the body.Not to mention anything else, the fate of the protagonist in the Dragon Ball comics is the best interpretation.No matter how high the strength is raised, if the body can't keep up, it is a pure tragedy.

Seriously influenced by Lin Sha, the Meng brothers and several other Yanhuang powerhouses never made fun of their own bodies.Even if you have to go all out in the end, you will take good care of yourself afterward and wait for your body to recuperate to the best condition before making another shot, and insist on not letting your body appear in the dark.

The Meng brothers had such ideas and manners, and Li Mu and others who came to join the battle later in rotation were no exception, so they attracted the ridicule and disdain of the Muyuan powerhouse and many interstellar super powerhouses.

The Montessori brothers see this directly.Having experienced so many things, they have basically passed the age of passion and impulsiveness, and everything is for improving their own strength and ensuring their own safety.This safety is not only the life-threatening critical moment, but also includes hidden injuries and hidden diseases in the body, and they pay special attention to this point.

It's time for the Star Alliance to launch a counterattack.The Meng brothers have become the absolute main force of the Interstellar Alliance. They are the main force to deal with the demon viscount strongmen in the demon world, and they have relieved a lot of pressure on Muyuan Donghuang and Lin Sha.

The strength of the Meng brothers improved rapidly, but Li Mu's improvement speed was not slow.Although they did not participate in the most tragic battle in the early stage, when the interstellar alliance and the invading forces of the demon world fell into a stalemate in the later stage, under Lin Sha's arrangement, they took turns to go to the interstellar battlefield to hone their combat skills and improve their strength.

Although he did not experience the most tragic battle, when they arrived in turn, Earl Cafu, who was in charge of the Demon Realm, seemed to sense that the situation was not good, and hurriedly dispatched a large number of powerful demons to the interstellar battlefield. The alliance brought great psychological pressure.

After all, in the face of hundreds of superpowers with a combat power of more than 20, even if all the powerful forces in the entire interstellar unite, they will not be able to produce such a powerful group of superpowers, even if the combat power of more than [-] is counted, there are not so many.

In this way, Li Mu and the others had absolutely no shortage of training opportunities. Although the Star Alliance immediately dispersed and started guerrilla warfare after leaving the central star field, the combat density was not high, but it was just right for Li Mu and others to gradually adapt.

Although there was no such phenomenon as breaking through a major hurdle in World War I, the training effect on Li Mu and others after a long battle was extremely amazing.It took Li Mu and Lin Zhan five years to break through the 50 combat power mark, and it took Li Xin and Tian Dan seven years to break through. This great opportunity was finally not wasted.

And the twin sisters who had just made their debut in the interstellar world had only 25 combat power when they came out due to their lowest strength.Although he worked very hard, his combat power had only increased to a little over 46 in ten years. As for when he would break through the 50 combat power mark, it was hard to say.

Ten years is enough time for the entire Interstellar Alliance to get to know a group of Yanhuang powerhouses, from being amazed at the beginning, to being shocked and numb to the point of envy and fear.In short, it has been a very complicated psychological journey.

Because the performance of the strong from the Yanhuang galaxy is really amazing, and the combat power is not to mention earth-shattering, it is also shocking, and the performance of the strong in the invasion of the demon world is extremely good.

What puzzled the many power leaders of the Interstellar Alliance was that the Yanhuang powerhouses seemed to be very familiar with the fighting style of the demon world invading powerhouses, and even the many secret methods of the demon world invading powerhouses were anticipated and prevented , this is not so simple, could it be that the strong Yanhuang has contacted the natives of the demon world before?

There are not a few people who have such doubts in their hearts.Even Muyuan Donghuang was a little suspicious. Many times he intentionally tried it out at gatherings, but Lin Sha beat him up and fooled him.But Lin Sha did not deny everyone's speculation. The longer the war, the more ambiguous his attitude became.

In the past ten years, the strength of the younger brothers has improved so fast, and the strength of the boss will only increase even more.

that's the truth……

Since ten years ago, six viscount-level demon powerhouses suddenly appeared in the invading forces of the demon world.At the beginning, Lin Sha could only fight against a viscount demon strongman with a weak advantage.However, under the pressure of the unfavorable situation, he was surrounded by the three demon viscounts all the time, forcing him to unleash the potential in his body, and his combat effectiveness soared again and again.

In just one year, his normal combat power increased from 71 to 80.Fortunately, those demon viscounts seemed to be incapable of dealing with them themselves, or they disdained to besiege them as strong men, which allowed him to pass the most difficult period in the early stage.

Of course even so.Several times in critical moments, in order to escape, he had to suddenly burst out with more than twice the potential, and then escaped from the encirclement.

As a result, when his strength was visible to the naked eye and his speed increased, those demon viscounts saw a bad situation. If they fought alone, almost none of them would be Lin Sha's opponent. Suppress Lin Sha.

At the beginning, the effect was really good. When the two-on-one couldn’t gain an absolute advantage, the Sana people joined together. Although Lin Sha’s combat power was tens of thousands or even 10,000+ stronger than each of them at this time, facing the three viscounts It is still a bit difficult to resist the joint attack.

Compared with Muyuan Donghuang, there are thrilling battles.Suspected Linsha's fighting sobriety is much more dangerous.

Of course, this does not mean that Lin Sha's strength is inferior to that of Muyuan Donghuang, but that the three demon viscounts who besieged him felt a great threat, and they no longer dared to hold back their hands and tried their best.When the four of them were fighting, their big moves were frequently earth-shattering, and each move was not powerful enough to cause the space to collapse and the energy of the starry sky to turbulently flow.

This kind of battle lasted for three full years, during which Lin Sha resorted to frequent tricks.He severely injured the siege demon viscount several times, almost destroying his magic path, and was almost interrupted or rescued by the other two strong demons.

Under the pressure of such a high-intensity battle, Lin Sha has almost crazily increased his combat power by 98 per year. In three years, his combat power has reached an astonishing height of [-], and he almost broke through the million battle limit. .

The strength of the three devil viscounts who had been wrestling with him for three years also increased rapidly, all the way to the early 90, all of which were "forced" out by the constant thrilling battles.

When fighting Lin Sha, you really can't relax at all, otherwise you will end up dying miserably if you are not careful.

After so many years, Lin Sha's powerful fighting skills have basically been integrated with the majestic energy in his body. Every move of his hand and foot does not contain huge power, and has both the essence of hand-to-hand combat and the tyranny of energy attacks.

If you really want to get hit on your body, it will be a pure double blow. In addition to the melee blow, there is also an energy close-range bombardment. The power is so great that the bodies of these demon viscounts can't bear it.

Those who have enjoyed it once are absolutely unwilling to enjoy it again, and if they go up, they will not be able to get off.

The four superpowers showed anger and a little appreciation, and they would continue to entangle in the future. Unexpectedly, Earl Cafu somehow pulled the three out and sent a newbie to the top.

The result can be imagined, Lin Sha showed his supernatural power, and directly killed the three new demon viscounts in the first battle, which shocked the star and also shocked Earl Cafu who was sitting behind the demon world.

The next few years were completely the most beautiful years for Lin Sha.

Killing the three powerful viscount demons at once, Earl Cafu urgently summoned new superpowers to fight. Lin Sha was not afraid, and even held a huge advantage with one-to-four. Five against one against six against one against seven, will be tough to the end.

And when the Star Alliance wanted to counterattack, Lin Sha's normal combat power was as high as 150 million...

`(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

ps: Happy New Year, book friends, thank you book friend 'lmxy' for the new year's monthly pass

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