super space warrior

Chapter 60 First Contact

() The second is about one o'clock in the afternoon. I will work hard today. Brothers, give me some favorites, recommendations and support...

"Hey, this is the kid from the warrior family, is he too strong?"

Outside the busy apron of Jumu City's space port, the small Gu Lin looked at the astonishing numbers displayed on the detector lens, couldn't help but gasped, his face turned ashen.

"Why, don't you plan to make a move?"

The bald and burly man, Boss Xiong, didn't look too good-looking either, he glanced sideways at the little man and his tone was full of disdain.Although the fighting power of the warrior boy exceeded his expectations, reaching an astonishing number of fifteen hundred, so what?

His combat power, Boss Xiong, is the standard 550!

The little Gu Lin's face was flushed red, the veins on his forehead swelled and his lips trembled for a while. He wanted to say a few words, but his chest was packed like a mountain, so he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Do you continue to brag about your new teammates?

Don't be kidding, that kid's fighting strength is [-].Don't get off the horse and fail to make it, but make yourself ashamed.I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: Where did this monster kid come from?

Just when he didn't know how to end, the call from the detector in his ear helped him out: "Hey, I am Lin Sha, a mercenary from the Berserker family, and I am Lin Sha, a mercenary from the Berserker family. City Spaceport, has arrived at Giant Wood City Spaceport, please answer if you hear it, please answer it if you hear it!"

Lin Sha looked around with a depressed face, and kept calling the silver rock interstellar prospecting team to find his location.I don't know what the charter of the prospecting team is. Didn't I report it yesterday?

At this time, the ear detector buzzed, and then a calm and rough voice came: "Got it, we are waiting outside the apron, repeat, we are waiting outside the apron..."

Lin Sha hurriedly looked out of the tarmac, and sure enough, he saw two strong men, one big and one small, waving at him. He was overjoyed and relieved, and hurriedly strode over.

While looking at the strange combination of the two, the detector next to the ear beeped, and a set of data soon appeared on the thin lens. Qian 550 five, not bad, not bad, and the strength is barely passable."

There were still about ten meters away, and he greeted first with a smile on his face: "Hello!"

Lin Sha was looking at Boss Xiong and Gu Lin, and they were also looking at the immature and stern boy in front of them, with mixed feelings in their hearts.Seeing that Lin Sha was the first to say hello, he hurried forward to formally meet with the boy.

"My name is Lin Sha, a mercenary of the Berserker family!"

"That's right, boy. My name is Xiong Da, a soldier of Silver Rock Star, and his name is Gu Lin, a local soldier of Ancient Jupiter!"

The palms of one big and one small were tightly clasped together, their expressions were as usual, and the palms of the hands secretly competed with each other.

Gu Lin, who was standing beside him, felt a burst of energy blowing towards his face, and his flowing long hair was blown around.His face was so weird, and his heart was both shocked and funny: How dare he compete with Boss Xiong in strength, he really doesn't know how to live or die!

Lin Sha didn't know what the little Gu Lin was thinking, even if he knew, he didn't care. Although he felt that the big bald man's hands were strong, it wasn't enough to make him worry.

However, he also knows that his body has been transformed and optimized by the energy of the 'flame jade', and his physical fitness is no longer what it used to be.Besides, the arm strength of high-level and mid-level fighters is not a joke. If it weren't for the guy named Xiong Da on the opposite side who is so talented and powerful, I'm afraid he couldn't hold back his strength and lost.

It is not good to go too far when meeting your teammates for the first time. Seeing that the blue veins on Xiong Daguangliang's forehead are faintly visible, and beads of sweat are secreting from his forehead, he knows that the other party has exerted all his strength.He put on a look of pain on his face, and hurriedly begged for mercy in a low voice: "Xiong Da is really powerful, the boy is willing to bow down!"

"Haha, be polite, be polite, Lin Sha boy, you are very good!" Xiong Dasong let go of his clenched hands and laughed, with a hearty smile on his ferocious face, he patted Lin Sha's shoulder in admiration.

He was really not being polite, he had exerted eighty percent of his strength in the secret contest just now, and being able to push him to this point shows that Lin Sha is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his strength should not be underestimated.

"You're welcome, Xiong. When are we going back to camp?" Lin Sha didn't have the heart to fight with this fierce, bear-like guy. His height of 1.6 meters and [-] meters was really stressful against the opponent's huge figure of [-] meters. explain.

"Oh, let's leave now, the boss told us to come pick you up, and you're waiting in the camp!" Xiong Dayi patted his bald head, his mouth was open to reveal two rows of white teeth, and he made an invitation gesture with his huge bear-like body soar into the air.

Lin Sha smiled shyly at the little guy Gu Lin beside him, and jumped up into the sky.

Regarding this, what else could Gu Lin say besides a wry smile?

I feel a little upset in my heart, and I feel resentment towards Boss Xiong even more. Didn't I say that I want to give this kid a blow? This is just a game?Damn it wasn't like this when I joined!

The three figures drove side by side, drawing three billowing air waves in the air, and quickly flew away from the space port to the Silver Rock interstellar prospecting team station.There were no more moths on the road. Xiong Da and Gu Lin took turns to briefly introduce the situation of the Silver Rock Interstellar Prospecting Team to Lin Sha, some things to pay attention to and avoid.

After a while, the three of them landed in front of a small military camp-like building on the outskirts of the city.

"Haha, boy, you are so proud of yourself, even the boss came out to greet you!"

After being reminded by Xiong Da, Lin Sha couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly looked towards the gate of the camp, and sure enough, he saw five or six figures who had been waiting for a long time.The one at the front was tall and two meters away, with a simple and gentle face with the realism unique to scientific research workers. He was obviously the first-class leader of the prospecting team here.

Although he didn't know why the other party gave him such a face, Lin Sha couldn't help but hurried forward, with a bright smile on his face, he said loudly: "Please welcome me personally, I am really ashamed of myself!"

The two sides exchanged polite greetings at the gate of the camp. Only then did Lin Sha know that the person in charge of the prospecting team here was named Xiong Wu. What surprised him the most was that Xiong Wu's combat power had reached more than 300. This was still his impression. Is it a frail scientific and technological worker?

As for the other greeters, they are basically the technical backbone and guards of the prospecting team here, and most of them are from the Yinyan Xingxiong clan.What made him feel unbelievable was that those two youths, Xiong Meng and Xiong Lie, who were full of pride and had no fighting strength of more than 200, were also the first-class guards of the prospecting team?

Since then, Lin Sha has officially joined the Yinyan interstellar prospecting team headed by Xiong Wu...

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