() Continue to ask for collection recommendations, the next chapter will be around [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.

Jumucheng Silver Rock Interstellar Prospecting Team was stationed, and outside the open-air training field stood more than a dozen sturdy and imposing spectators, watching the exciting battle between the two small men in the training field with concentration.


Gu Lin yelled violently, his body rose into the air, and the sweeping of his right leg brought the whistling wind to Lin Sha's head.

Lin Sha responded calmly and calmly, raised his left forearm to catch Gu Lin's sharp leg abruptly.


The strength at the intersection of the legs and arms overflowed with gusts of wind, and the ground trembled slightly with flying sand and stone dust.

When there was no time left, Lin Sha grabbed Gu Lin's right ankle with his left hand like lightning.If this is the top, not to mention cutting off children and grandchildren, at least you have to empty out all the things you ate yesterday.

not good!

Gu Lin's complexion changed wildly, he screamed in his heart that something was wrong, he quickly bent down and crossed his hands to block it.

There was a muffled sound of 'bang', and Gu Lin felt a strong force coming from his hand, and the bones of his arm made a 'click, click' sound, and he couldn't help but let out a miserable scream, his body was out of control It flew upside down.

How could Lin Sha let go of such a great opportunity, he disappeared in place in a blink of an eye, and the screams that tore through the air pierced the eardrums, and the next moment he appeared in the sky above the ancient forest.

Taking advantage of Gu Lin's trembling hands and momentary loss of resistance, he swooped down and punched and kicked fiercely without mercy. The muffled bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang was mixed with someone's shrill scream from time to time.

it is good!

Seeing that Lin Sha beat Gu Lin so easily that he couldn't fight back, the onlookers couldn't help applauding.I couldn't help but feel turmoil in my heart, thinking to myself what would happen if I confronted Lin Sha?

But what frustrates them is that among the dozen or so people present, except for Xiong Dayou who is capable of retreating and even easily defeating the kid Lin Sha, none of them will be Lin Sha's opponent.

Terrible kid, terrific super talent!

Just as the onlookers had different thoughts, the battle on the open-air training ground was drawing to a close.

Under Lin Sha's series of blows, Gu Lin suffered heavy blows frequently on the rough skin and thick flesh. He was so painful that he screamed and sweated profusely. I couldn't get up for a long time.

Lin Sha was suspended in the air, waving his hands casually to disperse the surrounding dust, and looked at the little Gu Lin who was 'struggling' on the ground with a smile in his eyes, cursing inwardly that this guy really knows how to put on a show.

He shot very well, although it seemed that the thunderbolt was amazing, but in fact the damage was not great.He picked out the rough skin and thick flesh of Gu Lin, it looked shockingly swollen, but it was actually some skin trauma.

The reason why this guy is acting so hard is because he is afraid of being ugly in front of everyone?

It's a pity that Xiong Da was the only one who could see the reality of Gu Lin among the people present.He put his hands on his chest and smiled at the corners of his mouth, and looked at Gu Lin with mockery in his eyes.

The others were not as calm as Xiong Da. Seeing that Gu Lin was 'struggling' hard on the ground but couldn't get up, they rushed forward to check what happened. They were afraid that the kid Lin Sha would hit Gu Lin's body regardless of the severity. fellow.

Anyway, this guy Gu Lin is also the second in the camp, oh no, he should be called the third expert now!

Several guys who had good friends with Gu Lin looked at Lin Sha with unkindness in their eyes.

Lin Sha didn't care about this, and let a group of warriors come forward to check Gu Lin's injuries. He didn't intend to join in the fun, and walked to Xiong Da's side with a relaxed expression on his face.

"That's not bad, boy. Although your own combat power is more than 100 higher than Gu Lin's, you can beat Gu Lin so that you can lay down on the ground and pretend to be dead. You really have a trick!" Xiong Da stretched out his thumb and praised.

"Hehe, Boss Xiong has won the prize. It's because Gu Lin is not familiar with my fighting style. I disrupted the rhythm all of a sudden. The next competition will not be so easy!" Lin Sha smiled and shook his head modestly.

Today is the second day he came to the prospecting team, before he got familiar with the new environment, Gu Lin did not know why he was so aggressive that he asked him to invite him to a competition.

Fighting is fighting, who is afraid of who?

He also just wanted to establish his prestige in the camp, and his status was obtained by punching. He didn't want to be underestimated because of his age.

As a result, Gu Lin was completely miserable, and was beaten by Lin Sha three times, five times and two times, so that he couldn't find Bei and lost face.


Sure enough, after this battle, Lin Sha keenly felt that his status had improved.

Unlike when we first met, although everyone was shocked by his amazing combat power of [-], the inadvertent suspicion and scrutiny in his eyes was very strong.

But when he showed his 'true' strength and beat Gu Lin, the 'second' expert in the camp, to the ground, everyone looked at him differently.Especially those low-strength guards who were responsible for running errands, nodded and bowed when they saw him, not to mention that there was undisguised awe in their eyes.

Lin Sha understood that they were in awe of their own strength, and they were even more afraid of their own age!

As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. After Gu Lin was beaten up by him and made a big fool of himself.Not only did he not show any resentment or anger, but he also expressed full kindness to him through Xiong Da.

Lin Sha is not the dwarf Vegeta's eyes are higher than the top. He didn't come here to play a solo game. In the future, he will have to cooperate with his companions to perform tasks.So he accepted Gu Lin's kindness very enthusiastically, and the relationship between the two of them became harmonious after going back and forth, and they could even make a few small jokes from time to time.

What made him feel most inexplicable was that the two arrogant guards Xiong Meng and Xiong Lie who greeted him at the beginning did not know what medicine they had taken wrongly. After a while, even if Lin Sha showed strong strength, they still didn't change their attitude, but their attitude became more and more arrogant.

He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't care about causing trouble when he first came here, he would be able to crush these two garbage with a combat power of more than 200 to death with just a little finger.

However, he also expressed his dissatisfaction to Xiong Da, and hoped that he would persuade these two ignorant guys, otherwise he would not be responsible for any troubles caused by the young master who really provoked him one day.

However, Xiong Da's attitude made him puzzled. Xiong Da just smiled helplessly, saying that he could help mediate one or two, but the two young masters would not let him be responsible.

From the flickering words of this guy, Lin Sha actually felt that he was very afraid of those two?

Amid such turmoil, Lin Sha gradually integrated into the small group of the prospecting team, and had a general understanding of the situation of the prospecting team...

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