super space warrior

Chapter 73 Showdown

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Somewhere in the lush primeval jungle in the southern hemisphere of Yunwu Star, wild beasts roared and roared earth-shatteringly, a majestic and overbearing aura of wildness swept across the wilderness, and the birds in the forest fled in panic and the small animals all crawled on the ground and shivered.

Small mushroom clouds rise up one after another, creating barren areas in the forest, and at the same time, they also vividly set off the arrogance of the tall, vigorous, light red beast shadow.

ooh ooh...

The tall ape-like monster that has turned into a light red giant ape is covered in blue flames, and it can't stop roaring with anger. Every step it takes shakes the ground, like an extremely efficient bulldozer rampaging through the dense forest. , Along the way, the trees and grass were broken, and the spacious roads were made abruptly.

Every once in a while, a dense and rich dark blue energy light group will condense from the ferocious fangs and big mouth, and then turn into a destructive energy blaster, closely following the front that is as fast as the wind and constantly changing its course. The vigorous beast shadow creates a small mushroom cloud with amazing power!

"Damn it, didn't this guy take the Great Vajra Pill?"

Lin Sha drove the cheetah in the mecha and was chased away, his hands turned into afterimages, constantly adjusting the mecha's route, and led the light red-haired giant ape in a berserk state far away from the prospecting team The direction of the temporary camp.

Annoyed but helpless, seeing the small mushroom clouds following behind him through the screen, I couldn't help but feel chills down my spine.Immediately put out the idea of ​​looking back to find trouble with the giant ape, don't accidentally put yourself in it, it won't be worth it.

Through the scan of the energy detector, it can be clearly seen that the energy impact value of the burst of small mushroom clouds behind him is more than [-].Not to mention that the combat power is only equivalent to about [-] mecha cheetahs, even if he himself is fully capable of not dying, he will be seriously injured, and it is not worth fighting a wild beast that is in a state of madness.

Through the detector, he knew that the mecha cheetah had run thousands of miles, so when he didn't leave now, when would he wait?

The next moment, the mecha cheetah, which had been in a state of jumping and jumping, suddenly paused, just as the light red giant ape had just fired an energy blaster.The energy for the next shot is gathering and brewing at this time, and the distance between the two sides is 300 meters.

A pair of metal hind legs bent and flicked suddenly, and the mecha cheetah took the opportunity to fly into the air with a splash of mud and teleported for thirty meters.Two thin metal wings popped up on both sides of the body, and the flexion and extension of the limbs instantly turned into four energy propulsion devices with two fronts, two rears.

After that, the four energy propellers spewed out blazing flames, and the metal flying leopard, which had been greatly changed, turned into a blue streamer in the air and quickly disappeared into the distant sky!


The conference hall of the prospecting team's temporary camp fell into an unspeakable silence. All the members of the prospecting team looked at the big screen with dull eyes and blank eyes. At this time, there was no mecha cheetah on the big screen.Only the light red giant ape covered in azure blue flames was left fighting endlessly with a huge black eagle with wings that were about ten meters long!

No one spoke for a long time to break the silence. The members of the prospecting team looked complicated and breathed heavily, and the atmosphere in the conference hall of the temporary camp became even more heavy!

Shock, in addition to shock or shock!

Lin Sha gave them a great shock with his outstanding performance, telling them that the battle can still be fought like this, as long as the tactics are used properly, it doesn't mean that if the combat power is not good, it will definitely not win!


After a long time, a long exhalation broke the heavy atmosphere in the conference hall.

With a 'snap', the picture on the big screen disappeared, and Xiong Da's weak and steady voice came: "Everyone is gone, Lin Sha will come back later, if you have any doubts, just ask in person!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the reactions of his teammates and left the conference hall with difficulty with the help of the nanny robot.

The prospecting team in the meeting hall looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at the back of Xiong Da bleakly leaving, not knowing what to say for a moment.From Boss Xiong's tone, they could hear the deep loss and unwillingness.

Thinking about it, at the same time, facing the giant ape, the fighting power of Boss Xiong and Lin Sha was more than a thousand different, but the final result made everyone's eyes shattered. Not to mention other things, it was just uncomfortable. very.

At this time, a weird idea came to their hearts simultaneously: Xiong Wu is really an out-and-out broom star!


Three hours later, Lin Sha, who had circled many circles in the dense primeval forest, finally returned safely in the mech cheetah under the anxious expectation of the prospecting team.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the group of boring teammates who were full of expectations and wanted to "learn from the scriptures". He waved his hand and hummed twice before sending them away.

I dragged my tired body back to the spaceship lounge to take a rest, ate something to replenish the empty five internal organs temple, and ordered the spaceship intelligence brain to replenish the energy lost after the fierce battle for the mecha cheetah, and at the same time comprehensively and carefully overhauled the mecha performance. , The place that should be repaired should be repaired immediately, and the parts that should be maintained should not be stingy with materials.

After recovering a little bit, he hastily cleaned up his personal hygiene, then he directly opened the door of the spaceship and walked out.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Looking at the man squatting at the door of the spaceship, Lin Sha frowned slightly and said in displeasure.He has always been honest about the guy he doesn't like, thinking that this guy is looking for trouble again, the anger in his heart can't help but blaze, and he still has the mind to engage in internal fighting at this time, I really don't know Life and death!

"Ahem, ahem, no, don't get me wrong!" Xiong Meng's face flushed red, he was at a loss for a while and lowered his head like a primary school student caught in a mistake, he plucked up his courage and begged: "I think, I want Learn how to manipulate mechs from you!"

"Oh, that's right!" Lin Sha's expression softened, he nodded slightly, turned around and left: "Then you just wait and see when I feel better and I will teach you two tricks!"

Seeing Lin Sha's leaving back, Xiong Meng was full of disappointment. After standing still for a while, he gritted his teeth and became resolute: just wait, I can't stand this little setback in order to become stronger , don't expect anything to be successful in the future.

Lin Sha didn't know the changes that had happened to him in one year. He had already come to the infirmary of the temporary camp and asked Xiong Da first about his recovery. After getting a good result, Lin Sha didn't hesitate to point out directly Looking at the intensive care unit not far away, he asked in a deep voice with piercing eyes:

"Boss Xiong, can you tell me honestly, what is Xiong Wu's real purpose this time?"

Xiong Da's face instantly turned pale...

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