super space warrior

Chapter 74 Uneasy

() continue to ask for collection recommendations

Energy storage metal?

Hehe, the universe is indeed full of wonders!

Lin Sha really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He originally thought that Xiong Wu had some serious conspiracy?

It turned out that it was just a sample collection of a newly discovered metal. If you say no, you will get it, and now everyone is unhappy.

In vain, I spent a lot of thought, but I didn't expect to force such an answer from Xiong Da's mouth in the end.

As for how he feels about this new metal, he has no feeling at all!

He walked out of the medical room of the temporary base slowly, looked back depressedly, and suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling of holding back his urine.

He has determined his future path, with military force as the main and space technology as the supplement.Although he has purposefully learned interstellar knowledge since he was a child, has certain attainments in space machinery and biological genetics, and has vaguely guessed the amazing value of energy storage metals, but this still does not cause him the slightest disturbance.

He couldn't understand the excitement on Xiong Da's face and the indescribable excitement on his brows when he talked about energy storage metals.What can improve the endurance of the spacecraft, can explore more cosmic space; what can independently absorb the free energy in the universe, keep the energy supply of the spacecraft in a safe state for a long time, and so on.

To be honest, he really doesn't understand these esoteric knowledge, but he just feels very powerful.

Knowing that he heard about the existence of such a special metal, what was his first reaction?

Damn, this is the best material for making human bombs.Think about it, if an ordinary person passes by with a metal plate that looks extremely ordinary, who the hell would think it is a huge bomb?

Of course, he just thought about it, and from Xiong Da's tone, he knew that this newly discovered special metal had greater effects and wider uses.

Lin Sha was not in the mood to listen to Xiong Da's wordy nonsense that he didn't understand, so he just asked coldly: "You two people in the know have become this kind of virtuous, one has been seriously injured and has temporarily lost combat effectiveness, and the other has been seriously injured and comatose until now. If you haven’t woken up yet, is this mission still going on?”

It's also funny to say, this guy Xiong Wu can be called the birth of a mold star.

Let's not talk about the muddled things before, just say that this time I went out to explore the geological structure of the planet.I don't know which immortal he offended, the other two investigation teams have nothing to do, but their team crashed into the lair of the white-haired giant ape!

Fortunately, for the sake of safety, Xiong Da specially followed in the team to prevent Xiong Wu from getting hotheaded.In the case of being seriously injured by a surprise attack by a white-haired giant ape, the members of Yili escorted the team to escape back to the temporary camp with difficulty.

Thanks to Lin Sha's early precautions, he sent a large number of small reconnaissance robot birds scattered within a ten-mile radius of the camp.In addition, the furious white-haired giant ape made too much noise, so the temporary camp got the news in advance and responded in time, otherwise the consequences of being rushed into the temporary camp by the furious white-haired giant ape would be disastrous.

But even so, Lin Sha had to go out in person, driving the mecha cheetah to take the risk of teasing the white-haired giant ape to lure it away, which was the reason for the fierce battle before.

When he returned to the camp, he learned that Xiong Da was seriously injured and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, and that fellow Xiong Wu was even more unlucky, he was seriously injured and comatose and still hasn't woken up.

To say that the current level of medical treatment in Interstellar is not like this, Lin Sha's mother Chengying was also seriously injured and dying, and after being placed in the bio-medical cabin for a month, didn't she recover alive and well, and her strength has improved to a higher level .

It's a pity that if people are unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff their teeth.

Due to limited conditions, the temporary camp only built a simple and primitive medical room. Except for a few dormant devices for emergency use, there are some most primitive medical equipment. The transport ship has already exploded. Don't expect any biological treatment cabins.

Therefore, Xiong Wu and Xiong Da's injuries can only be recovered by themselves. If they can be relieved, they are heroes. If they cannot be relieved, their lives will not be in danger.It's just that the corpse needs to stay in the dormant cabin for a while, and it won't be too late to treat it after returning to the ancient Jupiter base, but it will take a lot of time.

Lin Sha doesn't care about this, everything depends on the employer's specific opinion.

Of course, there are still ways to make Xiong Da and Xiong Wu recover quickly.Lin Sha's spaceship also contained a lot of special potions that had been prepared on Hualongxing, and their injuries would soon recover after a few doses.

But he didn't do that. First, he didn't want to reveal Hua Longxing's secret. Second, why?

It would be best if he could just leave here. It has only been a long time since he landed on Cloud Mist Star, but he encountered two monster attacks with amazing fighting power. Even a fool would understand that the situation is not very good.

Moreover, most of the instruments and equipment on the spacecraft failed, and even if they could still be used, the range of action was strictly limited.After the battle with the white-haired giant ape, and the series of changes in which the white ape suddenly transformed into a red ape, and his combat power almost doubled, he felt a heavy sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He felt that he was too big.

If the powerful creatures on the Cloud and Mist Star had the madness of the white-haired giant ape, he would not have many trump cards to rely on.Not to mention anything else, just the Mizusawa monster that I encountered when I landed, if its strength can be doubled in a frenzied state, reaching an astonishing 7000 two hundred, and it can last for a long time, hehe, I think I feel chills even thinking about it.

Lin Sha does have explosive submarine combat skills, and after this period of continuous research and pondering, he is more comfortable in using some explosive submarine skills, and his hidden strength once again shows signs of breakthrough.

However, that thing is for life-saving.

He can maintain a combat power of 10 at most for about [-] minutes. After the time is over, he is basically a useless person. It will take at least half a day to recover. How dare he entrust his life to someone who has just met for two months, and even made troubles? Experienced mining teammate?

As for the triple explosive dive at the highest state, hehe, he will never use this method unless his life is at stake. The side effects after using it are not something he can enjoy right now, and the risk is too great.

Not only that, but when he was fighting the white-haired giant ape, he had a vague feeling of being spied on.At that time, the battle was fierce and the situation was urgent. He thought it was an instinctive induction caused by the observation of the electronic telescope at the temporary base.

But after he came back, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.Space warriors of his strength are usually very sensitive. Since they knew that there were electronic telescopes in the temporary camp for observation, they already knew that they shouldn't have such a strong reaction.

Could it be that there are other forces in the cloud star?

Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat...

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