super space warrior

Chapter 84 The big surprise

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"Who?" Lin Sha's face changed wildly to panic.

"Boy, I'll deal with you later!" After finishing speaking, a strong aura suddenly burst out from the crack in the valley, and the powerful grenade blaster that Lin Sha blasted down slowly in mid-air. Slowed down.

"How is it possible?" Lin Sha exclaimed with eyes wide open.

Facts tell him that nothing is impossible, and at the moment when the powerful grenade energy blaster paused in the air, an incomparably domineering aura came out from the cracked ground again, directly forcing the grenade energy to explode. The shock gun disintegrated into a large light blue energy spot in mid-air, and then quickly dissipated in the air.

Lin Sha was shocked by this tyrannical momentum, his hair stood on end, his body trembled and he tried his best not to fall from the air.

The robot warrior Luo Yi was overjoyed, and didn't care to investigate why Lin Sha's attack suddenly dissipated into the air.With a turn of his figure, he put away two pieces of 'energy storage metal' emitting azure blue light, turned into a silver light and shadow and flew out of the valley quickly.

Due to their special nature, robot warriors are extremely sensitive to energy but cannot feel the existence of breath.Luo Yi's behavior is undoubtedly provoking that tyrannical existence in the dark, and the end will definitely not be much better!

Sure enough, a roar full of anger came from the crack in the valley, and then a dark blue energy beam shot up into the sky, instantly covering Luo Yi who wanted to run away.

"Ah..." Luo Yi let out a terrified roar, and the silver figure disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Sha was sweating profusely and his brain was spinning wildly, hesitating whether to add trouble, but he didn't expect that Shi Luoyi had already made a decision in this short moment.

The rippling silver light all over his body quickly turned into a puddle of metallic liquid, and then the silver metallic liquid instantly split into four and ran wildly towards the southeast, northwest, and directions.

Is that okay?

He just stared dumbfounded for a while, unable to speak, felt the sea-like powerful aura and energy fluctuations of the abyss hidden in the crack of the valley mouth, and flew away from the closed valley in an instant as soon as he moved.


Seeing that the prey in hand is about to flee, how can the powerful existence hidden in the cracks in the valley be willing to give up?

An earth-shattering roar was like a thunderclap, the air in the valley rippled for a while, and the dreamy white mist above quickly dissipated and swept away in all directions like a frightened rabbit.

Four thick dark blue energy columns suddenly appeared, covering all the scattered silver liquid metal.

At this moment, the ground of the valley shook violently, the rocks burst, the vegetation flew across, and the previous cracks in the valley expanded rapidly, and a rich blue light shone. A huge monster's head suddenly protruded from the huge crack.

Because the dust was too far away, Lin Sha couldn't see the specific shape of the monster clearly, but from the general outline, it can be seen that this monster's head, which is as huge as a hill, has a thick and long horn shining with azure blue light on top of its head!

Immediately, the one-horned blue python when he first came to Yunwuxing flashed across his mind. I don't know if he has any relationship with this guy?

boom boom boom...

Just when he was thinking wildly and was about to run away, four earth-shattering explosions made him dizzy for a while.A huge aftermath of energy blew him upside down, flying towards the distance like a sharp arrow.

When he finally stabilized his figure and suppressed the surging blood in his body, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise when he turned his head to check the situation in the valley.

I saw four small mushroom clouds rising from the huge crack in the valley mouth, and because the distance was too close, the four small mushroom clouds converged into a huge mushroom cloud in the valley mouth crack.Unfortunately, the center of this huge mushroom cloud is the monster's head as big as a hill.


An earth-shattering tragic howl resounded throughout the world, and the monster was indeed powerful. It was still alive and kicking at the core of such an intense energy explosion, but the huge head was opened and blood gushed out like money, and the whole head was blown away at once. Dyed bright red.

Damn, Luo Yi is so ruthless that he actually chose such a brutal tactic as killing each other at a desperate moment.It seems that one must be careful when encountering soldiers from the Mechanical Empire in the future.

Lin Sha couldn't help but gasped, his eyes flickered as he watched the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance.

But at this moment, his heart suddenly throbbed, and the hot blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling.What made him feel uneasy especially was that the two 'flame jade' placed close to his body actually radiated amazing heat, which was so hot that he couldn't stand it.

How is this going?

He panicked for a while, and felt as if something was calling him strongly. He wanted to turn around and leave, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, but his body moved involuntarily towards the valley.

I was really shocked, and my brain was racing to think about what was going on. Could it be that the monster in the huge crack in the valley had some special ability?

With all kinds of fear in his heart, he cautiously groped towards the valley mouth under the cover of the surrounding dense forest and weeds.

And soon the answer appeared. Looking at the finger-thick crystals shining with azure blue light on the edge of the valley, he was suddenly dazzled by the huge surprise.

Holding the tiny blue crystals with traces of blood in the palm of his hand, the two pieces of 'flame jade' hidden next to his body involuntarily jumped violently, as if welcoming the arrival of the same kind.

That's right, they are the same kind!

Lin Shaqiang pressed Jiyu's heart that jumped out of his chest. He never thought that he would pick up a magical crystal like 'flame jade' here.

Feeling the vast ocean-like energy in the small crystal, the heart couldn't help trembling violently.

Maybe today is his lucky day, and the surprises are far more than that...


The temporary camp of the Silver Rock Interstellar Exploration Team has long since been emptied, and there is only a small oval-shaped silver-gray spaceship left alone on the huge flat field, which is Lin Sha's personal spaceship.

Xiong Da spun around like an ant on a hot pot, walking around the spaceship non-stop, looking anxiously at the direction Lin Sha was leaving from time to time and sighing again and again.

Today is the last day of his agreement with Lin Sha, if Lin Sha can't make it back in time, he has to leave Yunwu Star alone as agreed.Although he was very worried about Lin Sha's safety, the defeated soldiers in the dozen or so spaceships in the planet's low-earth orbit needed his help even more.

Seeing that the sky was getting late, his heart became more anxious, his brows were tightly frowned, and he couldn't stop praying. Just when he lost his last patience, a light blue figure shot across the sky like a shooting star, and appeared in the temporary camp in the next instant.

Xiong Da was overjoyed and was about to ask something, but was surprised to find that Lin Sha was covered in blood, his face was pale, and his figure was crumbling as if he had been severely injured.Before he could open his mouth to inquire, he was grabbed by Lin Sha and entered the spaceship in a flash. Lin Sha's slightly flustered order came from his ear: "Hurry up, start the spaceship immediately, let's get out of here quickly..."

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