super space warrior

Chapter 85 Escape from the Cloud and Mist Star

()Thanks for the reward from the brothers 'Dazun Tiandi', continue to ask for collection recommendations...

It wasn't until the spacecraft safely broke through the atmosphere and came to outer space that Lin Sha breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down a little. His head felt dizzy and his body felt pain everywhere...

Xiong Da sat on the sidelines silently, his eyes full of doubt and horror.Although he was eager to know what happened to Lin Sha, he was so embarrassed?But I know now is not the time to ask.

Soon, the other spacecraft of the prospecting team, who had been wandering in the low-earth orbit of the cloud star for half a month, got the news and came to meet up.After Xiong Da personally sent a message to the ancient Jupiter base that the prospecting team was about to return, a group of ten or so small spaceships flew in the direction they had come.

"Lin Sha, what happened in that half month?"

It took three days in a row for Lin Sha to recover completely. The injuries on his body had also been treated and with the powerful effect of special medicine, his body was recovering at an astonishing speed.

Xiong Da couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer, so he grabbed Lin Sha and questioned him.

"Hehe..." Lin Sha lay back on the command chair and smiled lightly. He understood what Xiong Da was really worried about.Without further ado, he took out a fist-sized stone that shone with mysterious blue light, shook it, and smiled seductively, "Boss Xiong, what do you think this is?"

"Energy storage metal ore?" Xiong Da tentatively asked with his pupils slightly shrunk.

"Haha, that's right, this is the ultimate goal of our trip - 'energy storage metal'!"

"Really? Lin Sha, you are really good at it, let me dig it carefully..." Xiong Da's face was full of unconcealable ecstasy, and he snatched the sparkling blue energy storage metal ore from Lin Sha's hand , very professionally put on a mining inspection microscope, while carefully observing and admiring.

Lin Sha smiled slightly, an imperceptible cunning flashed in his eyes.He didn't care about the "energy storage metal" at all. At this time, his mind was full of the accidental finger-thick azure crystal and neutron power core.

He believes that his own strength is the foundation of all items, and other external things are just auxiliary, which cannot be ignored but does not need to be paid too much attention to.

"Lin Sha, do you still have..."

After a long time, Xiong Da finally withdrew his obsessed eyes from the 'energy storage metal ore', and raised the ore in his hand with some embarrassment, his eyes were full of eagerness.

"No more, I risked my life to snatch this piece!" Lin Sha couldn't help but smile wryly and spread his hands out of helplessness.

"Lin Sha, if you don't tell me, I really forgot. What happened to your injury?" Xiong Da's face was thick enough, and the embarrassment on his face flashed and he immediately changed the subject: "And what happened to you at that time?" The combat power is more than 5000, and the racial bloodline ability has exploded again, will there be any sequelae?"

Xiong Da's unabashed concern for Lin Sha is still very helpful, he said with a light smile that it doesn't matter, he just needs to cultivate for a while.As for the cause of his injuries, he didn't hide much, and briefly described everything he encountered after walking alone. Xiong Da's face became more serious when he heard it, and his brows were tightly frowned as if he was worried.

"So, there are many powerful monsters blocking the way, and there may be a terrifying monster with a combat power of more than [-] in that mysterious closed valley?"

"It's not 'could exist', it does exist!"

Speaking of this, Lin Sha couldn't help but think of the terrifying monster that suddenly appeared from the ground in the closed valley, and he felt scared after thinking about it.

At that time, he accidentally got the finger-sized azure crystal, and was about to grab a piece of "energy storage metal ore" at will to deal with the transaction.But if luck came, he couldn't stop it. When he bent down to pick up a stone, he was surprised to find a neutron-powered core the size of a palm lying quietly beside him.

It's really a big pie in the sky, and there are still two in one.Although I don't understand that the robot warrior Luo Yi has already blew himself up, how could there be a neutron-powered core here.But he didn't take advantage of the advantages that fell from the sky, so he unceremoniously took the neutron core manufactured by the top technology of the Machine Empire into his pocket.

But it was such a little time delay that made him lose the chance to escape safely.The monster recovered from the blow of Luo Yi's self-destruction, and vented all its anger on Lin Sha.

A terrifying coercion came to him in an instant, almost crushing Lin Sha, who was not mentally prepared.

Strong, really too strong!

A deep fear welled up in his heart. This tyrannical aura was much stronger than when he fully exploded with three times his potential, and his combat power was as strong as [-] or even stronger!

Facing such a powerful monster, he couldn't even bear the slightest hostility.In this Yile, he is very envious of Luo Yi's 'slowness', he can't feel the horror of the monster's aura, and the shadow and negative impact on his psychology are too much.

Fortunately, Lin Sha is not an ordinary mid-level fighter, even after bursting out with all his strength, he is only a pseudo-elite powerhouse.

But an elite is an elite, even though there is a word 'false' in front of it, but he has personally experienced the terrifying coercion caused by that powerful spiritual power.

Although the strongest coercion he can unleash is not worth mentioning in front of the overwhelming aura of the monster that closed the valley, but Lin Sha insists on relying on this experience to survive.

Although he endured very hard, trembling and sweating profusely, his body was as heavy as a mountain, and every step he took required great effort and pain.

Fortunately, the monster with the huge hill on its head seemed to have some scruples. At the beginning, it just used a strong and aggressive momentum to crazily oppress without any real attack, otherwise the situation would definitely be worse.

If you don't know how to grasp such an opportunity, you are just a fool. Lin Sha exploded completely at this moment, the energy in his body ran crazily according to the trajectory of high-end explosive submarine combat skills, and the blue flames on his body burned blazingly, instantly getting rid of the terrifying aura of the monster. The combat power also suddenly increased to more than [-].

In order to be able to escape his life, he didn't dare to act recklessly, but more than doubled his potential, which could only last for 3 minutes at most.

He immediately galloped towards the outer edge of the closed valley at the fastest speed, continuously condensing powerful energy shock waves with his hands, while struggling to resist the angry energy attack of the terrifying monster, from time to time, he took the time to sneak attack twice to divert the monster's attention , Unfortunately, the effect is really unsatisfactory.

Later, he saw that it was only a matter of time before such consumption and defeat, and the large amount of energy output in a short period of time made him feel a little overwhelmed. Ordinary energy attacks had no effect on that monster.

So he gritted his teeth hard, and with his hands glowing with blue light, he imitated Dragon Ball Fighter Piccolo's big move, Magic Light Kill Cannon, and the fierce move Super Dragon Drill, which is still in the experimental stage...

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