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The Gu family is an absolute wealthy family in Jumu City, and the little Gu Lin is just a collateral descendant of the Gu family, and his combat power has reached more than 500 at the age of less than 40.As long as one is willing to work hard and add a little luck, breaking through the boundaries of intermediate space warriors before the age of [-] will not be a problem.Not every interstellar warrior is as gifted as Lin Sha, and he has worked tirelessly since he was a child.

On the way back to the city, the little Gu Lin proudly introduced the background and huge power of the Jumu Gu family to Lin Sha, his face flushed with high spirits.

Lying comfortably on the floating car cushion, Lin Sha watched this guy's clumsy performance with amused expression.If it were placed in the world before time travel, he might be envious, jealous and hateful, but unfortunately this is a world where personal combat power can compete with powerful space technology.Everything is false, only one's own strength is fundamental!

The suspension car soon entered Jumu City. At Lin Sha's request, Gu Lin deliberately drove around several famous scenic spots in the city. I have to say that this guy's level of tour guide is still very good. It opened Lin Sha's horizons.

Ancient Jupiter is a backward planet that has only set foot on the interstellar planet in the last hundred years, and its location is relatively remote. As one of the most developed cities on the planet, Jupiter City is actually like that. not on.

In just half the morning, Lin Sha visited some of the sights worth seeing in the giant wood, and then rushed to the most famous building in the city - the Giant Wood Space Warrior Academy under Gu Lin's eager invitation and anticipation!

As a special product connected with the interstellar world, the history of Juju Space Warrior Academy is only about eighty years.As an interstellar backward force, Gu Jupiter has always put all his thoughts on space technology.It wasn't until they had suffered in the interstellar world and experienced those terrifyingly powerful interstellar warriors that they dug out the dusty local combat skills from the pile of old papers, and started the slow rise of training interstellar warriors.

Although the Jumu Academy of Space Warriors is unknown in the interstellar world, it has not cultivated any strong men who are astonishingly talented and stunning in the interstellar world, and even few advanced interstellar warriors have been trained.However, from Gu Lin, it can be seen that the academy still has some skills, at least it has a perfect mechanism for cultivating low-level interstellar fighters.

While Gu Lin talked about his alma mater all the way, Lin Sha walked into this special school which occupies a vast area and specializes in cultivating space fighters.It's like Grandma Liu was curious about everything when she entered the Grand View Garden, her eyes flickered with inexplicable brilliance from time to time when she asked left and right.

Fortunately, Gu Lin knew his identity, so he didn't feel impatient but introduced him even more vigorously...

Due to the huge differences between the national system and the talent of the races, the Berserker Empire and the ancient Jupiter, such as the regime of science and military development, are very different, and they almost follow two different routes in the training of interstellar warriors.

All the Berserkers are soldiers, plus they are talented and strong, they are the lowest-level interstellar fighters from birth, and they don't need systematic training afterwards, and their strength will quickly improve as they grow older.Especially after being equal to the strength or having experienced the test between life and death, the strength will improve more rapidly.

To put it bluntly, it is an extensive training model.Whether you can become a talent depends entirely on yourself, and the empire only provides complete logistical support.Fortunately, the physical talent of the Berserker clan is extremely strong. Even the scumbag clansmen can be regarded as good hands outside, and this is how to maintain the reputation of the Berserker Empire.

As for other forces in the interstellar world, unless they have the same outstanding physical talent as the berserkers, or have some amazing special abilities, they can only honestly improve their strength step by step, just like the star warriors in the giant wood city. College is average.

Although it is difficult to train high-level fighters due to physical talent and background, there are a set of standardized methods and procedures for training low-level fighters.

Lin Sha has no interest in other aspects of the academy, but is very interested in the means and steps of the Jumu Space Warrior Academy to train space fighters.He knows how important this thing is to the Berserkers. Even for him now, it is an extremely valuable experience, which can further consolidate the foundation and improve strength.

Don't look at his current combat power approaching [-], as long as the time is ripe to break through to high-level space fighters, it will be no problem.But to be honest, his foundation is not solid, and with the help of his brain without guidance, he was able to reach the current level. It has to be said that the protagonist's aura is really bright.

But now he also obviously feels that his strength is growing slower and slower, especially when the bottleneck is so stubborn that it gives him a headache when breaking through.Although it is definitely not a small reward to fight fiercely with opponents of the same level, it is not a problem to always rely on fighting to improve your strength.

On the way back from Yunwuxing, I also thought about this issue, and finally realized the trouble caused by the unstable foundation.After all, he was groping for the foundation of training himself, which was far from the training methods and steps summed up by the Juju Space Warrior Academy through a long period of practical experience.

Gu Lin didn't doubt anything, and thought that with Lin Sha's current strength, there was no need to shy away from it, but some big-mouthed little guys, under Lin Sha's deliberate guidance, talked about the training and experience he had received when he was in school. It was all recorded by the multi-function detector worn by Lin Sha's ear.

These things are the essence of the major warrior academies. It is not easy to get a complete training method and steps in such detail.

The upper echelons of the Berserker clan don't pay much attention to these basic trainings, so there is no such content in the empire's public network, but Lin Sha attaches great importance to it.

Even if it’s nothing else, with this set of perfect training methods for recruiting and training juniors in the future, with the good physical talent of the Berserkers, as long as the operation is done properly, it will definitely be able to mass-produce intermediate interstellar fighters, and even increase the proportion of high-level interstellar fighters. An unattainable luxury.

In the entire known interstellar world at present, the real super masters are basically those ordinary planet warriors who work hard step by step. For hundreds of years, no berserker clan has squeezed into it, which shows that the cultivation system that the warrior clan has always adhered to is absolutely absolute. Something went wrong.

"Hey, isn't this the young master Gu Lin?" Just as Gu Lin was talking about it, and Lin Sha was listening carefully, a yin and yang young man's voice suddenly broke in, and his tone seemed very strange. Bad: "Gu Lin, you are so brave. You dare to share the secrets of my Jumu Academy with outsiders. Aren't you afraid of family punishment?"

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