super space warrior

Chapter 89 Strong

() Classified novel recommendation next week, brothers, please support me, continue to recommend autumn collection

"Gu Sen, don't mess around, you can't bear to disturb the distinguished guests!"

"Hey, distinguished guest? Well, the combat power is two thousand!"

The spoiler named Gu Sen swept his eyes, his pupils shrank slightly and his face changed, he walked up to Lin Sha and stretched out his hand and said politely: "Hi, my name is Gu Sen, a teacher of Jumu College!"

Sure enough, only tyrannical strength deserves respect!

Lin Sha lifted his eyes slightly, and only then did he see the face of the spoiler, and he couldn't help saying hello to himself.

I saw this guy named Gu Sen with a face like a crown and jade eyes like a bright star, a pair of sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, his majesty was higher than that of Gu Lin, and the 930 [-] displayed on the detector also proved this point.

One is Gu Sen and the other is Gu Lin. The competition is so fierce, no wonder they dislike each other.

Joking in his heart, he stretched out his hand to shake the opponent lightly, and introduced himself: "Lin Sha, a low-level warrior of the warrior clan!"

"What, you are a member of the Berserker clan?" The young man named Gu Sen's complexion changed drastically, and he unconsciously tightened his grip.

"Well, Gu Sen, what do you mean?" Lin Sha frowned slightly, shook off the other party's entanglement with a light flick of his wrist, and hummed softly with unfriendly eyes.

"Hmph, you berserkers don't have anything good!" Gu Sen's face was twitching with veins, and he looked at Lin Sha viciously, his eyes full of unconcealed disgust and cold murderous intent!

"You're looking for death!" Lin Sha was furious, and his right hand swiped towards Gu Sen's left cheek like lightning.


Gu Lin's reaction was not slow at all, he lightly raised his left hand and hit Lin Sha's slap hard together.A strong wind suddenly surged up where the hands were clashing, and the dust on the ground was blown up, causing pain on the face.

"Stop, stop..."

Gu Lin turned pale in shock, and hurriedly rubbed his body between the two of them and waved his hands to stop.Lin Sha gave up because of his face, and Na Gusen was also tightly hugged by several young students behind him, unable to get away.

"What do you mean, Gu Sen?" Gu Lin turned around and asked angrily.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Gu Sen's face was grim, and with a slight shake of his figure, he shook off several young students who were hanging on his body, looked straight at Lin Sha and said with undisguised disgust, "You know in your heart, I am I can't see a guy from the warrior family!"

"What's going on?" Lin Sha frowned, his good mood was swept away, he ignored the mad dog opposite, and only looked at Gu Lin, feeling a little dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Hehe, brother Lin Sha, listen to my explanation..." Seeing that Lin Sha's face was ugly and showing a tendency to go mad, Gu Lin panicked and hurriedly explained the reason.

"Damn it, you have to get up wherever you fall, you will only make people look down on you by transferring your anger indiscriminately!"

Lin Sha really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't expect that there would be a day when he was shot while lying down, pointing his finger at Gu Sen who was almost furious and berserk.

Damn, I didn't expect that good-looking guy on the opposite side to be harmed by the berserker tribe before. Don't think about it, it's just that the fledgling kid was humiliated by the veteran mercenary.Who knew that this guy held grudges in his heart and couldn't hear any news from the Berserker clan, let alone see the Berserker clan with his own eyes.

"Bastard, there are no good people in your berserker family, I want to challenge you!" Gu Sen blushed and turned pale, feeling the contempt in the eyes of the students around him, and shouted in panic and despair. ,

It’s good that he didn’t make a fuss, the few young students who had stopped him unconsciously let go, with a hint of puzzlement and contempt in their eyes: no one looks down on those who can’t afford to lose, even though Gu Sen’s fighting power is really good !

"Gu Lin, do you see?" The movement here attracted more and more college students and teachers to watch, and Lin Sha felt angry and looked at Gu Lin for him to make up his mind.

"Gusen, are you crazy?" Seeing that Gusen looked like an irritated bull with red eyes and a ferocious face, Gu Lin couldn't help but yelled angrily with a headache.

Don't others know that he doesn't know?

Lin Sha's strength is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. According to what Xiong Da vaguely revealed, he estimates that Lin Sha's hidden strength is at least higher than that of interstellar intermediate fighters. It is not easy to deal with Gu Sen. ?

He invited Lin Sha this time because he wanted to bring the two of them closer together instead of looking for hatred. What if Gu Sen couldn't stand the blow and collapsed?

"You don't need to meddle in your own business!" Gu Sen was furious, pointing at Gu Lin's nose and yelling.Then his eyes turned to Lin Sha, and his tone was full of provocation: "Why, boy, are you scared? Don't worry, it's just a discussion, I will be careful not to hit hard hahaha..."

Lin Sha was speechless. When he met such a crazy person, what else could he say about something between silly a and silly c?

Even though Gu Lin was sweating profusely and tried his best to punch his eyes, he accepted Gu Sen's challenge amidst the booing of the onlookers and teachers. He couldn't weaken the reputation of the Berserkers, could he?

Gu Lin sighed in his heart. At this point, he could only watch Lin Sha and Gu Sen being surrounded by a crowd of booing college students and instructors and walked towards the nearby training ground. He shook his head and followed behind helplessly. He just hoped that Lin Sha could For his sake, don't attack too hard!

The prestige of the Berserker family is indeed not small, and the news quickly spread throughout the Jumu Academy, causing a sensation. When Lin Sha rushed to the nearby small training ground, the surroundings were already full of students and instructors who came to watch the battle. Even the Academy The higher-ups were also alarmed to come forward and directly take over the job of refereeing the competition.

Lin Sha turned a blind eye to this, and just paid a little attention to the several senior interstellar fighters who appeared in the audience. The surging sea with faint hostility made him feel very uncomfortable.

He waved his hand to indicate that Gu Lin didn't need to introduce, he didn't have any interest in these guys.So what about high-ranking interstellar fighters, do they still dare to play tricks under the watchful eyes of everyone, really thinking that the big name of the berserker clan is for nothing?

Gu Sen regretted it a little at this time, but it was a pity that it was too difficult to be ashamed under the eyes of everyone, so he had to brace himself and go forward.But when he saw the pity in the eyes of that guy from Gu Lin not far away, and the berserk boy named Lin Sha who was opposite him couldn't help urging the referee to announce that the fight would start as soon as possible, his heart felt heavy like a heavy boulder.


Farce, a farce that makes people laugh and cry!

This is the common thought of all the students and instructors of Jumu College who are about to watch a wonderful fight. They thought it was a wonderful and fierce fight between dragons and tigers. I was disappointed while dropping my eyes.

One move, just one move!

The berserker boy was like lightning and swept away thousands of troops with a whistling whip and legs, then beat the college instructor Gu Sen who was as unresisting as a wooden stake until he vomited blood and fell to the ground, and then, the fight was over...

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