Earth Emperor

Chapter 13 Lucky Red Mastiff

After listening to this, Lin Qing immediately became angry. He seemed simple and honest, and he was never a timid person. Back then in the military camp, he often got into fights because of being blackmailed. I understand that although there will be dirty things in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, but in the big picture it is still necessary to follow the rules, so he has some experience in dealing with them, and of course he will not be so sneaky. The supervisor of the mine inspected the work, and he replied coldly: "This supervisor, the golden-scale diamond mountain beast can get jade tribute points if you hand it over to the sect. I only want jade tribute points, not spirit stones."

Seeing that Lin Qing pulled his face down, the inspector of the mine stopped grinning and said, "Little brother, you are new here, and Director Lu takes good care of you. If you want to work in the mine, you must understand the mine." I am not afraid to tell you the rules, our Ten Thousand Beast Sect’s mines are well ventilated, if you can’t do well here, you can’t do it anywhere else.”

Hearing this, Lin Qing was rather annoyed: "Hehe, that's good, I'm just stubborn, you can do whatever you want."

The mine inspector wanted to say something more, but Lin Qing had already opened the door of the stone room, so the mine inspector had no choice but to bow his head and go out.

When shifting over, Lin Qing taught Zhang Mo what the supervisor of the mine inspector said. The nervous man patted Lin Qing on the shoulder and applauded, "Are these supervisors really his grandsons? They always think that our blue-clothed disciples are easy to bully!" , He said that it is pure nonsense to keep it in the mine, it must be given to some young master of his family in exchange for jade tribute points, you don’t have to be afraid of them, the Wanshou Sect is not run by their family, so don’t dare to mess around.”

Regarding what Zhang Mo said, Lin Qing thought it was very reasonable.

Lin Qing's principle of handling things is: when encountering a vicious dog barking, just ignore it; if the vicious dog bites, it will be overturned with a stone; fearing this and that, looking forward and backward, people will not be exhausted?What else can be done?

Another few days passed, and Lin Qing, who was working and practicing normally every day, did not wait for any trouble or revenge, and the mine inspector named Zheng Dun never showed up again, Lin Qing had completely put this matter aside To the back of the head, concentrate on finding the location of the underground spiritual vein.

Today is the fifth time for Lin Qing to dive into the underground rock formation from the stone chamber. He has advanced a long way according to the direction of opening up the mine tunnel. He feels that there are more and more various associated metal ores around him, but he still does not feel any spiritual veins. breath.

Lin Qing, who was hesitating whether to move on or leave a mark to try his luck in another direction, suddenly felt a wave of mental fluctuations from the spirit beast ring on his wrist. Lin Qing was suddenly ecstatic. It should be the dormant red mastiff woke up.

I don't know the reason, but now Lin Qing really likes this big stupid dog. Ever since the Red Mastiff took the Nourishing Pill and went dormant, Lin Qing has to use his spiritual sense to check it several times a day. For such a long time, the Red Mastiff He didn't wake up all the time, and he was also very afraid that something might happen.

Sensing it carefully, the red mastiff seemed to want to come out of the spirit beast ring, Lin Qing hesitated for a moment, this red mastiff did not know what kind of monster it was, it was released in the underground rock formation, and it might be difficult to move. Question, at this time a stronger request came from the spirit beast ring, Lin Qing let the red mastiff out helplessly.

In an instant, Lin Qing was stunned!

Exactly as expected, the red mastiff was trapped in the rock formation after coming out of the spirit beast ring, but was this really his own red mastiff?

I saw that this mastiff was much taller than before, its calf-sized body was extremely majestic, its thick limbs were like cast copper, and its whole body was covered with extremely shiny dark red hair, especially the one with a thick neck. The head surrounded by long hyenas looks even more majestic and noble!

Now the red mastiff looks like a flame lion. I think this is the change brought about by the improvement of the strength of the red mastiff after taking the nourishing pill.

Excited, Lin Qing stepped forward and hugged the red mastiff's head, stroked its thin but hard mane and said, "Little guy, you've become so beautiful. Let me give you a name. How about calling it Hongpang from now on?"

After being hugged by Lin Qing, the effect of the Earth Movement Jue also applied to Hong Pang. The movable Hong Pang immediately rubbed Lin Qing's head affectionately, as if he really liked the name Lin Qing randomly picked up.

After a while, Lin Qing felt that Red Plump wanted to ride on its back. The playful Lin Qing sat on Red Plump's solid back. When Lin Qing looked around and thought it was very funny, she felt that Lin Qing was so funny. Hong Pang, who had already sat firmly, turned his head and ran wildly. At first, Lin Qing thought that Hong Pang wanted to carry her to have fun, but immediately felt that Hong Pang obviously wanted to drag her somewhere, Lin Qing felt a little uncomfortable That's right, the red fat running with him on his back is much faster than he can sneak when he casts the ground tactics. If he runs too far and loses his way, it's not a joke. Lin Qing wants the red fat to stop, but this The guy didn't listen to the instructions at all, and just ran with his head buried in his head. The helpless Lin Qing had to try his best to remember the surrounding landforms.

I don't know how long I ran, but the surrounding rock formations have all turned into greyish-brown hard metal veins. Because the resistance has obviously increased, the red fat carrying Lin Qing is struggling, and the speed gradually slows down. Suddenly, Lin Qing sees a faint A large piece of white light appeared, and the fat man who was carrying him was obviously excited, and ran towards the place where the white light was shining.

Although she hadn't run to the front yet, Lin Qing, who could clearly feel the strong spiritual power at this moment, was immediately excited. The place emitting white light in front must be the spiritual stone vein.

Unexpectedly, this red mastiff of his own has the ability to search for spirit stone veins. This is really a treasure. No matter how bad the fighting ability of Hongpang is, this ability alone is enough to satisfy Lin Qing. How is this possible? The red mastiff should be called the Lucky Mastiff, not to mention that the red mastiff can also be used as a mount!

Running to the front and back, Lin Qing found that although the veins of spirit stones were not large, they were of excellent quality. There were actually two places emitting the light blue light that is unique to top-grade spirit stones.

The spirit stone veins are generally mixed with various grades of spirit stone raw ore, and most of them are low-grade spirit stone raw ore. There are actually two high-grade spirit stone raw ores in such a small piece of spirit stone ore, which really makes Lin Qing a little bit surprise.

Different grades of spirit stones are easy to distinguish, just look at the color: the top-grade spirit stone is sea blue, the top-grade spirit stone is light blue, the middle-grade spirit stone is colorless and transparent, and the low-grade spirit stone is gray-white.

Excited, Lin Qing put Hongpang into the spirit beast bracelet. Monsters and humans have different physiques, and the cultivation methods are also different. Putting Hongpang into the spirit beast bracelet is much faster than staying outside.

After sneaking to the center of the Lingshi vein, Lin Qing calculated the time and felt that he could still practice for about two hours, so he started to run the Thick Soil Art.

Immediately, the surrounding spiritual power poured into Lin Qing's meridians like a tide, and then flowed into the dantian Qi sea in his abdomen. Lin Qing, who had never experienced such an abundance of spiritual power before, let out a comfortable groan. It was a stream of hot springs gently scouring his vein walls and dantian. After a few cycles, Lin Qing was surprised to find that the speed of cultivation here was more than three times faster than he used to practice with middle-grade spirit stones. !

Lin Qing, who didn't know why, didn't bother to look for the reason, so he settled down and practiced the Thick Soil Jue while using the Earth Walking Jue to maintain his body posture.

At this time, if someone stood by, they would be surprised to see that there was a thin layer of mist around Lin Qing in the faint white light. This was formed when a large amount of aura was absorbed by Lin Qing around her body, because it was too dense. Reiki atomization!

At this moment, if any elder of any sect sees this scene, they will definitely be so angry that all their organs will be burned, and they will point at Lin Qing and yell at Lin Qingtian. Vent the hatred in my heart!

In the current Zhongtian Continent, top-grade spirit stones have not appeared for a long time. Although the major cultivation sects can still mine top-grade spirit stones from underground veins, the output is very small.

Top-grade spirit stones are mellow and pure, and are only eligible to be used when elite disciples and elders break through the bottleneck of cultivation. It is absolutely impossible for a disciple in the late stage of Qi training to waste casually, and the original ore of spirit stones can only be used after fine processing Only in this way can the spiritual power contained in the spirit stone be utilized to the greatest extent. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is ruining the high-grade spirit stone.

In less than a month, Lin Qing rode a red fat sneak to this mine to cultivate every day. He felt his cultivation base grow rapidly, and the spiritual power stored in his dantian became more and more full. I can also feel the spiritual power swelling like a tide in my body all the time, and I guess I'm almost at the completion of Qi training.

Before returning to the ground to rest, Lin Qing was afraid that it would be difficult to find this spirit stone vein if he was not assigned to work on this work surface next time, so he took out the slaughter blade and wiped the two high-grade spirit stones in this spirit stone vein. Mines and other raw ores of better-quality spirit stones were dug out, leaving only a small half of the empty spirit ring.

Feeling the piles of raw spirit stones of different colors in the spiritual breath ring, Lin Qing was delighted, and suddenly felt that he had become a rich man, and he wished to immediately find a place with the most people and shout loudly.

When digging the spirit stone, Lin Qing also found a purple-red mushroom-like thing growing in the middle of the spirit stone vein. Although he didn't know what the use of this little mushroom-like thing was, Lin Qing still used the small jade bottle containing the elixir Pack this little thing carefully.

When returning to the ground, it was the moment when the morning sun was about to rise and the rooster was still crowing, and there was still darkness all around. Zhang Mo explained to Lin Qing that he chose this time to return to the ground to protect the eyes of the monks working in the mine. Because the eyes of the monks who have been in the mine for a month have already adapted to the dark environment, and going out of the well before dawn when the sky is dark is just right for the eyes to gradually adapt to the stronger sunlight.

After the two broke up at the entrance of the mine, Lin Qing went straight back to his temporary residence on the ground. When he was about to reach the door, a man in management uniform rushed out from the sideways and blocked his way. Look, it's Zheng Dun, the supervisor of the mine inspectorate!

Zheng Dun, the inspector of the mine, probably has been here for a long time, looked at Lin Qing impatiently and said proudly: "Little brother, sir, please come with me?" (to be continued)

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