Earth Emperor

Chapter 14

At this time, the surrounding area has become slightly brighter, which may be due to the thick clouds. Although the crowing of cocks has been repeated one after another, the sun's jumping light is still not visible in the eastern sky.

Lin Qing followed Zheng Dun for a long distance, and then came to an empty yard where slag was piled up. Zheng Dun suddenly stopped in the middle of the empty yard, turned around and looked at him with a sneer on his face. Looking at Lin Qing, on a black slag pile not far behind him, a young monk with his hands behind his back appeared, looking down at Lin Qing with the attitude of a superior.

Lin Qing, who had already felt that there was another conspiracy, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Guard Zheng, didn't you say that Director Lu is looking for me? Where is he?"

"Haha, the lord I mentioned just now is not Director Lu, but my son, Lord Zheng Ming." Zheng Dun raised his hand with a respectful expression to compare to the man standing on the pile of slag, and continued: "Zheng Master Ming is about to be promoted to the sect's white-clothed disciple, and the future is even more limitless. I told you last time that you only need to present the jade slips proving the capture of the golden-scale diamond mountain beast to Master Zheng Ming to replenish your spirit stones. It will definitely satisfy you, what do you think?"

At this time, the sky was brighter, and Lin Qing could already see clearly that standing on the slag was a tall young man with a somewhat wretched appearance, about 21 or [-] years old, and he was wearing the green robe issued by the sect.

Lin Qinggang wanted to answer Zheng Dun, but the young man said arrogantly: "My Zheng family is a famous family in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. You can capture the golden-scale mountain-piercing beast by yourself, which is considered to be somewhat capable. If it weren't for this young master who just needs jade Gong Dian, you don't have such a good opportunity, after I am promoted to white-clothed disciple, I can consider giving you a follower position."

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Dun immediately showed an expression of disbelief that a great good thing was coming, and he didn't hurry to kneel down to thank En.

Seeing the superb acting skills of this living treasure, Lin Qing was angry and funny, and pretended to be simple and honest, and said: "When will the disciple in green clothes be called an adult, I don't know what the Zheng family does, you need jade tribute Get it on your own, I can’t give you my things, if you two have nothing else to do, I’m going to go back to wash and sleep.”

"Bold madman, how dare you insult my Zheng family!" The green-clothed disciple Zheng Ming standing on the slag turned red with anger at Lin Qing's words, and pointed at Lin Qing as if to continue to reprimand him. He was a self-cultivator, and he clenched his fists in response to Zheng Ming's scolding, his joints creaked, as if he was ready to capture Lin Qing at any time.

Seeing the pair of "two-heads" in front of him as if they were going to fight hard, Lin Qing, who was born in the army and used to fighting, would not be afraid. He pulled his arms into his arms, and took advantage of the situation to hit Zheng Dun's face with a head hammer. Immediately, a variety of colors burst out of Zheng Dun's face.

Lin Qing, who let go of his hands, ignored Zheng Dun, who covered his face and wailed, and pointed with one hand. With a sound of "swish", the black iron Xuanhua hatchet flew out of the storage bag at his waist, and slashed straight at Zheng Ming. go!

That Zheng Ming is worthy of being a green-clothed disciple, he was caught off guard and sacrificed his magic weapon, the golden-ringed ebony staff, to stop the Xuantie Xuanhua short-axe and began to fight.

Lin Qing, who had taken the lead, did not stand still like ordinary cultivators fighting in martial arts, and only commanded magic weapons or used spells to attack. Instead, while Cao was controlling the Xuantie Xuanhua shortaxe to attack fiercely, he rushed towards Zheng He rushed to the place where Ming was standing, as if he was going to fight Zheng Ming hand to hand.

Don't look at Lin Qing's honest and honest appearance, but when he really fights, he is also a famous stunned young man in the military camp. This kind of desperate attitude often makes people mistakenly think that Lin Qing is reckless. In fact, under the teaching of his master Li Huan Now, when Lin Qing fights, he pays great attention to strategy, knows how to look at the situation, grasp the vital points, and often directly solves the problem in the simplest way.

For example, now, Lin Qing sees very clearly that he is one against two, and if he cannot resolve the battle in a short time, then Zheng Dun will step forward to fight close to him after he recovers, and Zheng Ming will attack from a distance in the outer circle with his foundation-building stage cultivation base. There is no possibility of winning anymore, so the only way to hope for victory is to seize the opportunity that the two of them took carelessly just now, and pursue hard.

Seeing that Lin Qing was about to run up to him, Zheng Ming, who was in a hurry, released his spiritual pet, the black golden leopard with stripes. After coming out, he roared angrily, and rushed towards Lin Qing.

Lin Qing, who had been prepared for a long time, had a thought, and the green light of the spirit beast bracelet on his wrist flashed, and the red fat man with open teeth and claws appeared between Lin Qing and the striped black gold leopard.

Hong Pang, who was released to fight with his master for the first time, was extremely excited. His thick limbs like a small tree suddenly jumped up on the spot, and even knocked the spotted black gold leopard to the ground, and then jumped directly to a place bigger than himself. No. [-]'s striped black gold leopard began to bite.

This striped black golden leopard is also a monster known for its attack power among the top-grade monsters. It has always been Zheng Ming's favorite thing. It usually helps him save face. Today, it was suddenly thrown down by a monster like a lion cub. Yes, Zheng Ming was suddenly shocked and lost his mind.

Seizing the opportunity, Lin Qing first used the black iron Xuanhua short ax to smash the golden ring ebony staff to the ground, then jumped onto the slag pile and kicked Zheng Ming to the ground.

Lin Qing's repeated attacks were extremely fast. Zheng Dun, who was hit by Lin Qing's head hammer on the face, had just wiped off the blood on his face and regained his vision, when he saw Zheng Ming lying on the ground. , that silly-looking Lin Qingqi was sitting on his master's chest, his left hand blocked the pulse gate of Zheng Ming's right hand, preventing him from exercising his true energy. With a big slap in the face, he cursed at the same time: "Just you two bastards, you still want to take advantage of the young master, and don't take a piss to look like yourself, do you think you two are cheap?"

Seeing that the young master of the Zheng family who was usually aloof was beaten up like this, Zheng Dun, who was born as a servant of the Zheng family, was suddenly taken aback. He didn't care that his nose bone was broken, and he was about to rush over with a roar.

Lin Qing, whose back was facing Zheng Dun, immediately stood up as if he had long eyes behind his head, his left hand still grasped the pulse gate of Zheng Ming's right hand, took advantage of the situation and turned Zheng Ming's body over, lying on the ground , then stepped on Zheng Ming's neck with his right foot, pointed at Zheng Dun with his right hand and shouted: "You dog slave, one more step forward, I'll break his neck!"

Seeing that his master was restrained, Zheng Dun was stunned and dared not go forward again.

At this time, after Lin Qing turned over and stepped on Zheng Ming's neck, he happened to see his striped black golden leopard was bitten by Lin Qing's spiritual pet, its head was covered with blood, and it was already lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, not daring to move. Seeing Zheng Dun standing there bewildered, he immediately shouted out of embarrassment, "You dead slave, why don't you kneel down quickly, it's not you who instigated trouble, how could I be humiliated like this." (To be continued.) )

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