Earth Emperor

Chapter 135

Updated: 2013-01-15

After laughing for a while, Wu Junhui, who couldn't straighten his back from laughing, supported his knee with one hand, pointed at Lin Qing with the other and said:

"Okay, you kid has the guts to say that you want to take the heads of the two of us. I have to give you this chance too, and you lead the way!"

Then Liu Wuzhong hastily added:

"Boy, if you want to take the opportunity to escape, don't blame grandpa for greeting with a flying sword from behind!"

"Hehe, there are counts, counts!" After Lin Qing replied with a sneer, he summoned the "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon and Wolf Fang Saw" and flew towards Nanfang.welcome to read

Both Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong have special flying swords for flying away, and the speed of escape is not inferior to any magic weapon for flying away, so they are not afraid of Lin Qing speeding up and running away, but keep a distance of less than a hundred feet with Lin Qing. The distance, followed closely behind.


An elegant tea room in Tianjianzong.

Zhuge Jun leaned comfortably on the soft couch, holding a cup of spiritual tea in his forehand, squinting his eyes and smelling the tea intoxicatedly.

Right in front of his soft couch, Wan Long sat upright on the round stool, without any hint of arrogance, but stared at his senior brother intently, expecting him to have a good evaluation of the tea.

Wan Longxing personally picked this tea and fried it with his own Danhuo, because Zhuge Jun loves tea very much and is very particular about it, so he handles it himself.

The Jindanqi master went to make tea for others, which seemed incredible, but Wan Longxing did it very naturally, just because "do what the senior brother likes to do, and say what the senior brother likes to hear," it is Wan Longxing The only principle of doing things.

Suddenly, Zhuge Jun's eyes widened, and his divine light flickered, as if he was searching for something.

"What's wrong, Senior Brother?" Wan Longxing asked cautiously.

"Hehe, Liu Wuzhong and Wu Junhui, two idiots, stopped the boy from the Wanshou Sect, and he led him to escape into the distance, as if he was hiding from the divine sense of the deity. Since he didn't want to let him see, the deity simply Don't watch it." Zhuge Jun took a sip of tea leisurely, savoring it carefully.

"Wu Junhui? Isn't this the eyeliner that Jiang Daoguo put in? Does he want to vent his anger on Shanshan by pulling that brainless Liu Wuzhong?" Wan Longxing knew what happened a few days ago, but wondered why Zhuge Jun didn't care about it. Do not ask.

"Hmph, why are you angry? He was ordered to kill that kid surnamed Lin. Otherwise, why do you think there was so much fuss a few days ago?" Zhuge Jun had everything under control.

"Oh, I understand, but junior brother always feels that the boy surnamed Lin is a bit too prestige." Wan Longxing muttered in a low voice.

"That kid is very sensible. He didn't kill anyone, and he didn't even get seriously injured. Moreover, it was all empty-handed duels. If he won, he didn't win the flying sword of our Heavenly Sword Sect. Why did he send someone to intervene?" Zhuge Jun It seems that he likes to explain to this junior.

"Then Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong are not weak in skill, and they are also ranked high among the disciples in the late stage of foundation establishment. What if we really kill the kid named Lin?" Wan Longxing asked again.

"If you kill it, kill it. Why do we care so much about their Wanshouzong's affairs, but I think it is unlikely that Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong will come back alive." Zhuge Jun raised his eyes and looked into the distance again, as if Can see through walls.

"What, it's impossible? Our two sword students in the late stage of foundation establishment can't kill a white-clothed disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect?" Wan Longxing's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Ordinary white-clothed disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, our sword-student disciples have no problem with one-on-two, but this Lin Qing is not that simple. I just want to use the hands of Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong to test to see if the deity has misjudged the person, and more What's more, if this kid wins, it will be equivalent to helping our sect get rid of the Wan Beast Sect's eyeliner." Zhuge Jun took another sip of tea leisurely, his tone extremely leisurely.

"Even if Lin Qing has some hidden means and can really defeat them, it's not easy to kill them all. Even if Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong are two pigs, they know they can't beat them and run home , Our Heavenly Sword Sect's skill of controlling the sword and escaping the sky is not something that ordinary magic tools can catch up with!" Wan Longxing really didn't understand where Zhuge Jun's full confidence came from.

"If this kid hadn't been sure enough to kill those two idiots, he wouldn't have abducted them and ran away. Otherwise, as long as he persists there for a while, can this deity still pretend not to see?" Zhuge A wise light shone in Jun's eyes.

"Then if Lin Qing really kills Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong, will he let him go?" Wan Longxing was very unwilling.

"Let's go, such an interesting little guy, why don't you let him go back and give Jiang a little more trouble?" Zhuge Jun's eyes flashed a murderous look.

"Hehe, senior brother really wants to accept this kid as his grandson-in-law? I'm a little jealous!" Wan Longxing understood that it's not okay to always be in awe in front of senior brother, and dare to make some small jokes.

"Hehe, let's see if this kid has this blessing!" Zhuge Jun narrowed his eyes and smiled, with a playful look on his face.


The three of them, one in front and two behind, flew south for more than five hundred miles, surrounded by a boundless desert, but Lin Qing had no intention of stopping.

Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong looked at each other in unison. After Wu Junhui winked, the two suddenly accelerated and charged forward. At the same time, the flying sword at their waists pierced Lin Qing's back like a frightened bird flying across the sky. Heart!

The distance of about [-] zhang seems to be quite far, but under the rush of these two people, there are only [-] or [-] zhang left. Golden Core stage monks are also inevitably caught in the trick!

It's just that Lin Qing seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He didn't fly very high. When Wu and Liu rushed forward, he jumped off the "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon and Wolf Tooth Saw". Appearing in mid-air, he and "Sky Star Accompanied by Moon Wolf Fang Saw" faced the two flying swords that had already pierced through the air!

"Dang! Dang!"

Both Wu and Liu didn't expect that Lin Qing would have been on guard for a long time. Their flying swords were thrusting out with all their strength, leaving no strength left. These two flying swords pierced the two magic weapons released by Lin Qing respectively!

After two crisp sounds, Lin Qing was shaken slightly by the aftermath of mana, but finally blocked the two swords. Fortunately, the flying swords of these two are top-grade magic weapons, so their power is not bad. Limited, his "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" and "Overlord Axe" didn't suffer any damage.

Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong saw that Lin Qing was able to double-control magic weapons, and the grade of the two magic weapons was not inferior to his own flying sword, so they finally paid more attention to the young man in front of him.

The two of them have been cooperating for a long time, without any need to discuss, they directly drew an arc and flew to both sides of Lin Qing, intending to make him miss the other!

For other monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, when faced with this situation, there is nothing they can do. Even if they can dual-control magic weapons, they certainly cannot defend against two flying swords at the same time.

Because among all magic weapons, flying sword's escape speed is well-deservedly ranked first, and flying sword's attack power is also very sharp, defenses such as magic shields are basically useless, so there is no special automatic defensive magic weapon protection Under the circumstances, it is impossible to deal with this kind of attack!

After preventing the sneak attack of these two people, Lin Qing shouted angrily:

"Despicable, shameless! You are still disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, why are you so shameless!"

The reason why Lin Qing was able to block the sneak attack, besides being careful all the time and observing behind with his spiritual sense, was mainly because he had practiced the secret method of "Earth Spirit Gate" "Quenching God Jue".

This kind of special spell for tempering his spiritual sense not only made his spiritual sense extremely powerful, but also helped him to multi-task when he was fighting. He was able to successfully block Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong's flying sword attack,

"Hey, I told you a long time ago that I came here to avenge my two cousins. Naturally, I will use all possible means. What does it have to do with our Heavenly Sword Sect? You still come here with your life!" I feel that sneak attack is a disgraceful thing.

After he and that Liu Wuzhong failed to succeed in a blow, they immediately circled and flew around Lin Qing like a butterfly piercing flowers, making it impossible for him to lock his position. It pierced from an incredible angle, and the flexibility of "Tianxing Axe" and "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Spike Saw" cannot be compared with it at all!

Facing Wu and Liu, who can control the flying sword to shuttle back and forth, and at the same time control the other flying sword to attack, Lin Qing felt extremely uncomfortable. In the unfavorable situation of being completely passive and beaten.

Under normal circumstances, the spiritual consciousness of ordinary foundation-building stage monks is not enough to meet the needs of dual-control magic weapons for complex manipulation at the same time, but the "Sky Sword Sect" is an exception.

As the top sword cultivator sect, the "Heavenly Sword Sect"'s skills are extremely special, allowing the practicing monks to control flying swords with very little knowledge, and the "Tianjianzong" monks When controlling the flying sword to escape the sky, the flying sword under his feet is almost equivalent to his own legs, and his flexibility is not even inferior to the natal magic weapon, so he has an advantage in fighting skills.

Fortunately, Lin Qing's combat experience is very rich. When he saw that the situation was not good, with a thought, the "Soldier Fighting Victory Armor" quickly appeared on his body, and at the same time he took the "Slaughter Blade" in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, both the "Batian Axe" and "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" were pushed to the maximum, and they shrank two feet away from Lin Qing, circling and dancing like a bunch of hedgehogs Similar, this barely persisted.

"Heh! This kid really has a lot of magic weapons. Brother Liu, we can make a small fortune by killing him!" Wu Junhui's eyes were already glistening with greed. [(m) Read without pop-up window]

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